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5 Mistakes Teenagers Commonly Make When Working Out

No matter age or size, it's easy to make mistakes when working out. These mistakes, with a bit of knowledge, can be easily avoided and it's certainly in your best interest to take note.
Without further ado; the top 5 mistakes teenagers make when working out.
Possibly the number 1 mistake made by teenagers. It's a common scenario when a teenager picks up a magazine or searches online and goes straight to the training articles. They then focus solely on weights and after weeks of minimal gains, end up bored and quitting.
As stated in our guide to protein, it's really important that you at least try to improve on your diet. I'm not saying you should be counting every calorie or micro-nutrient, but next time you're craving a chocolate bar, why not have a banana instead. Bananas are a good source of carbs and don't contain the high levels of sugar and caffeine like chocolate.
These simple substitutions make a huge difference and will have a massive impact on your overall diet. Not only will your gains increase, you will also feel healthy and have more energy in general.
Another mistake teenagers often make is they don't eat enough. It's easy to think that by eating less, you'll loose fat and so your muscles and six pac will show through that much better. This simply isn't true. Your body would rather eat into your muscle supplies over your fat. This means that by working out and eating less, all you're going to see is minimal gains, if that.
A small, but common mistake. To make positive gains you have to be consistent. It's easy to become easily excited with the initial gains, which happen fast. But once this period is over, it's also easy to loose interest, often completely.
This stage after the 'newbie' gains is absolutely critical and slacking at this point will cost you. Remember, the body will only get bigger and stronger if you want it to. Getting leaniant in your work outs and eating will only result in your body regressing back to its original strength and size.
Distractions when working out
A good workout should consist of about 30 minutes of intense lifting or cardio. Try to workout in a room or area where you are alone and away from distractions like mobile phones or laptops. These will only hinder your workout and long gaps between sets are not productive. Maximum focus on your current exercise and workout, without distractions, will result in more reps and so leading to better gains.
Being a teenage means we have tons of energy, maybe sometimes too much. When first starting to workout it is understandably easy to over train. You love that feeling you get every time you have a hard workout and believe the more training the better. This is a common belief, and by thinking this you are just one of many.
As said in the how importance is rest article, by working out you cause microscopic tears in your muscles. If you then don't give these muscles enough time to repair you'll end up doing more damage than good and your gains will suffer.
Aim to have no more than 3-4 heavy workout days a week.
Not having fun - Boredom
After the initial few months of gains it's easy to become bored. Remember, having fun and enjoying your exercise is crucial and getting fed up can be a killer for all of us.
Take a look in the mirror every now and again. Though it may seem vain, seeing how much you've improved and grown over the time you've been working out can be a huge motivator. Taking a picture of yourself every few weeks is also a good way to see how much you've improved.
Varying your exercises can also help. There are literally hundreds of variations of the simple crunch; imagine how many other ways there are to do your other typical exercises. All it takes is a few seconds on Google and you have a whole new workout.
Well there you have it, 5 of the most commonly made mistakes teenagers make. If you are serious about your lifting and want to see some positive gains, remember to keep all these in mind. They're simple to avoid but easy to fall victim to.
Teenage Workout [http://www.teenageworkout.com] is a fitness blog focusing on workout advice and techniques for teenagers.
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