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How to Gain Weight Fast: 7 Tips for Skinny Guys

Gaining weight can be so frustrating for anyone - trust me I know I was a super skinny guy for years. I know how it feels to bust your butt in the gym 5 days a week and not put on a single pound! Some guys seem to be able to train 3 times per week and eat whatever they want and still look amazing. Well lucky for them they have great genetics on their side.
So what about the rest of us?
After months of article reading, researching and talking to the "big guys" I have found some great tips that work amazingly well. I have transformed my body and so can you! So I have decided to share what I have found with you.
This article will give you the tools that you need to go out there and achieve the physique you desire. I will be giving you specific advice on nutrition, training and lifestyle that I want you to read and follow.
How to Gain Weight and Build Lean Muscle
Tip#1 Goal Setting
Before you start you need to set some realistic goals that are personal to you! If you don't have goals then you're training and dieting becomes less specific. Achieving your goals regularly will motivate you to keep going and train harder and diet smarter.
To achieve your desired long term results you need to set short term goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time scale).
A good guide for gaining lean muscle fast is to try and put on at least 2lbs per month. A lot of people will think this is slow but your body can only build so much muscle at a time, the rest will be stored as fat.
Tip#2 Analyse your Current Diet
This is a time consuming but critical part of learning how to gain weight fast and improve your eating habits. Over the course of a week try and write down every bit of food or drink that passes your lips. You can then use an excellent app called My Fitness Pal to analyse how many calories you are consuming on a daily basis. Better still; the app will break down those calories in to protein, carbohydrates, fat and other minerals for you.
Once you have done this for a week you can then add up your daily calorie intake and divide the total number by 7 to find out your average daily calorie intake.
Tip#3 Make Changes to your Diet
Now you know your average calorie intake, you should;
  1. Calories: Add between 300-400 calories a day more to your existing average calorie intake
  2. Protein: Consume 1.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight.
  3. Fats: 20-30% of your daily calorie intake should be from healthy fats.
  4. Carbohydrates: The rest of you calories should come from carbohydrate, fruit and vegetables.
Tip#4 Eat Quality Food
Try to eat good quality protein, carbohydrate and fats. This will ensure that you aren't packing too much unwanted fat. Add these foods to your shopping list;
  • Protein: White fish, lean poultry, lean red meat, canned tuna, eggs, skimmed milk and lentils
  • Carbohydrates: Wholemeal bread, jasmine rice, potatoe, pasta, bagel, oatcakes
  • Fats: Olives, nuts, seeds, fish oil, flaxseed oil, peanut butter
Tip#5 Use Supplements
If you can afford supplements then you should use them! They are an excellent way to easily fit in high quality calories in to your busy day. Ensure you stick to the basics of whey protein, creatine, mulit vitamins and BCAA's.
Tip#6: Workout with Compound Exercises
If you're not doing so already then you need to start working out. A beginner should aim to train 3-4 times per week with a rest day in between to help you recover.
To gain weight you need to do what's called compound exercises. These are multi-joint exercises that stress lots of muscle groups at the same time - exactly what you need to do to gain weight fast. Examples of these exercises are:
  • Squats - An excellent all body exercise. A trainer once told me, 'Big legs, big boy'.
  • Deadlift - Great for strengthening your hamstrings, glutes an core.
  • Bench Press - The bench press will help you develop your chest, triceps and shoulders
  • Pull ups - Pull ups aren't easy but your back and biceps will explode in size with this exercise
  • Shoulder Press - Try to use free weights over using shoulder press machines.
Tip#7 Rest and Re-hydrate
Your non workout days are more important than your workout day! That's right. Use your rest day to re-hydrate, re-fuel and relax. If you don't rest then how and when do you expect your body to relax?
Feed your body with quality foods like the ones discussed in tip 4 and drink plenty of pure water.
I hope you have found this article useful. If you want to learn these tips in more detail and read more muscle building secrets then you should check out my website by clicking the link below.
Good Luck!
What if I Just Can't Gain Weight?
I know how difficult it can be to gain weight fast. If you really want to build solid lean muscle and get the body you want, you'll need to learn a simple method that works amazingly well. If you find all of this a bit time consuming and confusing and you just want to take action then click the link below.


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