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How I Lost 20 Pounds in 3 Months - Twice!

Almost as long as I've been alive, the topic of weight loss and staying healthy has been one of the hottest subjects of conversation in our society. Many methods have been attempted and used by people who are not happy with their weight and how they look. Some of these methods have worked for people, some haven't.
I would like to share with you my experience. I am not a person who has constantly struggled with my weight. However, I would like to take you back about 15 years ago. I was in my mid-30s. I had always been able to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Now, for the first time in my life this was catching up to me and it affected my weight. My weight was also affected because this was a busy time in my life. I had two young children, and I was progressing at a job, which took up much of my time. As a result, I did not spend much time, if any, exercising.
It was when I started to do some research on what weight I should be that the alarm bells went off. The chart said I was in the overweight category. I wasn't drastically overweight. It was just a few pounds according to the chart. However, I was still in shock. After being almost too thin at times in my life I never dreamed I would ever be considered overweight. Regardless, I was at a point where I didn't look right, and I didn't feel right. It was time to take action.
It didn't take me long to figure out what to do. Every year, my father spent the 40 day period of Lent on a calorie limit. He kept his calories on a low limit and stuck to it. He was never one who drastically needed to lose weight, but he always did during this time. I determined that this would be my plan of action. Since my normal calorie intake should be around 2000, I lowered my limit to 1500. Did it work? Within 3 months, I had lost 20 pounds and was once again at my ideal weight. I felt great again. I did this for me, but other people noticed as well, and commented on how fit I looked.
Fast forward to a year ago. For the most part, I have been good at staying in shape and maintaining my desired weight. However, I again reached a point where it had gone beyond control and I was again in the overweight category. I went back to what I did years ago and enjoyed the same result.
In my life I have had two significant experiences where I felt the need to lose weight and lose it as quickly as possible in a healthy manner. I was successful both times. By no means do I claim to be a weight loss expert or know it all. I share these two easy steps for anyone who may be going through a similar struggle and share the same desire to experience victory in this area. Here are two ways that have worked for me and I believe can help anyone lose weight quickly and successfully:
  • It's all about calories - In my opinion, it's as simple a formula as anyone can think of. In essence, it's the less you eat, the less you'll gain. Unlike other kinds of diets, a calorie diet has no major health risks. Other diets take away carbs, fats, and other necessary ingredients. You're still getting everything here. What I like best about this is you can still eat whatever you want! You're just eating less of it. You also don't have to give up things like social events. For example, if you are having a big family dinner at night, you can still partake completely. You may just have to sacrifice and eat less at other times of the day. The key is to set a calorie limit and stick to it. It is much simpler to do this now with computer programs and apps. I used an app called My Fitness Pal when I did this last year. This will help you set a daily calorie limit based on the amount of weight you want to lose and the time frame you chose. It even tracks your calories for you, and even factors in any exercise you do. It helped me lose 10 pounds in the first month, and then the rest came off gradually.
  • It's all about mindset - Especially for this time around, I have learned how powerful the mind can be. Half or more of the weight loss battle can be won (or lost) in the mind. The key is proper focus. When many people think of losing weight, that's what they focus on. They see themselves as unfit, too many pounds, and focus on the weight. The key instead is to focus on the end result. Visualize yourself at the weight you want to be. Choose an exact number and continually see that number in your mind instead of the one you are at now. Start doing some of the things you would do if you were more fit. Start choosing and preparing clothes at a lower size. Thank God now for His help in getting you to the goal. These are just a few suggestions. The bottom line is that when you focus on the end result and successful accomplishment of the goal, you will get there sooner.
Once again, I will not claim to be an expert in the field of weight loss. I also understand that some people have weight struggles that go beyond proper eating and exercise, and have struggled far more than me. I have been taught some guidelines that I applied when I was in situations that I felt the need to lose weight. The techniques worked for me, which is why I share them with you, firmly believing that if you follow these suggestions, they WILL work for you. If you have any other suggestions, I invite you to share them. In the meantime, I strongly recommend these simple methods for losing weight, and maintaining your desired level. I know you will be happy with the results.
Are you seeking further ways to rapidly manifest this and other goals? I present information that can help as well as bring greater joy, freedom, health, and wealth into your life as quickly as possible. Simply click here for more information... http://joegin3.blogspot.com/2014/04/a-5-step-guide-to-rapid-manifestation.html


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