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The Health Benefits of Thai Massage

The Thai people are a fascinating mix of the traditional and the contemporary, a people living within modern cities while drawing inspiration from the peaceful ambiance of ancient temples and Buddhist shrines. With such a strong connection to the spiritual nature of existence it's not surprising that Thai healing arts are rooted in both the past and present. Thai massage, for instance, utilizes the Thai gift for blending aspects of different cultures and times. The discipline engages techniques found in both yoga and Chinese healing arts to create a system where energy is channeled and key groups of muscles are manipulated.
What to Expect During the Massage
A typical massage appointment is spent partially undressed while laying passively on a specialized table. Thai massage distinguishes itself as being quite different from this concept right from the beginning. To an outside observer the entire process might look like the individual undergoing treatment is being laboriously placed into uncomfortable poses and stretched by the therapist like a mannequin.
The truth is the masseur is employing stretching and posture techniques familiar to disciples of yoga. The body is being guided into these poses, energetically stretched and manipulated by the hands, feet, knees, and elbows of the therapist into positions that align the body, elongate the spine, and increase joint mobility.
In the Beginning
Being tossed and turned like a rag doll may be the initial thought upon seeing Thai massage, but the reality of the procedure is something quite different, and the benefits almost sublime in their effect on the body.
An expert in the discipline greets a client when he or she arrives for the massage, checking for any underlying physical conditions that would make the appointment unsafe. Before beginning the massage, there might be an understandable temptation to remove clothes and become comfortable in a bathrobe prior to climbing on a table, but this technique is typically done fully clothed, and the massage is likely too rigorous and energetic to ever necessitate the use of a table.
It's far more likely the massage will begin on the floor, surrounded by relaxing decor, perhaps with light Eastern music playing in the background. No massage oil is used since there's no direct contact with skin. What does occur next is a laying on of hands, a pressing of key areas of the body that relate to energy meridians found in Chinese healing arts such as acupuncture or acupressure. Here, in Thai massage, the term used is Sen energy. Transposed and translated from China and India, this 1000 year old technique of manipulation and massage employs areas of Sen that are roughly equivalent to the flow of Qi found in acupuncture. The purely mechanical process of pressing the Sen areas releases blockages, balances the life force of the entire body, preparing the client for the next stage of the massage.
Realizing Postures Through Assisted Stretching
A Thai massage master is an expert in locating the channels where Sen flows. Pressing down upon these points of the body serves the dual purpose of releasing energy and assessing the body to see how far it can stretch. With practiced touch and a sense of how much the body being worked upon can take, the masseur steps in with the full force of his or her own body to use yoga influenced stretches that carefully move the client's body into postures that have been in use for over 2,000 years. This dynamic part of the procedure is ideal for back pain massage, stretching muscles that have become shortened by lack of exercise, aligning the body into a new and harmonious state of being.
The Benefits of Thai Massage are Countless
To an outsider's point of view the entire massage may look exhausting, but to the subject of the procedure the entire appointment is intensely relaxing. It's a bit like an Ayurvedic Massage, or completing a guided yoga session, except the client has been assisted into each posture. The technique is commonly used as massage for pain relief, used as a lasting remedy for the aches and ailments of modern living. Both the energy clearing pressing and the assisted poses act as relief for painful spasms, eventually teaching the body new ways to move or stay at rest.
The vicious cycle of muscular tension and mental anxiety is broken by Thai massage, the body freed to relax. Back pain massage benefits come with greater ease due to muscles that are no longer tightly shortened, the spine fully elongating.
Final Thoughts
Imagine being able to release knotted muscles without engaging in poorly realized yoga postures, and envision a body overflowing with healthy, toxin-free energy. This is Thai massage, expert guided manipulations and the proven benefits of deep pressure release techniques.
Eugene Wood is a licensed NYC Massage Therapist. Learn more by visiting his website at NYC-Massage.com


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