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Beauty Care In Your 40s - Tips To Help You Look Stunning

The 40s are a time of concern for most women because this is when they definitely start showing the signs of aging. As a matter of fact, all the excesses of their youth show up that faster on their faces. This is when the skin starts to change in texture and can start to sag. The first wrinkles also appear in the late 40s. To make things worse, the skin also starts to look dull. However, you can take heart from knowing that there are many things you could do to stay attractive for as long as possible. Before you do anything, you need to start by accepting your age. If you still try to look like you did when you were in your 30s or even your 20s then the results will not be good.
1. Use high quality sun protection products on your face in order to keep your skin safe from the negative effects of ultra violet rays. You should apply sunscreen first thing in the morning and keep touching it up throughout the day.
2. Exfoliate your skin regularly so that the dull skin is removed, leaving you with a brighter look. Use a high quality product that does not damage your skin and start by using a mild product if you have never exfoliated your skin with it before. If your skin is very dull then alpha hydroxy acid will suit it the best. Beta hydroxy acid is recommended if your skin is very oily.
3. Get a facial done every month or so. You do not have to go in for any fancy facials that cost the earth because even a basic one will be beneficial for your skin. However, look for one that offers deep moisturizing treatment. Getting your face massaged regularly will improve blood circulation to your skin.
4. Use make up intelligently. Avoid wearing too much of it because it will only settle into your wrinkles and pores, serving to highlight them. Choose glossy over matte makeup for a fresh and luminous look. You will look considerably younger if you can wear a makeup primer containing peptides.
You do have to be more careful with your beauty and skin care regimen once you enter the 40s because nature will not be on your side. However, you can certainly ensure that you look far better than your peers if you take good care of your looks.
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