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Plagued by Chronic Hoarseness or Even Loss of Voice?

If a persistent sore throat or chronic hoarseness is something you are experiencing, you need to find out the cause. If you don't, it will likely get worse and possibly result in serious damage to your vocal cords. What I am talking about is vocal abuse and it is becoming more and more prevalent in today's busy and 'noisy' world. If you value your ability to have a voice, either professionally or personally, then you cannot afford to ignore the problem.
As a people, we are using our voices more heavily throughout the day than ever before. In many cases, we are speaking in a louder voice to be heard in 'noisy' environments. This puts tremendous pressure on the throat and vocal cords. Some people actually lose their voice by the end of the day. One woman I spoke to recently told me that she regretted attending a family reunion on a Sunday because she had no voice on Monday.
Trying to speak in loud clubs for several hours at a time, rooting for your favorite sports teams, training, teaching, coaching, campaigning, ministering and public speaking are all scenarios which place a premium on the voice. If your business depends on the ability to communicate orally, then it is in your best interest to stop the abuse immediately.
If you have been to a doctor and you are not sick, then the problem lies in where you are placing your sound. What this means is that you are forcing your voice from your throat and vocal cords - likely on a regular basis. Because you are not getting any amplification from your chest cavity, the strain on your larynx and pharynx is overwhelming; and, it is the reason for the soreness or the hoarseness. In other words, you are pushing your voice much too hard.
When you can learn to power and amplify your voice by changing its placement, you will immediately hear and feel a difference. In addition, you will find it much easier and much less tiring to talk over longer periods of time. You will also have more energy. By the way, increasing your volume does not mean shouting or yelling. If done correctly, increasing your volume without strain to your throat or pain to your listeners' ears is called projection.
When you change how you power your voice, you will also discover a deeper, richer sound in the process. Imagine being able to rely on your voice without pain or discomfort all day, every day and discovering a better sound in the process!
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Nancy's Voice Training site at Voice Dynamic and discover The ower of Your Voice or watch as she describes in more detail The Truth About Vocal Abuse.


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