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Type 2 Diabetes - Healthy Eating Helps to Simplify Diabetic Weight Loss

The reason you are carrying excess weight is due to your cells not needing any further sugar, but you are eating more and more foods that breakdown into sugar. Then insulin production stimulates the production of triglycerides which are stored as fat, and hence weight gain occurs.
Type 2 Diabetics Still Produce Insulin. So even though you are a diabetic, many Type 2 diabetic's still produce insulin but what happens is their bodies simply don't react to it in the same way as a healthy person would. This is why Type 2 diabetes is known as insulin resistance as the body, or rather the cells, becomes resistant to allowing insulin carry out its job - which is to allow food converted into glucose/sugar into the cells.
But when you start eating healthier food, you automatically reduce the levels of triglycerides being produced. You also reduce how much sugar ends up in the blood stream, as well as how quickly it can enter the blood stream and wishes to be taken into cells.
Therefore, cells are more inclined to let the sugar in if levels have dropped a little and need a top up - sugar after all, is what gives us out energy. The body has just been perfectly designed not to allow too much sugar to enter the blood stream too quickly as it knows, if it does, it can cause premature cell death.
Eating Unhealthy Food Increases Weight Gain Due to Triglyceride Production. When you continue to eat unhealthy food, you keep the production of your triglycerides up, and put on more weight. But by eating in a healthier way, you...
  • lower your triglyceride levels,
  • lower your blood sugar levels, and
  • start to lose weight.
If you stop eating excess amounts of unhealthy food and start exercising, then this simple case issue can improve and will often bounce back to normal function. Thus the basic idea of eating less and exercising more in order to lose weight.
Medications Won't Resolve Your Weight Problem. The medications you have been given for diabetes will not address weight loss and are, at best, a temporary blood sugar lowering solution that does not address the true source of the problem.
The best way to achieve weight loss when you are a diabetic is...
  • to eat a healthy diet as it helps to reduce triglyceride production and lowers blood sugar levels as a result, and
  • to take part in a regular exercise regime that suits your current health. levels.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.


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