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2 Great Exercises to Burn Fat!

If you are wanting to bypass the "BS" and take your fat burning workouts to the next level then you have got to implement the following 2 exercises that I have included below. The only way you can expect to get any real results from you training program is to make sure that your training is effective and has purpose! The following 2 exercises I have included below will help you to do just that!
Exercises To Burn Fat!
1. Kettlebell Squat Jumps: If you are wanting to take your fat burning levels to all new heights then you have got to implement kettlebell squat jumps into the equation. In order to pull this drill off you will need the availability of a couple of bells of light resistance and equal weight.
To execute the squat jumps make sure that you have a good training surface to perform jumps on to make it work. Begin by holding the bells by your sides in each hand. Perform a squat and as soon as you descend into it explosively jump up and elevate your body off of the ground. Make sure to fully extend at both your hips, knees, and ankles to get up off of the ground. Just make sure that when you land to do so with your feet from heel to toe. As you land also make sure that you recoil your body by flexing at both your hips and knees to absorb the landing and to also set yourself up for the next vertical jump. Every repetition should be executed in continuous succession until you have reached your desired number of reps.
2. Dual Kettlebell See Saw Presses: Dual kettlebell see saw presses are a great exercise to not only help you to develop superior shoulders, but they will also help you to develop a tremendous core and give you a serious cardiovascular workout at the same time. Check out the following drill to take your fat burning workout routine to the next level.
To perform the dual kettlebell see saw presses you will need the availability of a pair of bells of equal weight. Begin the exercise by first cleaning and racking the bells to your chest. Once you have the bells cleaned and secure at the racked position then simply press one of the bells overhead to lock it out. Now the next move is the key to the see saw press. As you lower the pressed bell make sure to press the opposite bell before the first one comes to rest at the racked position. Keep alternating the presses in a continuous fashion like a see saw, hence the name. You will feel this lift throughout your shoulders, back, abs, and hips. It will also get your heart pumping too for a serious calorie burning fat annihilating workout. If you haven't already started including the kettlebell squat jumps and see saw presses into your regular fat burning workouts then you are missing out. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com.
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html.
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!


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