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Improving Health Through Exercise and Nutrition

When we talk of health, physical health is what is understood though our mental health is also a very important component of any health and fitness plan. The definition of health is not a universally accepted one and it is described as the absence of illness and injury. World Health Organization defines it as a state of complete well being that includes physical, mental, and social well being. According to this definition, a man cannot be said to be healthy merely on the basis of absence of any disease or infirmity.

We do not think twice before gorging on fast food

According to an old saying, we become what we do and what we think. But a big role in our health is played by our nutrition and our level of physical activity. In today's life, most people are seen living a sedentary lifestyle with no proper time of eating and sleeping. Their dietary intake is poor with lots of fast food, junk food, fried food, colas, alcohol, tobacco, tea, and coffee being included in their daily diet. Add to this lack of exercise and a complete recipe for health disaster is ready. We have machines to do everything for us and we hardly do any physical activity. We have motorcycle and car to take us to the nearby market and office and we use elevators instead of stairways to reach offices situated at high floors.

Physical activity is a must to regain our fitness

No proper movement and stretching of our limbs add to our woes and we are afflicted with many ailments because of lack of daily exercises. People like to spend their free time in front of their TV sets or chatting on internet using their mobiles or computers instead of doing a walk or exercise with machines or bikes. Teenagers, young adults, and even middle aged people are seen stuffing burgers and steaks to feed their stomachs during lunch time as they do not carry proper Tiffin to give their body complete nutrition.

People are more health conscious today than before

Poor dietary intake that included colas and fat rich food led to millions becoming overweight and out of shape. Thankfully, people have awakened to the dangers of obesity and are now more health conscious than ever to get back into shape and gain fitness for their bodies and minds. The mushrooming of gyms and health and fitness centers all around us is a reflection of this growing awareness. The same concern for health and fitness is seen in diets where people have become conscious of the total number of their calorific intake.

The realization that proper nutrition and physical activity is essential to improve upon one's health and fitness levels has led to the market being flooded by health products such as supplements, proteins, and machines for exercise at homes. However, one should embark on a health and fitness plan only after consulting a doctor or a nutritionist as all of us have different bodies with different nutritional requirements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Munira_Altaf


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