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Did You Know Socially Responsible Drinkers Live Longer?

Alcohol can definitely become an addiction to the form of either binge drinking or alcoholism.
However, many people do not know that there are many great health benefits to drinking if done moderately. People mistakenly attribute drinking in general to all kinds of health risks, but it is drinking too much and too often that is bad for you.
So now it's time to look at what alcohol can really do for you.
First, did you know that drinking beer can actually be attributed to having a much healthier gall bladder? And, red wine in moderation is associated with a lesser risk of heart disease in your older years.
You are probably aware that excessive drinking can cause liver problems and hinder proper functioning. However, this is not something that the responsible drinker has to worry about.
While some people view drinking daily as alcoholism, it is all in how you approach your drinking. For example, an alcoholic exhibits many symptoms and will likely finish off the bottle of wine daily, while the responsible drinker will only consume one or two glasses of wine with a nice dinner.
One of the great benefits of a couple glasses of wine with dinner each day is lessening your chances of developing certain cancers. And even better still, recent trials on red wine drinkers shows there are numerous benefits by having a regular tipple because red wine contains Resveratrol. And one of its main benefits is its anti-ageing properties.
Drinking wine responsibly also helps your good cholesterol levels, which in turn promotes a healthy heart. This good cholesterol is known as your HDL levels, and the wine helps these levels improve.
Not only that but drinking can be enjoyable if done socially and responsibly. You have so much stress in your life, and if you work hard, a little time out to have a couple of drinks and hang out with friends is ideal.
This relaxation time can really serve to promote a healthy heart as well. You can leave things behind, take the stress away a little and just enjoy yourself. People who drink tend to be very active as well, and when choosing which drink to consume, the one with the best health benefits is red wine.
Other alcoholic beverages in moderation also have specific health benefits, like the one mentioned with beer consumption.
The only thing you have to do is to make sure you control your drinking and not let it control you. Then, you are free to enjoy all of the added benefits.
Baby boomer author John Falkinder is the Founder of SteamTrainFitness and specializes in Active Ageing for over 60s. To find out more about anti-ageing and the benefits of enjoying a few glasses of red wine go to: http://www.steamtrainfitness.com/lifestyle-tips-for-healthy-living/fight-ageing-drinking-red-wine/


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