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Whiter Teeth Helps Build Self Confidence

When you are initially introduced to anyone for the first time you form an instant impression about that person based purely on their appearance.
You may not be conscious that you are doing it but it is a fact that everyone does it. We normally refer to this as forming our first impression of the person, and as all of us are aware 'you never have a second chance to form that first impression'.
Rightly or wrongly the initial impression that we form of the person is to a large extent based on their overall appearance. It has nothing to do with their personality because at this point the person has possibly not uttered a word.
We form our opinion of that person, albeit subconsciously, on the way they dress, their cleanliness, their overall manner and various additional factors. All of this takes place in a split second and from that initial meeting we, largely decide whether we do, or do not actually like that person.
You also learn a lot from the face of the individual. Do they appear happy, sad for example. Are they young, elderly. Are they working class, do they work indoors or out of doors do we think that they may be office workers or do we perceive them to be higher up the social scale and hold some sort of management post.
When I look at someones face one of the things that I always take note of is the condition of the individuals teeth (maybe this is something peculiar to me). I notice whether they are straight or crooked, whether there are gaps where teeth have been lost and whether or not the persons teeth are clean or stained.
The state of a persons teeth can have a huge impact on aspects of that individuals life. Some that they will be aware of and some that they will not be aware of.
Firstly the appearance of your teeth plays a significant part in your overall self confidence. individuals with teeth in poor condition are far less likely to smile broadly as they are self conscious about the problem. They tend to smile with their mouths closed in order not to expose their teeth.
This lack of self confidence can have far reaching effects in all sorts of regions of that persons life.
From a social point of view it can have repercussions with regard to how you interact with friends and acquaintances and also how you act in the company of members of the opposite sex. If you are aware of a personal defect you invariably believe hat others will also be aware of it.
From the point of view of your work badly presented teeth can certainly be a disadvantage. This is obviously not true in every type of job but is certainly true if you have a job that requires you to meet people on a regular basis (sales for example).
If you have missing teeth of teeth that are crooked you will probably have little choice but to visit your dentist to get the problem fixed.
If on the other hand you simply have teeth that are stained or discoloured there are various ways in which you can learn how to clean stains from teeth.
You could always have your dentist treat the problem for you but this will almost definitely involve you in making more than one visit to the surgery and will also involve a reasonably large amount of cost which will depend on the type of treatment that your dentist finally recommends and undertakes.
As an alternative to visiting your dental practitioner if you merely want to learn about how to care teeth there are several teeth whitening and bleaching kits for home use that are available. These teeth whitening kits for home use are reasonably cheap to buy and are safe and easy to use and offer you the chance to improve your appearance and self confidence which could have all sorts of positive benefits in both your social and working environment.


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