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Are You Getting Better Results Every Single Session?

There is no reason at all why you should not be improving with every session that you go train at the gym.
Saying this, how many people actually can say they improve at every session. Probably not many people at all. But that should be the case. You should always be improving.
Are you one of those people who go to the gym and say I am maintaining. What is maintaining? You are either progressing or your regressing. I don't care what anyone says if you have the attitude of maintaining you are regressing. You are taking one step forward only to take two back.
You started at the gym and it was hard work. Over time you got really good at your program but have not progressed since. Yes you had an initial progression but now you are regressing. You see although that program to begin with may have been doing the job. The intensity is just no longer there. You are not challenging your body and as a result the results will stop occurring and eventually you will start walking back down the hill to where you started.
There is a principle I came across about 6 years ago now. It's called Kaizen. This, I truly believe is the key to succeeding in all areas of our life's. It basically means small progressions that are constant and never end. The way that Donald trump becomes more successful is with every day before he goes to bed he asks himself what have I learnt today that I didn't know before.
So you're thinking, how does all this help me progress in the gym and get the body of my dreams? Well like I said KAIZEN is the key.
So let's look at how you can implement these small changes and improve in a constant never ending fashion.
Like anything in life you need to know where you're going. If you don't, you really do need to have a sit down and decide what it is that you really want to achieve. If you don't know where you're going how are you going to find it. I will tell you now your not.
So you know where you want to get to. You want to look the way you have been dreaming of.
So next stage, are you performing the actions and thoughts of the sort of person you want to become. If you want to become a certain type of person you have to think and act like that person. Do you think Mohammed Ali would have been the boxer he was if he hadn't fully believed he was the greatest. Not a chance. Remember this you are what you believe you are. If you believe you are destined to be fat then yes you will become a pig. Think like the person you want to be, act like the person you want to be, become the person you would like to be.
So let's get back to the training. You need to start a program which has a clear progression strategy that will eventually lead to the type of program someone with your dream body would be doing.
So how do you progress and when should you progress?
As I said before you need to know where you're going. Imagine your goal is to climb to the peak of Mount Everest. For the vast majority of us there is no way we can walk/ climb straight up to the top of the mountain it would be impossible and we would probably kill ourselves. Although if we went and learnt about the mountain, learnt to climb, got the right equipment gained sufficient fitness and planned how we would progress up each stage of the mountain. Could we climb that monster? Sure we could.
We just need to look at our goal which in this moment in time is not possible and break it down into smaller manageable pieces. These are your progressions. (By the way having a goal that doesn't straight away seem possible is a good thing we can all benefit from a challenge.) So we split our dream goal into manageable pieces. Here is how to use them now.
You want these manageable pieces to be small enough that each one is a separate session. So if your aim is to accomplish your goal within 3 months and your training 3 times a week you need approximately 36-40 small manageable pieces.
So let's say you're lifting 50kg on the bench press and you want to be lifting 100kg within 3 months. So you need to put an extra 50kg on the bar in the next 3 months that's pretty daunting, However if you divide that 50kg into 40 workouts. You are only adding just over a kilo per session. That not so daunting is it.
You see the key is set yourself small manageable goals that you know you will always achieve. Adding an extra 1kg to your bench is going to be a piece of cake. Every time you leave the gym you will be more of a success than you were when you walked in.
If everything you walked out of the gym you had achieved more and more always improving. What do you think that's going to do to your positivity, ambition and your keenness to keep achieving? I can tell you because I've done it. It makes you feel awesome. You really do feel like a winner, who wouldn't if they were forever achieving more and more.
So you may have no interest in getting better at bench press that doesn't matter as it's just an example. But basically whatever you do take the smallest action to benefit you with a positive result. If you ran 2miles, next time you run 3 miles kill yourself and the next time you cant progress that is not going to motivate you, however. If you did 2miles, then 2.5miles, then 3 miles and every session you progress like that you are seeing your self improve every session. This is the key, small improvements that never end.
Go start your journey to your dream destination, take one step at a time. These small steps will always get you there quicker than trying to leap/skip some of the progression and hit a stopping point.
To your success and achieving your desired dreams
Harry Pointon 
Health Coach / Personal Trainer / GAME CHANGER 
Harry Pointon Personal Training http://manchestercitypersonaltrainer.com/


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