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Why Walking Works

Walking is an activity that people either look on as a chore or as a way of life. For me it is a pleasure that I indulge in whenever I can, and I'll tell you why. Hopefully you will join the walkers of the world as a result!
One of the chief benefits of walking is the physical exercise that it builds into your daily life, with the minimum of cost, equipment or risk of injury. It is an activity that almost everyone can take part in, regardless of age or fitness levels. It is relatively low impact, so has minimal risk of damaging joints, and can be easily built up as your stamina and fitness increase. Starting from a relatively short, level stroll you can progress at your own rate to longer, faster walks over more challenging terrain; taking in hills for example.
It is widely reported that too few people in the West take anything like enough exercise, and this increases the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Walking can make a real contribution to your long -term health, especially if you challenge yourself by taking gradually more challenging walks.
All you need is comfortable clothing, and good, comfortable shoes. The more difficult the conditions under-foot, the more likely it is that you will benefit from shoes with good grip and support to the ankle, but for a beginner comfort is the focus. There is a range of additional equipment that you may find helpful, such as walking or hiking poles, but their usefulness will depend on your personal fitness and circumstances.
Walking can save you money too, and help the environment. If you walk rather than taking the car you can save on fuel and car parking fees, as well as wear and tear on your vehicle. I even enjoy walking to the shops for groceries, provided of course that I am not buying more than I can safely carry. And no carbon emissions as a result.
Less well-promoted benefits exist too.
Walking gives you time to think, something which more strenuous exercises such as running may not. I find I often sort out problems while I am walking, or remember a birthday card that needs posting. It may just be the rhythmic, gentle activity, or it may be that subconsciously I am picking up on aspects of the environment that help my thought processes (passing a postman for example), but I nearly always come home with my mind made up about something that I have been pondering.
Walking gets you out into the community. You bump into neighbours, and see all sorts of things that are happening in your area that you would have missed in a car.
Last but not least, you should find that walking lifts your mood too.
Of course, sometimes time is short and walking is not practical. But if you walk whenever you can you'll be amazed at how much healthier and happier you become.
Read my thoughts on life, society, health and happiness in my short blogs at http://www.clevedonmag.com


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