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8 Tips for Living Your Meaning of Life Well

I've spent most of my life between the years of 1998 and 2013 studying, writing and doing psychic energy and spiritual practices. I hardly even had a paying job during this time! I believe my purpose was to develop myself and media for communicating fundamentals on how to live the meaning of life well. You might be surprised at how simple these fundamentals are.
The meaning of life is to enhance your abilities to observe and interact with your reality in a sustainable way. This is the pattern evolution has taken ever since the beginning of the physical universe as we know it. From molecules to multi-cellular organisms, each step of evolution has been in this direction.
To put it even more simply, the meaning of life is to enhance your health and performance. The healthier you are, the better you can perform (observe and interact). How you apply your enhanced states of health and performance is universal and personal to your unique meanings in life. Figuring out what your unique meanings in life are, and how to enhance your abilities to live them well, is easier to do when you have a good foundation (universal meaning). In this article I am going to focus on 8 tips from the Inner and Outer Success Self-Help Program for helping you develop this foundation.
The first three you've probably already know (exercise, eat and drink healthily, and get enough quality sleep). The fourth, fifth and eighth you might have heard of before (exercise your brain muscles, positive energy (aka. realistic optimism) and living from your heart (aka. intuition)). Ancient and modern teachers of meditation, and now life coaches and self-help authors as well, encourage you to train your mind (aka. brain exercises and realistic optimism) and get more in touch with your intuitive/spiritual guidance (aka. living from your heart).
The sixth and seventh, which are related to positive energy and living from your heart, are showing tremendous potential for enhancing whole being health and performance in anecdotal and scientific research. They are the development of your awareness and control of psychic energies (aka. energy, chi, qi, ki prana, spirit, emotional and mental energies, energies of your psyche/consciousness).
In the rest of this article I will focus on the psychic energy aspects of these tips, because they are less familiar to most people and highly beneficial.
Positive energy comes from a mind that focuses primarily on positive emotions and thoughts. Realistic optimism is a term that describes this state, while still acknowledging and dealing with the negative emotions and thoughts you experience. The key to dealing with negative emotions and thoughts is to give them a minimal amount of attention, if any at all in some situations. Many Self-Help techniques focus on healing/removing negative emotional and mental patterns, which makes it a lot easier to stay focused on the positive. The benefits of realistic optimism have been observed scientifically in several ways (ex. biochemically and psychologically).
Psychic energy aspects of positive energy have been observed scientifically as the resting and projected (example of controlling psychic energies) presence of an individual influencing another living organism or technology. As you focus on positive emotions and thoughts, this attracts and empowers associated psychic energies within you, which become your presence. As well, the psychic energies that make up your presence also make up your subconscious mind, influencing you to have more of the same and similar thoughts and emotions.
There are many practices and techniques for enhancing positive energy from a psychic energy perspective. Some of these practices sand alone (ex. Reiki, Acupuncture, Psychic Anatomy Exercises, Psychic Anatomy Yoga) and others have been combined with Psychology techniques (ex. EFT, WHEE, Body Talk, Inner and Outer Success) creating the field of Energy Psychology. Many of the stand alone and Energy Psychology practices have numerous scientific studies confirming their benefits.
Your awareness of psychic energies (aka. Sixth Sense, Clairvoyance, Extrasensory Perception) allows you to sense the presence of other people, places and things. By developing your awareness, you can gain deeper and deeper insights into what may not be apparent to your five conventional senses, such as reading between the lines of what another person is saying or not saying. Many psychic energy awareness studies have been done.
You might have experienced psychic energy awareness when you were about to answer the phone or door, getting a sense of who it was. Many people have felt another person staring at them or felt another person's presence when meeting them or entering their space. The best example is an emotionally charged person and/or meeting them for the first time. I hope everyone has felt a loving, caring or calming touch.
When it comes to living from your heart, you are essentially becoming aware of the psychic energies being sent to you from the spirit world (ex. your Guardian Angel, Spirit Guides, Soul, God). This is also known as Intuition. Positive energy plays an important role in this as well, because it enhances the health and performance of heart from a psychic energy perspective, makhic Anatomy Exercises, Psychic Anatomy Yoga and Psychic Anatomy Treatments for more in depth teachings. The three last practices are based on over 2000 traditional and scientific references.
I recommend my book Inner and Outer Success as a great starting point.
Brett A. Rogers is a world expert in the fields of psychic energies, psychic anatomy and psychic energy practices. The founder of three psychic-spiritual development practices called Psychic Anatomy Exercises/Yoga/Treatments, as well as the Inner and Outer Success Self-Help System; all based on over 2000 traditional and mostly scientific references, divine guidance and a lot of experience. Brett has published 1 text book, 4 instructional books and 1 philosophical book on the topics of his articles. You can learn more about him, these practices, products (ex. books and DVDs) and services on his website:


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