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Why Are There Lines In My Forehead?

Do you say this to yourself when you look in the mirror "I see lines in my forehead." "Why?"
Why does skin that was once smooth, soft and supple start showing lines especially lines in my forehead?
The easy answer is you are getting older, but that is only partly the reason. Aging doesn't fully explain what's happening.
The cause of lines and wrinkles -- is a loss of collagen and elastin. These two elements are what make skin, soft, supple and flexible and have done so -- since you were a baby with baby perfect skin.
As we age our body's production of collagen and elastin lessens. This means skin just isn't as resilient as it once was and telltale signs -- lines and wrinkles start showing up.
Other factors add to the problem. Not bothering to use sunscreen/sunblock can make matters worse. Dermatologists call this 'sun screen neglect' and it certainly contributes to the problem. Because the UVB & UVA rays cause skin damage.
Besides using appropriate amounts of sun block on a regular basis is there anything else that can be done?
Yes!! The key is getting your body to produce greater levels of collagen and elastin.
OK that makes sense, but how can you do that? Are there - skin care products that will increase the amount of elastin and collagen your body can produce?
You bet there are! But for skin care products to help your body increase production of elastin and collagen!!! Those products - need to be of high quality and designed to do the job.
A number of skin care products available do not aid in increasing production of these two important elements. You must be careful in the products you choose. Some unscrupulous skin care manufacturers offer products which do in fact contain collagen. The Collagen is added right to the cream, lotion, suave or ointment.
Be aware this does NOT work. Added collagen can not be absorbed by your body. The molecules are too large to pass through human skin.
Trying to increase your collagen by absorbing it through your skin -- is a fool's errand, Any company that promotes this -- should be avoided.
What you want are products that will enhance your body's ability to manufacture its own collagen and elastin.
OK now here is the million dollar question. Are there--skin care products that can stimulate your body to make more of these two elements?
Damn right!!!!
A terrific little company has chosen not to advertise its products in the traditional way, nor do they sell those products in stores, but rely completely on word of mouth, referral marketing, and only sell those products through the internet.
How sure are they of their products? Well they are the only company I am familiar with that offers customers a full - 365 day money back guarantee.
So click on this link to learn more about ==> awesome skin care products that not only did you NOT know existed, but you didn't even know could exist.
Terry Johnston is lead researcher and head writer at Health Body and Skin.Com with an abiding interest in anything that will help maintain people's health and beauty. He searches the Internet for quality products and services. For more information please visit Terry's Web Site Health Body And Skin today!


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