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How to Lose Weight - The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Read

You have a perfect driving record. Been driving for years, and not even a minor fender bender.
One day you're not really paying attention, the car ahead of you stops short. SMASH!
Perfect driving record down the crapper... you say screw it. Pedal to the metal and charge into oncoming traffic
"I'm gonna steam-roll anything that gets in my way!"
Ridiculous right? No sane person would ever react this way. What is so different about dieting? Even the most rational people in the world take this approach to dieting.
"I've been so good for a month now, but I had that piece of cake at the birthday party today. The diet is shot. May as well grab two pizzas, a tub of ice cream, and three bags of Doritos on the way home."
What gives?
Redefining Diet
This is it. The gem you came here to find. How to lose weight forever. It's all about changing the way you think about diet.
A diet is not a diet. From now on this word "diet" does not mean a temporary plan followed for six weeks to lose fat.
It means what you eat day in day out, for the remainder of your natural life.
Diet means meat, eggs, fish, vegetables, berries, nuts, and fruit and carbs depending on your goals. Your diet can be adjusted to help you lose weight, gain muscle, or just stay as you are now. But it is based on eating real food, and it is what you are going to eat every single day, until the day you die. Barring any unforeseen Hollywood endings, this is going to be a long time. It seems pretty likely that at some point before you die, you are going to make a "mistake" or two. But, here's an idea, instead of calling it a mistake, why not call it what it really is? A treat.
An event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure
Out of the ordinary. Not a daily occurrence. Gives great pleasure. Pretty damn tasty.
Have the pizza, the cake, the ice cream. It's a treat, and life should be full of treats of all different kinds. A nice dinner, travelling to another country, a long weekend camping trip, a night at the movies, a slice of cheesecake. Enjoy the treat, then go back to eating real food. There will be another treat soon.
If weight loss is your goal, scheduled cheat meals are an invaluable tool. But, instead of calling them cheat meals, let's say treat meals. There is no cheating involved here, this is all about enjoying something out of the ordinary. Pick a couple meals each week, and treat yourself. Notice the word is meal, not day. Going nuts and gorging for twenty-four hours is the behavior you are trying to avoid. Instead, go out for dinner with friends and eat something you would not normally have in your diet. Have a cheeseburger and fries. Not three cheeseburgers with extra cheese and bacon, fries with gravy, and a side of onion rings, just a regular treat meal.
Make a point not to skip these treat meals. Knowing that you can have a treat every now and then makes sticking to your regular diet of real food much easier. It's tempting to skip them, thinking that you will lose fat faster without them. The problem is that cravings can build up and that is when you find yourself careening down the wrong side of the road with a family sized bucket of KFC in the passenger's seat.
If you really want to be strong and lean for the rest of your life, make the choice to only eat real food, with the odd treat thrown in here and there. Look at the people in your life that have the physique you wish you had. I'm willing to bet that this is the way they eat. Most of the time they eat a balanced diet of meat and vegetables, but once or twice a week they have something out of the ordinary. They don't get down on themselves after eating it, they enjoy it for what it is... a treat.
You can do this too. Get the idea of dieting out of your head, and replace it with healthy eating as a lifestyle choice. Then throw in a treat here and there to enjoy life, and stay sane.
What are your favorite treat meals? When you are trying to lose weight, how long can you comfortably go before the cravings kick in?
We would love to hear from you at http://www.straightupstrength.com. You will find other useful tips on weight loss and muscle building, as well as lots of information on living a fit, healthy life. Hope to hear from you soon!


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