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Using Your Character Strengths to Support Your Exercise Routine - Part Two

Exercise. It's such a valuable thing to do. It's great for both your mental and physical health and is something we should all be doing. You can exercise indoors, outdoors, alone or with others. There is something for us all. Despite all this, sometimes we can struggle trying to get into a regular routine of exercise as well as maintaining our motivation once we are started. As such, I thought it would be useful to draw on your 24 character strengths to help you on your fitness journey. Hopefully you will be motivated by all the ideas that follow. However, take particular note of the ones that are your signature strengths as you can use these to motivate you the most.
I have divided this article into four parts. In this part I talk about using the following strengths: persistence, authenticity, vitality, love, kindness and social intelligence.
Persistence is such a valuable strength to draw upon in your exercise journey. You can practise persistence during a routine: when you fight to do one more rep, or run a greater distance. The moment you think you are going to quit, resist the urge and force yourself to fight it. Even if you only go a little further than imagined, you have still proven something to yourself. You can also use persistence when starting out with exercise. Many, many exercise programs make promises of a 'new you in 30 days' or how much weight you will lose. The reality is that exercise should be a lifestyle thing and not just for a month. If you accept that exercise is with you long term and the benefits will appear long term, you will not be disappointed when you don't see magical changes in a short space of time. Oh and the benefits will appear - just don't set a time on it. Remember, the moment you think about quitting is the moment you power through and continue on.
Being authentic is about living an honest life and being true to yourself. It allows a person to be themselves without hiding behind a mask or feeling the pressure from others to be a certain way. There are a multitude of exercise options out there, so take the time to choose something that feels right for you. By being authentic it will allow you to do the exercise you want to do, not the exercise you think you ought to do. Personally I enjoy step aerobics. Who cares if it's not trendy or the favoured exercise of celebrities? You may also get a chance to strengthen your authenticity when faced with obstacles. There is a chance that people will mock you for choosing exercise over something else or setting it as a priority in your life. If you have made a commitment to yourself to exercise, make sure you honour it.
Having vitality means you are energised and live life to the fullest. One way to boost your vitality strength is to exercise! So if you feel you need an energy boost - you know what to do. It should be fairly easy to draw on your vitality strength to help you stay on track with your exercise routine. You can use your enthusiasm for life to ensure you jump out of the bed each morning with the promise that you will exercise that day. Just make sure there are not any barriers in the way that will prevent you from getting your exercise. You can also use your zest to inspire you to try new things and push yourself mentally and physically.
Having the character strength of love means a person does not fear getting close to others. They openly love other people and allow people to love them back. Importantly it allows a person to trust another - whether it is family, friend, neighbour or stranger. You can use your strength of love to assist both your own and another person's exercise journey. If you know of a loved one who wants to get started in exercise, but to date has failed to do so, encourage them to do a class with you. Choose something you know you will both enjoy. Give praise for their efforts. In addition, let your love for another motivate you in your own journey. Having a loved one on board means you will be less likely to drop out as you will not want to let them down. Which also means you will not let yourself down.
Kindness is about helping other people without expecting anything in return. People with this strength give to others without effort. If you are a seasoned exerciser, look out for opportunities to share your expertise. It can be helping someone with equipment at the gym, recommending a personal trainer or encouraging a team mate. You can even help strangers by writing a blog of your experiences and sharing your knowledge. Not only will you help others, but you will feel happier from your actions and have a further reason to enjoy your exercise sessions.
Social intelligence
Having social intelligence is about being aware of your own and other people's emotions. It is about tapping into and being mindful of feelings. Social intelligence can be particularly useful for people who do team sports. Try to have empathy for your teammates and workout buddies. Be sensitive to other people's struggles and fears as they begin and progress on their own exercise routine. People work at their own pace.
Social intelligence can also benefit people who work with a personal trainer. It will enable you to own and express your feelings. This is particularly important if you are feeling like you are being pushed into something you do not enjoy. Try to express your needs without getting personal. A good tip is to use the word 'I'. So for example: "I feel overworked", rather than "you are overworking me".
You can also draw on social intelligence when exercising alone. If you find yourself getting angry, upset or impatient during an exercise session, ask yourself what that feeling is and where it is coming from. By acknowledging the feeling, chances are you will be able to do something about it.
Copyright Julia Barnard
You can learn more about the 24 character strengths here.
Julia Barnard is a qualified counsellor and author living in Adelaide, Australia. You can discover more ways to be happy through her book: Promoting Happiness: a workbook to help you appreciate and get the most out of your life.


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