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A Sexy, Muscle-Toned Body - As Simple As ABC!

When was the last time you got dressed, took a look in the mirror and thought "Wow! Look at that shape - I look hot and sexy!" If your answer is "never" or "since I was a teenager" or "just before I had my first baby", then don't despair. It is possible for you to get that feeling of self-confidence and self-love everyday when you look at your reflection in the mirror by simply doing a few things differently. And if you want to fit into that sexy pair of jeans and be the envy of all your friends, listen up! It's as simple as ABC!
A - Activity: Get those muscles moving!
A little extra activity throughout the day goes a long way in helping you to get that sexy, toned physique and svelte shape. if an aerobics session is not your thing then you can work some other activities into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk over to your co-worker's office instead of picking up the phone, play catch with your children regularly, dance in the shower (with your skid pads in place of course).
Just get up and move those muscles!
Whatever it is just get more active. Do something to whip those muscles into shape every single day. I realized the power of a little extra activity a few years ago. My wife kept complaining that she was losing a lot of weight really fast and she insisted that needed to visit the doctor especially since diabetes runs in her family. When the doctor could find nothing wrong physically, he asked her whether she had changed her eating habits or anything else in her life. She could think of nothing save and except for the fact that for the past 2 weeks she had had to take a daily 10 minute walk due to the fact that her car was being repaired. Bam! That was it! She had lost a lot of weight by simply walking for 10 minutes per day! Wow! She couldn't believe it since like so many people, she thought that exercise had to be a structured thing such as an aerobics class or weight lifting exercises. That daily 10 minute walk was doing wonders for her and it could do wonders for you too. So put one foot in front of the other and start moving!
B - Balance: Everything in moderation
While sugars and carbohydrates provide us with the energy that we need for our daily activities, too much will do us more harm than good. When it comes to carbohydrates, sugars and fats, the key is balance. Too much sugar in the blood causes a surge in insulin levels which causes excess sugar to be stored as fat within the cells.
This is where many people fail in their weight loss efforts. This is also why many so many persons suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you are at the point where it's so bad that you are pre-diabetic or already have diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you could benefit from supplementing your diet with something that balances your blood sugar levels throughout the day. You should maintain a sensible diet that does not entail starving yourself or living solely on vegetables and salads. Your diet should be balanced and should consist of a good percentage of protein to support muscle building and repair.Every meal should consist of some protein and it is of vital importance that breakfast, arguably the most important meal of the day, be chock full of protein. Having a protein shake or a protein meal replacement for breakfast is an effective way of fueling your body and getting it ready and able for the day ahead.We need our muscles to be strong so that we can carry out even simple activities that we give little thought to such as driving or pushing around a grocery cart with a toddler perched on top.
C - Consistency: Discipline yourself and make it a habit
Beyonce did not become 'bootylicious' by working out for one day and sitting on the couch for the next 6 days during the week. That girl gets up everyday and gets active. Yes, she may have been born with good genes but she has to remain consistent and push herself really hard to stay in great shape. It's all about discipline and consistency. Don't think for a minute that Tina Turner achieved those toned, sexy legs by being inconsistent.Remember that it takes 21 days to form a habit so you must remain consistent for at least 21 consecutive days. You don't have to do an hour of exercise per day but you need to do something every day.
Okay, snap out of it! Stop daydreaming and let's get you in a bathing suit by summer. Take the 90 day challenge to a sexy, toned, muscle-bound, svelte body. It's as simple as Activity, Balance and Consistency! - See more at: http://www.triphysique.com/sexy-muscletoned-body-simple-abc/#sthash.vVu59lVI.dpuf


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