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3 Simple Tips on How to Stop Your Nail Biting Habit Immediately

Do you bite your nails? if you say yes then know that you're not alone because a lot of people bite their nails and it has become a common habit and is usually picked up over a period of time and just sticks on with you. It's a bad habit that gives you poor hygiene, unattractive nails and even contributes to low self esteem as well. So if you're looking for ways to stop biting your nails, here are three very simple tips that you could follow.
If you can't stop biting your nails with the basics of just trying, then you should use marketed products. There are several brands that manufacture bitter nail formula which is quite affordable and very effective as well. It's a gel based product that's specially formulated to help children and adults curb the need to bite their nails, suck their thumb and even help stop people from biting their cuticles. The formula has got a bitter or sour taste that will stick on your nails up to two to four days, the taste and period of time it lasts depends on the brand you choose. When the formula has been applied to your nails, the next time you try putting your nails in your mouth you'd be shocked by the repulsive taste and that would completely turn you off. This method is great; especially for those you unconsciously bite their nails, because this would be like a wake up call to your bad habit.
Besides that, always cut your nails and keep them short. Although nail biters never do have long nails, make sure that you don't have nails that are long enough to bite. As soon as you see that your nail has grown, don't use it as an opportunity to bite but cut it instead. Get yourself your own pair of nail clippers and keep it somewhere that is easily accessible such as your night stand or in the bathroom. The easier it is to get your nail clippers, the more likely you're to cut your nails before you can bite them. If you do this often enough, you'll learn to stop biting and you can finally grow out your nails and not have brittle and uneven ones.
In addition to that, take good care of your hands and put in extra effort into making them look nice. Chances are, when you put in time and trouble to care for your hands you'll push yourself to break the habit because you'd naturally want your nails to look nice after all the effort you've put in. So invest in some nail and hand care products such as a moisturizer, some cuticle lotion and a manicure set so you can cut your cuticles and give yourself good hand treatments over the weekend. Also, spend some time exfoliating your skin with a home scrub by combining some olive oil with sugar granules.
It's hard to kill of a habit, especially bad ones but it's not impossible. So push yourself and with enough determination, patience and willpower you'd be able to break your nail biting habit and have gorgeous nails in no time.
Click the link to find out more on how to stop biting nails [http://howtostopbitingmynails.net] for free - [http://howtostopbitingmynails.net]


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