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Your First Important Steps in Overcoming A Candida Infection

I have had the opportunity to speak with very many candida victims over the past decade. Their ordeals have been characterised by problems such as; lack of energy, onset of allergies, inability to think clearly, decreased sex drive, recurring sinus infections, chronic poor digestion, poor skin conditions, acid reflux among many other health problems. This is despite numerous attempts to seek effective treatment from doctors among other medical professionals for years in an effort to try and get rid of Candida. In most cases, there was little improvement, no improvement at all or worsening conditions.
Even those individuals fortunate enough to see a doctor often had a hard time getting better even after an accurate diagnosis of the problem. Anti-fungal medication, herbal supplementation, probiotics and candida diets dealt with candida symptoms temporarily. In almost all cases, when there was a decrease in diets or medications, candida symptoms returned immediately. Many people have also opened up to me about their heavy spending on candida supplements, medications and diets only to discover that the symptoms return once they stopped taking the supplements, medication or diets.
The first thing you must realise once you have been diagnosed with candida is that getting rid of the problem can be very challenging. In fact very few candida sufferers recover fully. This is according to the information I have gathered over the years. It is therefore accurate to conclude that candida is very challenging to correct after the overgrowth has spread throughout the body.
It is important to recognize that candida affects both women and men even though most people view it as a female problem. Candida results in systemic infections when friendly bacteria found in the intestinal tract is slowly or rapidly destroyed by medications, antibiotics, birth control pills, stress, drinking chlorinated water and maintaining unhealthy diets. Candida yeast fungus is stronger than beneficial bacteria found in the digestive tract. The fungus is therefore able to survive stressful conditions or antibiotics, and begin to multiply/thrive.
In normal instances, candida should be present in the intestinal flora in very minute quantities to create a natural balance. When many friendly bacteria are destroyed, the remaining bacteria is unable to keep candida in check. This results in a growth explosion in an effort to replace the friendly bacteria that was destroyed. Since candida yeast fungus is stronger than friendly bacteria, the remaining friendly bacteria are overwhelmed resulting in a harmful imbalance which causes intestinal wall damage and a leaky gut. Once this happens, candida fungus spreads fast throughout the body manifesting various symptoms.
The severity of symptoms is usually dictated by how strong a person's immune system is among other factors like diet or the amount of time the candida fungi overgrowth has existed. It is important to note that mild overgrowth cases can still pose a treatment challenge. Serious overgrowth cases are almost impossible to treat. Chronic or extensive candida overgrowth is capable of causing serious suffering and ruining lives completely. This explains why it is important to deal with the problem in the early stages. You must get rid of your candida overgrowth fast before it becomes a serious lifelong problem.
Claire Thomas is the author of the brand new eBook called "Yeast Infection Home Remedies". Pick up your free sample report and discover more extensive tips on how to combat and prevent candida yeast infection: Click Here


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