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Toenail Fungus Remedies - 3 Things To Avoid and 3 Things To Do

Whether you are suffering from toenail fungus infection or have had it before, the steps mentioned below will put you in a situation whereby you will either be able to prevent the spread of the fungi to other toenails or even prevent you from getting the infection in the first place.
Try these simple steps:
Avoid covering up your feet all the time
This is very key to preventing toenail fungus in the first place and also a way to prevent it spreading
to the other toenails. If you allow your feet to have a lot of fresh air, you are giving your feet the opportunity to be removed from a constrained environment. If your feet are constantly inside your shoes especially covered ones then your feet will become used to the warm environment your shoe provides thus giving the fungi the opportunity to breed. In other words it is a welcome call to the fungus to grow.
Avoid wearing the same shoes for a long period of time
It is advisable to inter change your shoes as much as possible. Your feet get used to being in the same shoes for a long time and before you know it, the fungi begins to grow in your shoes and then gets transferred to your toenails. It is a good idea to change your shoes in order to prevent your feet getting used to a particular shoe and allowing the fungi the opportunity to grow within.
In the same vein, if possible avoid sharing your shoes with others because it would amount to the same thing if you wear a different pair of shoes one day and wear another the next, but meanwhile, the shoes you are not wearing is being worn by someone else which in essence means the shoes have not had any break.
Avoid wearing the same socks everyday
This is very important and sometimes could be overlooked. If you are in the habit of wearing the same socks even just for a week and then changing them, then perhaps you should look into the possibility of changing them each day. If possible, get yourself cotton socks which are beneficial to your feet because they allow your feet to "breathe" through them.
Do wash your feet properly all the time
If you have toenail fungus or have had it in the past, then it would be important for you to make sure you wash your feet properly. Maintaining hygiene in this area goes a long way in preventing the spread of the toenail infection and getting it in the first place.
Do make note of any cuts on your feet
Whilst it is very easy to sustain cuts on one's feet without noticing, it is important to make it a point of duty to make the effort of observing one's feet for these things. Toenail fungus enters and spreads easily through cuts in the feet. So be sure to be on the lookout. This is most especially if you are the type that uses public facilities such as swimming pool on a regular basis.
Do get yourself toenail clippers
There is nothing like having a pair of toenail clippers that does the job. It is better to have one's toenail's cut short so therefore invest in a good pair of toenail clippers and make sure it is for your own use only - do not attempt to share it with others. This is a way of preventing the spread of the toenail fungus from you or to you.
In conclusion, taking these basic steps will no doubt ensure that toenail fungus is either prevented or if one already has it, then one would be able to prevent the spread to other toenails.
From: Kifayat Adeyemo


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