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Natural Home Remedies For Sensational Spring Hair

What a crazy winter we had in the United Kingdom. Once again we had the wettest winter since records began 250 years ago. In fact we topped the records at 517mm of rainfall in the winter of 2014, beating the previous record that was held in 1995 of 485mm. It just seems like the winters get colder and wetter year after year. So it's great news that finally spring has officially started in the UK and from some meteorological predictions, we might be in for an unseasonably warm summer this year. Scientists in Germany are predicting that Britain could be in for a sizzling summer. Academics at Justus Liebig University in Giessen said we could benefit from an unusual weather pattern, which happens when waters on the Pacific equator become unusually warm.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a great summer, but for right now, spring has finally arrived and here are our top healthy tips and home remedies you can try to keep hair healthy and gorgeous this spring.
Trim Those Ends
During the dreary cold, wet and dark months of winter our hair hasn't been very well loved. It's probably been sitting under a hat or has been wrapped up in a scarf, or just generally has been hidden away. The cold harsh winds have sucked the life out of hair and especially at the ends hair can tend to become split and extremely coarse. Now is the time to book an appointment with your favourite hair dresser and let them work their magic to trim off those dry and damaged ends. Not only will this give hair a fresh look and feel, but it will also give you the additional benefit of having a new mind-set coming into spring.
Hair Mask
We all know that we can put mud masks and hydrating masks on our face, but many of us don't know that we can realise the same benefits by putting a mask on our hair. Hair coming out of winter can be badly damaged and stripped of natural oils from the extended amount of time that we spend in dry artificially heated homes and offices. Now that spring has arrived and we will be showing our hair to the world a lot more, let's put some of that important moisture back in. A hair mask can be purchased from any beauty shop, but making a natural one from ingredients found around the home is not only economically sound but actually is much better for us because we can tailor the hair mask to our own specific needs. An all round recipe for a great hair mask is to apply an avocado mask to hair. As a natural beauty product, avocado oil can not be beat. The oils in avocados actually resemble the natural oils in our hair and skin more than oils that are added to pharmaceutical bought beauty products. Just grab a few avocados and mash them up until they are an easily spreadable paste. Apply to damp clean hair and leave in for 15 minutes, rinse with tepid water and this will leave hair feeling silky smooth.
Protein Treatments
Sometimes we watch movie stars on the red carpet and think to ourselves, "Wow, this person's hair is so full of body and textured. How do they do it?". The secret to having hair that is full of body is protein. Protein treatments for hair are all the rage this spring and there are a lot of products on the shelf out there that make lots of claims, but the most natural protein hair treatments can be found in your pantry right now. Egg yolks are full of protein and natural oils and fats (such as Omega-3 fatty acids), when used as a hair treatment these natural qualities of egg yolks impart themselves to our hair. Take the yolk of two eggs (beaten) and apply to clean, damp hair. Leave it in the hair for 20 mins then rinse with cold water (make sure it's cold water and not hot, or else you will have scrambled eggs in your hair!) then wash hair. The high amount of protein and natural fats in the egg yolk will help to enrich hair with moisture and body that the cold winter has stripped away.
Remove Chlorine From Shower Water
No matter how many masks, treatments or conditioners we put into our hair there is one vital aspect of our hair care routine that if we do not address, will make all of our efforts go to naught. Every day when we shower we are exposing our hair to a Chlorine laden water supply. Chlorine is an extremely corrosive disinfectant that is used in many industries as a solvent. Upon contact with any types of oils (whether that's the natural oils that our body produces, or the oils that we put into our hair treatments) it will strip away that oil immediately. We need to be extremely careful to ensure that in our showers we remove Chlorine before it touches our hair, to do this we can install a simple shower filter or a shower head that has a filter inside it. By removing this Chlorine our hair will continue to produce natural oils that will keep hair healthy and vibrant and if we top that up with the natural treatments above, we can be sure that during this spring our hair will look better than it has ever looked before.
UV Protecting Shampoo
Our final tip for this spring is to use a good quality UV protecting shampoo. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we get a lot of sunshine this spring. Even though we love how the warming rays of the sun feels and how it lifts our mood, the sun shine also comes with a nasty surprise. In the form of harmful Ultra Violet rays which can damage and prematurely age hair. Finding a good quality UV protecting shampoo from our local beauty store is definitely a must have to protect hair from the damaging and ageing effect of the sun's UV light. Though as an added benefit of using the above natural treatments, by keeping the natural oils in hair that are produced by our scalp, these oils have a naturally inherent ability to protect from UV light as well. Isn't mother nature grand?
We hope you've enjoyed these little natural tips on how to keep hair healthy and vibrant this spring and please remember that in terms of health, you get out what you put in. So try to cut down on chemicals and additives in our lives and try to live more naturally.
If you are looking for a great shower filter which will remove chlorine and other harmful contaminants to keep your hair look it's best this spring then we highly recommend that you visit PureShowers.co.uk - the UK's #1 Shower Filter store.


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