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3 Simple Steps to Help You Stop Nail Biting

While it's easy to make a run from annoying traits, it's never easy to run from bad habits, they're just like annoying little parasites that stick on to you and it takes way too much effort to get rid of them. Well, if you're an obsessive nail biter and you've always wanted to break the habit, then good on you for the intention. Trying may result in failure, but with the right steps you'd be able to successfully kick the habit and have nice and attractive nails.
Step 1: Detect the root of the problem. More often than not, people bite their nails because it's a habit they picked up from their childhood days or it could also be out of the blue. The latter is usually due to stress, anxiety or angst even, so if this is your situation, you need to learn to calm down and gain control over your feelings and emotions. The next time you feel anxious or stressed, play with a stress ball or distract your hands with something else that is relaxing and won't keep you on the edge of your seat. Nail biting could also be due to nutrient deficiency problems so make sure you're getting proper food of a balanced diet. If you've no idea where your habit stems from then the next time you bite your nails, stop and think about why you're doing it, sometimes it could be just plain boredom too.
Step 2: Change the way your nails taste. You bite your nails because there's no definite taste to it, just like water so you need to change that and make your nails taste really gross so that you won't want to bite them anymore. Pick up a bottle of bitter nail formula which is specially formulated to help both children and adults break nail biting habits. You can get them at any local drugstore or supermarket and they work wonders in terms of effectiveness. All you've got to do is use this gel based product the same way you would nail polish and you can carry on with your regular daily activities without forcing yourself to focus on not biting your nails. This is because the minute you put your fingers to your mouth, you'll get the sudden awful taste and it will repulse you so much that you wouldn't want to bite your nails anymore. Don't be easy on yourself and apply a tiny amount, follow the directions given and use it until you break the habit.
Step 3: Do it slowly. The reason why many nail biters fail at their attempts to stop biting is because to go from constantly biting to nothing at all which results in their failure. What you need to do is go at it one at a time. First pick a few fingers that you'd like to stop biting the nails off, and write it down in a little book. The reason you jot it down is so that you can't make excuses or reason with yourself, once you've gone through the week without biting the nails from the few fingers you wrote, add a few more fingers until you soon have all ten written down. The point of this is to slowly get yourself off the habit without making drastic changes, of course your nails will look a bit odd with the irregular nail growths, but stick it out because it will be worth it.
Click the link to find out more about stop biting fingernails [http://howtostopbitingmynails.net] for free - [http://howtostopbitingmynails.net]


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