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Advanced High Intensity Training Variables

In previous articles I explained in great detail the many different HIT or high intensity techniques that are used to increase intensity during bodybuilding training to dramatically increase muscle size and strength.

Variables such as forced reps, negatives, negative-accentuated, omni-contraction, rest-pause and many others were included in routines that reward the bodybuilder with much more rapid gains than traditional, lower intensity programs will.

One of the techniques, Rolling Static Partials, was utilized in several of the routines. Instead of rehashing all of the variables explained in my previous article this article is going to focus on my Rolling Static Partials variable, explaining it in more detail.

What makes this HIT variable so effective? Each of the other variables effect the muscles being trained in a unique way. Rolling Static Partials combine the benefits of all three.

Burn reps increase the intensity by quickly accelerating demands on the muscle by grinding out additional short reps after the trainee is no longer capable of completing more full reps.

Partials, or zone reps, focus on maximizing effort on different portions of an exercise and enable the lifter to hit muscular failure more than once during an exercise. There are endless variations on zones in an exercise so this variable allows one to train a muscle with what amounts to a new exercise every session if desired.

Super-X Contractions is a versatile technique, which like zone partials, offers nearly limitless variations. For example, holds can be done at the sticking point of an exercise or at the portion, or zone, where you are strongest. TOC, or time under contraction, can be 1-40 seconds in duration depending on the desired effect. This is one of the most, if not the most intense variable, making it one of the most productive for muscle-building and strength development.

Partial Reps

One of the most effective variables for overcoming and training beyond sticking points in an exercise, whether its one of the power lifts or a regular training exercise, is partial reps. This is due to its ability to isolate and train an individual portion of a movement and build its strength. This in turn enables heavier weights to be used and additional strength to be built.

Another reason this technique is so effective is the multiple times failure is achieved during a set. When an exercise is done in the traditional way failure is attained once. When partials are used each zone is taken to failure, increasing total set failure 3-6 times! Remember the success of a set, and training for that matter, is the amount of effort put forth. If sets aren't taken to failure then the results obtained will be substantially less than what is possible.

The variations within a partial set are virtually unlimited. A rep can be divided in half, thirds, quarters or any combination. A rep can be restricted to a very limited range and further divided into training zones. As you can see the opportunities are unlimited when it comes to this technique.

Repairing defects in free weight exercises

One of the problems with free weights is the imperfect leverage the barbell or dumbbell gives during an exercise. There are points in an exercise where the barbell gives ideal resistance but the angles vary greatly and resistance levels change dramatically throughout. Properly calibrated weight machines fix this problem by varying the resistance level as the leverage changes to maintain the proper workload for a given muscle. Partial reps allow us to remedy the leverage problem by changing the weight for each zone mimicking the action of high quality weight machines.

Lets break down a dumbbell curl and see how we can improve it by zone training. If you typically use 50 pounds in the dumbbell curl do 8 reps in the bottom third zone to failure. Immediately reduce the weight to 40 lbs and do as many reps to failure as you can in the middle third. Reduce the weight further to 30 lbs and do as many reps as you can do in the upper zone.

As you can see, we have altered the weight in a similar way that a weight machine does to provide an even resistance level throughout the curl, increasing its effectiveness.

This principle can be used in any free weight exercise where there are mechanical disadvantages.

Rolling Static Partials are performed in the following way:

Bench Press- 12 reps

Press the bar up 1/3rd of the way and hold for 10 seconds before pressing the bar to mid-point. Do a series of short 2-4 inch fast pulsing reps before doing 4 reps in the top zone of the lift. Continue doing random holds, burn reps and partial reps until you have completed a total of 12 reps.

This variable can be used with any exercise to break through sticking points and allow heavier weights to be used during the traditional performance of an exercise.

Give this a try and you will surely build more muscle and strength faster than before.

David Groscup is a leading author/trainer in HIT, High Intensity Training, a form of weight training that uses brief, intense training to achieve outstanding results.

His books have been used by many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts around the world to rapidly obtain new muscle strength, size and fitness results.

See his books at http://www.amazon.com/author/davidgroscup

And blog at: http://drhitshighintensitybodybuilding.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_R_Groscup


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