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The Number 1 Secret Cause of Weight Gain Revealed and Resolved

Frustration, loneliness, anger, shame - all these are common triggers for overeating. In turn, overeating usually leads to overweight. Diets and discipline around food hardly ever break this cycle of weight gain because they don't change the underlying emotional patterns causing overeating.
From a very young age, most of us associate food with love and comfort. So it's no surprise that we turn to food when we feel stressed, conflicted or upset. My wife, who has struggled with emotional eating all her life, once told me, "Excess weight means we are not feeding our bodies, but something else."
It is a fact that most of us are emotional eaters. But for those seriously suffer from this disruptive behavior, it is a way to distract their mind and soothe emotional pain they feel inside them.
The basic principle of weight loss is to find, address and resolve the real cause of weight gain. For many of my clients, it means discovering what cause their emotional eating.
Emotional Triggers for Overeating
You might come across different types of people every day in your life. Even the happiest person you see is not free from emotional stress. This emotional stress affects people in several ways, and they chose different ways to handle this stress. Among them, some succumb to overeating as a method to sooth the internal turmoil.
This means emotional triggers lead to overeating. These triggers can occur in any form like anger, frustration, depression, boredom, anxiety and loneliness. Generally speaking, emotional triggers are factors that affect your mind which creatively uses food as means of comfort.
Repeated overtime, this creative solution of the mind becomes embedded as an unhealthy attitude towards eating. The end result is excess weight from eating too much, binge eating, and having an unhealthy diet.
Transform your Emotional Eating Pattern
Everyone has a bit of emotional eating in their lives. Food is how we celebrate birthdays and other special occasions and of course, food is necessary for our body's health. However, when associated with comfort, when used as means of escape from our feelings or when becoming an addiction, then food is dangerous.
As a chronic emotional eater, you will always want to reduce weight and try all different weight loss programs available to do so. You may even lose weight through strict diets and exercises. But once you lose the weight, you will probably find that it is harder to maintain the weight and stay healthy. This is because emotional triggers continue to bother your mind. It triggers your mind to eat foods that comfort your turmoil.
This is why the transformation must start within, in your mind. When your mind understands that you can resolve your emotional triggers it will naturally want and crave a healthy quantity of healthy food, which means your attempts to reduce weight finally becomes successful. This is what a self-hypnosis program which is focused on overcoming emotional eating will allow you to do. You conquer the number one cause for weight gain- emotional eating.
Overcoming the Challenges to Change
When you decide to change something in your life, you will inevitably have to face many challenges. When it comes to emotional overeating, your biggest challenge will be making your mind believe that healthy eating can also give you emotional satisfaction, and that your comfort is not found in food.
Resolutions and promises can only help you to a small extent. The main challenge is the demanding nature of the change, fear of the unknown. When faced with a change, we dread thinking of facing the challenges ahead. It is human nature to resist changes.
The subconscious is ultimately in the driver seat of your mind, and affects much of your ongoing actions. If the subconscious is not accepting a change that you consciously choose, then your efforts are wasted. Even small accomplishments are often derailed.
Often people are angry and disappointed with themselves for an inability to keep a promise or see something through. But without addressing your underlying resistance, it is not fair to make such judgment. Self-hypnosis can help you achieve your goals by addressing and dissolving your subconscious resistance to change.
A Proven Method to Overcome Emotional Eating
Self-hypnosis has proven to eliminate these triggers, which are the root cause of excess weight. It has proven a powerful tool in this respect, and it encourages a balance between your emotional and physical wellbeing, thereby helping you to lose weight.
Self-hypnosis programs create a state of deep relaxation in which the subconscious mind becomes receptive to suggestions that address the listener's deep-seated reasons for an unwanted habit, such as overeating. A good self-hypnosis program which focuses on emotional eating is much more successful and lasting than one merely trying to change hunger cues - which is the majority of recordings you find.
Listeners are able to let go of guilt and shame, increase their self-acceptance and embrace healthier eating habits, with an overall greater sense of well-being. So instead of simply trying to exercise self-control, or partake in a strict diet, which are unsustainable methods, the root cause of weight gain are addressed and eating patterns change for good.
After addressing her emotional eating with self-hypnosis specifically targeting emotional eating, my wife handles things bothering her without turning to food. She now feels more at ease around food, and her cravings and hunger have decreased tremendously. She is able to easily maintain her desired weight without much thought or effort.
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Avinoam Lerner is a certified hypnotherapist providing everyone the tools to stay healthy using the power of the mind-body connection.
"Automatic Weight Loss" is his breakthrough program for lifelong ideal weight management.
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