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Blood Clots - What You Need to Know

I don't know if you've ever thought about the complexity of blood clots but truly, they are. I mean, depending on where they are and what they're doing, they can be helpful or they can be fatal.
Take accidentally cutting your finger- you'll probably hold a towel over the area with some pressure until the bleeding stops. That's a blood clot you want. Your blood cells are working for you.
On the other hand, you're probably aware of the dangers of internal blood clots. But did you know there are 2 types of these blood clots?
There's arterial thrombosis-these are the types that form in your arteries and are most likely to cause a heart attack. Usually these affect people at risk of heart disease.
Then there's deep vein thrombosis-these can be painful. Marked by swelling, redness and pain, they can occur in people who are stationary for long periods of time. They can affect you if you're on a long flight or car trip. Walk around when you can to keep your blood moving. After surgery or prolonged bed rest a let massage will help keep your blood flowing. You don't want it to stagnate.
The problem with blood clots is they prevent adequate circulation of your blood which carries oxygen throughout your body. They can hurt and cause swelling at the minimum. At the extreme, they are quite dangerous to your heart and brain. If a clot develops in your heart, it can lead to a stroke or a heart attack.
The risk factors for blood clots in your arteries are high cholesterol and blood pressure, diabetes, family history and smoking. To reduce your risk, don't smoke and manage your cholesterol and blood pressure. Eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise to reduce your chances of getting diabetes.
In general, getting more exercise and making healthy eating choices will reduce your risk of these dangerous blood clots. You might also consider taking omega 3 fish oil supplements. These are natural anti inflammatories and blood thinners.
In fact, studies show cultures who eat a lot of fish-like Japan-have some of the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease and blood clots in the world. On the other hand, research shows people who eat little fish and lots of red meat have some of the biggest risks of heart disease.
Getting enough omega 3 fatty acids, like the DHA and EPA in fish oil is proven to benefit your heart and your brain. It can even lower your risk of dangerous blood clots by reducing chronic inflammation.
Audrey Alexander is a passionate advocate of health and nutrition. To learn more about effective Omega 3's and supplements she recommends after extensive research, visit [http://www.omega3-reviews.com].


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