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Feeling Tired or Worn Out? 12 Things You Can Do To Feel Better

Our days are filled with so many things to do.
We are busy working, cleaning, fixing, shuttling, driving, running errands for ourselves or others, juggling schedules, going to appointments, meetings, hospitals, etc.
No wonder we feel tired, and those are just the daily or weekly routines.
Then you add stress, worry, illness, loss, doubt, tough choices, sadness, unhappiness, or heart ache to your day or week, and now your tiring day just became emotionally exhausting as well.
I'm sure you have had days, weeks, and perhaps even months where you feel physically, emotionally, or spiritually worn-out; when you wish things were different.
Circumstances don't always change as quickly as we would like. Sometimes the outcomes we anticipated don't turn out the way we had hoped, or our busy schedules somehow become even busier and we are left feeling weary in more ways than one.
Here are some things you can do that could be helpful when you are feeling depleted and defeated. You may not feel like running a marathon or that all is rosy, but you might find you feel a little better than you otherwise would.
Prioritize. What can you let go of that's on your list of things to do today? When you are feeling tired or overwhelmed is not the time to take on more tasks; it's a time to let a few go. Prioritize what HAS to be done as opposed to what you would like to HAVE done.
Ask for help and/or support. Asking for help isn't always easy but it is necessary especially during tough or overly busy times. Maybe you can ask for someone to bring you a tea, or keep you in their thoughts or prayers, or perhaps help with chores, meals or groceries, or they could call someone for you, give you hug, take you out, visit, etc.
Go for a walk or exercise. When you are feeling tired, exercising or going for a walk may be the last thing on your mind, but believe it or not, movement is good for your body and mind. It doesn't have to be long or strenuous. Keep it simple. Do what feels right for you. You might be surprised that your mood lightens and your energy increases.
Reach for fruit and vegetables. Often when you are extremely busy or have a lot going on you tend to eat things that aren't always the healthiest. There is nothing wrong with indulging, but don't over-indulge. Carbohydrates and sugars slow your metabolism and energy down which won't be helpful if you're feeling tired, so try to keep healthier items on hand.
Do something special just for you. Acknowledge how you've been feeling and plan to do something nice. Maybe a manicure, or a lunch or dinner out with someone, or watching or going to a feel good movie, or buying yourself some flowers or something special. This day is just for you, from you.
Leave yourself uplifting or encouraging notes. Write some encouraging words or phrases that are inspiring. Be your own cheerleader! Examples: Today may not be easy but I will get through it. I don't have to do everything today. I can do it. I love you. I am beautiful/handsome. This too shall pass.
Sit in the sunshine. If you can, sit outside for 15 minutes in the sun. A little sunshine and nature can go a long way.
Think of what you do for others. What sort of things do you do for others when they are struggling? Can you do some of these for you? Can you show yourself that kindness, love, care and support?
Visualize. Visualization continues to be used for healing, increased energy, relaxation, manifestation, goals, balancing, centering, joy, peace, forgiveness, etc. Find or make up a visualization that you feel might be helpful for your situation. What would you like to see happen? Visualizing or meditating feels good and does benefit our lives.
Have a bath. A lot of people prefer showering, but if you can, have a warm, relaxing bath. You can add bubble bath, or put in your favourite essential oils that uplift or relax you. You can light some candles, listen to music or just enjoy the silence and stillness.
Wear colours. When you are down and out, or lacking energy, or having a tough time, add a little colour to your day. Put on a colourful scarf, pair of socks, a sweater, poncho, etc. What are your favourite colours? Wear something that has that colour in it.
Do the best you can do. You don't have to do everything and be everywhere. Some days you may be able to do more than on others so don't beat yourself up. Do the best you can do.
Remember, when you are feeling tired, when you think you've had enough, hold onto your hopes and dreams, your happy thoughts and cherished moments, and most importantly, to your family, friends, and God (whatever you believe this to be).
Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique&trade.
Sign up today for your FREE Special Report - 3 Key Insights That Can Change Your Life! http://www.TheInsightTechnique.com
Kimberley is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy and Polarity Therapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in transforming limiting mindsets.
Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of unlimited possibilities. http://www.TheInsightTechnique.com


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