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How To Make Your Skin Fair Naturally - Natural Ways To Lighten Skin

A fair, light skin tone is something many people around the world want to achieve, and as you are reading this article I assume you are one of them. Be honest, when was the last time you stood in front of the mirror, asking yourself how to make your skin fair naturally? I'm guessing it wasn't too long ago.

But you've come to the right place, I'm here to help you and share with you the best natural ways to lighten skin! Keep reading and learn how to make your skin fair naturally and effectively.
The simplest and the most important thing you need to do, whatever your race is, is to stay out of the Sun! It's so important, but still many ignore this basic rule. Don't tan, don't go out on a sunny day without a wide-brimmed hat and a high sunscreen! Also remember to use sunscreen on your hands and neck, too.

There are natural ways to lighten skin from the inside, too. Eating apples, guava, pears and peaches with their skin can help you get a fair skin complexion. Also you should be drinking plenty of water daily, at least 8 glasses. This will improve your skin's overall health and wellbeing, making it more beautiful.

You can also make some home remedies to make your skin fair. Try this: Apply a mixture of lemon juice and honey on the parts of your skin you want to lighten. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes, and then wash it off. If you have dry skin, try this instead: Apply a mixture of equal amounts of cucumber juice and honey on the face and whatever areas you wish to lighten for 15 minutes. Then wash it off.

If you are really serious in getting fair skin, you should buy a good, natural skin whitening cream with Extrapone Nutgrass. This is a wonderful natural ingredient that can lighten your skin dramatically, without harming it. Used in a good skin cream, Extrapone Nutgrass can even make your skin healthier and more beautiful at the same time!

Extrapone Nutgrass can indeed reduce melanin, the substance that gives our skin color, by 40%! That's really a major reduction, and by using an Extrapone Nutgrass skin cream you should be able to see visible lightening of your skin tone within a few weeks - without any harmful side effects!
If you'd like to learn more about natural skin care and how to make your skin fair naturally, please visit my website to find out more and see which products I recommend.

Lumi H. Jais believes in taking good care of herself by healthy habits like a balanced diet, quality supplements and using the best natural skin care products, as she is passionate about maintaining her youthful appearance and beautiful skin.

Visit her website natural-perfect-skin.com today for more information on the best natural skin care for fast and effective results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lumi_H._Jais


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