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Learn Why You Are Not Mentally Healthy

Carl Jung's mission was to discover the accurate translation of the meaning of dreams and their healing power. I precisely followed his guidance, even though I was young, neurotic, and ignorant. I was one of the best students he ever had. I read practically all his books numerous times, and I summarized each book in a few words. I also studied with dedication many other scientific works and recent discoveries, which confirmed his dream theories.
The work of the biologist and ethologist Konrad Lorenz helped me trust the unconscious mind more than Jung. In 1988 when I started writing my first scientific book, I had to disagree with Carl Jung's last conclusions.
I had to follow my own path, based on the information I had in my historical time. My enthusiasm during this research was constantly increasing as I was finding answers for numerous questions. Many of these questions were mentioned by Carl Jung in his books. He believed that many of these questions should be answered by theologians.
To my surprise, my literary talent and my vivid dreams helped me better understand the dream language. A combination of factors also helped me better understand the healing power of dreams. I understood that I knew more about the meaning of dreams than Carl Jung, who was my teacher. In the beginning I couldn't believe I had achieved this goal. I had no such intention. I was only trying to solve my own psychological problems. I couldn't imagine that I would be able to understand the meaning of dreams better than my teacher.
After discovering that our dreams are produced by God I dedicated my life to dream translation. I verified that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind, but I didn't have the indifferent attitude of a scientist. Jung was not religious, even though he was Taoist.
I disagreed with Jung's conclusions, besides confirming that his dream theories were real discoveries and besides confirming that he is the only one who managed to discover the real meaning of the symbolic dream language. Jung believed that we should decide what to do based on our conscience.
I concluded that our conscience is idiotic and ignorant, and this is why it makes many mistakes. I concluded that we must obey the divine guidance in dreams instead of doing what our conscience desires.
Jung believed in a reality where what is bad wouldn't be judged the way it was judged in his historical time. He believed in a reality that would be beyond what is right or wrong. In other words, he believed in an absurd philosophy of life. What is bad must be eliminated, and not tolerated.
The human being is too ignorant to be able to understand what is good or bad, and too evil to be able to respect other people's rights. A life without moral principles is a dangerous life without meaning.
I concluded that we must obey the divine guidance and respect our moral principles. God knows how we must behave in order to find peace, love, and happiness in life. We are unable to understand what we have to do when we face a series of life challenges. I concluded that believing in a reality without rules was a dangerous hypothesis.
Carl Jung concluded that we must show understanding and respect the different psychological types that mark the human behavior. I concluded that we must be very afraid to imitate the mistakes made by those who are slaves of their one-sided psychological type. All psychological types are absurd, since they tend to become neurotic.
Jung precisely described the neuroses of the psychological types that predetermine our behavior. I saw my mental illness scientifically described in one of his books, as if he was describing my case.
I understood how dangerous every psychological type is because the psychological type we belong to defines our reactions. I understood that our conscience is idiotic and ignorant, and it has a strong tendency to become neurotic by making the mistakes imposed by our psychological type. I understood that our mental health depends on our spiritual health.
I concluded that we are absurd and we must be afraid of our own conscience. We must obey the wise guidance we have in our dreams. This was what I did, even though I had to accept suffering. Thanks to my obedience to the divine guidance I could eliminate my neurosis, and learn how to cure others through dream translation since 1990.
I could finally publish the scientific book I started writing in February of 1988 only in October of 2007 online, as an ebook, after rewriting it in English, simplifying even more many parts, and sharing this information into different books. The internet was the ideal solution for me. I could immediately show to the world everything I had discovered.
Before being able to publish my books, I had to find all the answers for numerous questions, and I also had to simplify the complicated method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung. His method is precious but it has no practical value because it is too complex and time consuming. This is the only method that helps you understand God' words in dreams, but it is too difficult.
After curing many people from severe and simple mental illnesses through dream translations for nineteen years, I could finally publish my first book. I couldn't believe that this was really happening, after so many years.
I'm proving God's existence thanks to my success. I would never be able to deal with invincible mental illnesses without superior guidance. I believe that most people know how invincible mental illnesses are, but some people ignore the truth. A mental illness is impossible to deal with.
I discovered that we are basically mentally ill from birth, since we have inherited a wild conscience, the anti-conscience, which thinks like a demon. This is why we tend to become neurotic.
I'm also proving Satan's existence, since I could discover that the biggest part of our brain and psyche belongs to our satanic anti-conscience. The anti-conscience is our second conscience. Sometimes we think based on our human conscience, but many times we think based on our absurd and evil anti-conscience. When we think like our anti-conscience, we think like Satan. When we think like Satan, we acquire a severe mental illness.
The image you have now completes the knowledge you had about your mental health and the influence of your anti-conscience into your human conscience. Now you know that what causes craziness is the evilness of your satanic anti-conscience.
Mental illnesses are generated by evilness. If you didn't have a satanic anti-conscience you would be mentally healthy. This means that you would be a perfect person.
However, your mental health is constantly threatened by the absurdity imposed by your anti-conscience, even if you believe you are a normal person and you have a normal life. Everything is absurd in our world. What seems to be normal is in fact absurd and dangerous.
Your mental health depends on your goodness. You have to eliminate your anti-conscience by consciously preferring to be a wise and sensitive human being, instead of being violent, indifferent, and cruel. You must desire to be a good person because you understand that your goodness will help you find authentic happiness.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).


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