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How To Control Cravings While On The Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is one of the healthiest diets known to man. It is becoming very popular among the fitness crowd who can attest to its effectiveness. Unlike most fad diets, the paleo diet does not focus on calories or detoxing or even macronutrients.
The paleo diet is not really a diet at all, it is about making the correct food choices. Grains, processed foods, sugar and other processed foods are not allowed in the paleo diet. Some would call it a very restrictive diet. I do not believe that it is. The hard part is that the foods that are restricted are the ones that people seem to love and in some cases are addicted to.
Sugar elimination means that so called comfort foods such as ice-creams, cakes, chocolates, etc. are not allowed. Sadly people do not want to imagine life without indulging in these foods. What is really bad is that these are the foods that are causing so much damage to the human body.
Cravings seem to be the issue that has made so many people fall off the paleo bandwagon. Everyone starts off with good intentions but give up when their cravings get the better of them. This article is written to show you ways to control your cravings. The methods discussed will help you, but you need to be aware, that the cravings will still be there at the beginning. As you progress you will be surprised how the cravings eventually go away.
Unfortunately your body is just used to years of poor food choices and it will take a little time to change the way you eat. All habits good and bad take time to become part of your life. I guarantee that if you stay the course, you will control your cravings and one day, they will be a thing of your past.
One of the best ways to get your cravings under control for sweet foods is to have some sweet foods on standby. Really? Yes... But, not your traditional sweet foods these will be paleo sweet foods. There are a multitude of paleo recipes for smoothies, ice-creams and other desserts that you can find in paleo cookbooks. You may be surprised but a strong craving for chocolate may be diminished by eating a cold, piece of fruit. You'll have to find paleo substitutes for sweet foods.
Always have some on standby because you never know when the cravings will over whelm you. When it hits you, just eat the substitute.
Another procedure to control cravings will be to clear out all the food in your house that does not fit in with your paleo diet. It is a lot easier to overcome temptation when junk food is not easily accessible. Having a chocolate or banana cream pie in the refrigerator is just asking for trouble. Get rid of all these potential problems. Do not rely on your will power.
Plan ahead and bring your own cooked food to work. In the beginning, when you're first starting a paleo diet, it will be good to avoid eating out with friends. Seeing them eat non paleo foods is going to give you cravings, unless of course they are also on a paleo diet. Often, people eat at restaurants or diners together and these are best avoided. It may seem anti-social in the beginning, but once you have overcome your craving this will be much more manageable. The paleo diet is hard at first.
It will take time to conquer it. So,be prepared to tackle the initial problems. However, once you have gotten used to it, you will wish you had started on it sooner. The best things in life require effort and the paleo diet is one of them.
For more info check out http://cavemanweightloss.com/


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