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Eyebrow Implants Give Great Results

If you are not happy with how your eyebrows look then there are several possible options you can consider.  Of course for years women have been using pencils to darken and shape the appearance of their brows.  This works to offer some extra highlighting but it is not a long term solution because it must be done more than once a day.  What is needed is a solution for fuller more shapely eye highlighting.
One recent procedure that has gained some support is eyebrow tattoos.  With this method the artist actually uses a painful tattoo gun to color in the area above the eyes.  This is supposed to take the place of an eyebrow pencil and be a long lasting solution.  Well, it does last a long time but it is not very appealing.  From a distance, like about 50 feet, the eyebrows appear much darker but once a person gets close they can tell that tattoos have been applied.  Instead of offering the improvement in looks the woman desires, she ends up with eyebrows that look like they belong on a clown's face.
If you are serious about improving this expressive part of your face you really should consider eyebrow hair implants.  This is a very simple procedure that can usually be done in an afternoon session at a hair restoration clinic.  Once the implanted hair follicles become attached to the supporting structures of the skin, they will continue to grow for years to come giving the wearer great looking brows.
The procedure is really quite easy to understand and perform  First, the surgeon will schedule a consultation with you to discuss what you want to change.  This is an important step so that each of you know exactly what the desired out come is.  Often times, the clinic will have special computer software that allows the doctor to show a picture of your face on the screen and then use photo shop techniques to add and remove hair above the eyes.  This way you will know exactly what to expect after the procedure is done.
Once a desired shape is decided on the physician schedules the actual procedure.  At the session he or she will apply a local anesthetic at the eye area and at the donor site.  The new hairs and their roots are usually removed from the nap of the neck as these hairs match the facial hairs very closely.  Originally, hair from the scalp was used but these tend to be thicker and also grow faster so the person would need to keep their brows trimmed.  Neither of these problems occur when the hair from below the scalp line is used.
The doctor uses a specially designed medical instrument to remove each hair from the skin along with all its supporting structures.  These hair are then inserted into the brow area with the surgeon being careful to match the directional growth of the surrounding hair.
Within a few weeks the new hair follicles take route and you have the shape of eyebrows you have desired.
If you are tired of drawing in your eyebrows then visit a hair restoration clinic and talk to them about eyebrow implants. It may be the best decision you ever make. You will find that having an eyebrow transplant procedure is simple and really doesn't cost as much as you may think.


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