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Thin Is Not a Measurement of Beauty

Thin does not equal beautiful. Neither does skinny. Everyone is capable of true beauty. Beauty transcends the measurements of your bust, your waist, and your thighs.
There's a tendency in our society to see thin people as "beautiful" and to think of people who are maybe not so thin as "not beautiful". For one, what are we defining beauty as? Because with these standards, beauty is only a dress size, not a quality or personality trait. Secondly, why are we choosing to see thin as the only option for beauty?
One of the most major awakenings of my life happened as a staff member at the Omega Institute last year. I fell in love with everyone I met (and not in a weird or creepy way, but more in a soul recognition kind of way). I started looking at everyone as beautiful, regardless of what they looked like. When I noticed the beauty in others, it became much easier to notice the beauty in myself. My judgment of others based on their appearance had everything to do with how I was judging myself for my own.
It is amazing how we can see past the perceived "imperfections" in someone else, and yet we hold so tightly onto our own "flaws". We create an experience for ourselves in which we are "ugly", "undesirable", and "not deserving". Why would we do this?
As I've been finding out by talking to more and more women about this issue, it's because of an underlying fear of not being enough, the belief that there's something wrong with us. When we believe these things - that we're not enough and that there's something wrong with us - we create an experience for ourselves in which we feel as though we're not enough or that we're broken and in which we tell others that this is how we are.
We attach our self-worth to a number on the tag of a garment or on the screen of a scale. We use this as an excuse, as a reason, to believe that we are not good enough. "No one will ever love me at the weight I am." "No wonder others avoid me. Just look at me." "Everyone knows there's something wrong with me. You can tell just by looking at me." We'll create all kinds of statements to justify that we're unworthy, undeserving, and broken. We believe that others can tell just by looking at us.
The truth is that none of us is broken, none of us is flawed. We're at a place in time that's fluid, that's changing, that's moving, that can never be defined. Who we are in this second, reading this, is someone different from who we were when we started reading, different from who we'll be when we finish. Think about that. Let it sink in.
You are constantly evolving, changing, transforming into an even more magnificent version of yourself.
Let these be your mantras:
• I am perfect
• Everything is unfolding in my highest good
Trust in this. Trust in yourself. You are on the right track, following the right path. The moment you are in, the body you're in, is absolutely perfect.
Shannon Lagasse, certified holistic health coach and emotional eating expert, teaches women struggling with low self-esteem and an unhealthy relationship with food how to love themselves, create their ideal body, and live a fantastically awesome life. By coming from a focus on pleasure and getting to the heart of their issues, Shannon's clients are empowered to find freedom from food fears and fulfill their deepest desires. To learn more about working with Shannon, grab your complimentary Food Freedom Kit, and to receive her inspirational weekly articles on natural ways to get the body and life you want, visit her website: http://www.HungerforHappiness.com.


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