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The Importance of Healthy Living

In today's world of fad diets, weight loss supplements, proven methods and protein powders, it could be said that we've lost sight of what healthy living is all about. Most of the 'common sense' aspects are now viewed as being boring and outdated. However, the importance of true, fad-free healthy living should not be underestimated. Living a healthy life is extremely important for everyone, since it has many proven health effects that provide more benefits than any commercial nutritional product can. To better understand it, it is best to first become familiar with what healthy living is truly about.


You've probably heard hundreds of different excuses that people may make in order to get out of exercising. The most common are, "I don't have time", "I have a bad back/knee/ankle" and simply "I don't feel like it". Overcoming the mental barrier in front of daily exercise is extremely hard for most people, since it takes a level of discipline and dedication that many people lack. However, in reality, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Any lifestyle that promotes itself as being "effective without exercise" is making false claims about what true it is all about. Daily exercise only involves about a 20 minute investment in time, and can have extremely beneficial effects on your overall level of health.


Eating a diet that is classified as being "healthy" has become more difficult. The majority of foods available at the grocery store are heavily processed, laden with chemical preservatives and high in undesirable substance (such as fat, sugar, etc). In addition to this, there are many nutritional "experts" who claim to know the true secrets of a healthy diet. In reality, eating healthy is not all that complicated. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods and pure protein sources are all that it takes to truly eat a healthy diet. Though this concept may seem incredibly simplified, it is the best way to ensure that you are eating a healthy diet.


There is no excuse to follow fad diets, under-qualified nutritional 'experts' and diet pills when the key to healthy living is so incredibly simple. There is no 'miracle pill' or 'fat-busting food' that will immediately make you healthy. No matter what diet plan you are on, exercise is important and there is no supplement for it. The decision to live a healthy life is a long term commitment, however those who choose the lifestyle never regret it.

Patrick is a contributor for Healthy Life Journal, a popular health blog with a focus on facts, not fads. His other interests include programming, consulting, website design, and competitive gaming at a professional level. You can check out his blog here: http://crims0n.us/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patrick_McDowell


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