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Get Healthy and Get Fit

Get healthy and get fit should become America's mantra for the twenty-first century. America, unfortunately, has become the home of the couch potato. This once great country has been on the decline over the last 10 years and many of its citizens refuse to acknowledge it. The sad part is that it doesn't look like it's going to get any better. In fact, it looks like it can actually get worse. Studies being conducted around the country are estimating 100% of our population will be overweight by the year 2048... that seems almost unfathomable and yet, it's becoming a part of our reality today.
It boils my blood to think that we have so many more resources available to us now, and yet the health of this country is being put in reverse. I understand that we have a portion of our population that has never eaten a fresh, live vegetable in their life but this is starting to get really scary now. We're already at or around 65% of our population being overweight, with more than 30% being obese according to the Center for Disease Control. We need to start getting the phrase "get healthy and stay fit" into every home in America, and making it stand for something more than an empty slogan, that's only around for the next few news cycles before the next gimmick comes along.
The phrase encompasses the sister disciplines of health and fitness, and should be taught in that order. We need to get everyone healthy immediately, and that starts with education and implementation. Being a health and fitness advocate, I make sure I stay in contact with the gurus's of health. We all know who they are, so I won't waste time mentioning each and every one of them but what gets me shaking my head is when they take it too far. We all know that all the conditions will never be right for you to accomplish any goal you set out towards. I'm going to paraphrase an old saying badly but it fits in with what I'm trying to get across. It goes, "If you're waiting for all the lights to turn green before you start heading into town mister, you're going to be waiting at home a long time."
It's one thing to educate people about health but when you present them with scenarios where all the pieces have to be perfect to win, you lose people very quickly. Let me give you an example of what I mean. I listened to one "guru" go over the virtue of water in a seminar setting and it was a good talk, until he came to the part where he wanted people to search around the area they lived in for natural flowing springs. In essence, he was saying everyone should bottle their own water from these springs. Now truthfully speaking, I don't even consider that a solution because it isn't very practical. This guy tells us all about how bad the plastic our water comes in is, and then says to bottle natural flowing water in "glass" containers from a natural flowing spring. When I start hearing that, I can start to understand why people get turned off from these gurus and their messages.
The same holds true for the fitness gurus. I can name five off the top of my head that present outrageous programs for people to follow, and yet they are still sought after and respected - even though most of their customers almost never complete their program, or even use it regularly for that matter. One of these gurus wants you to perform almost 20 different exercises for one workout, while doing one new workout every day of the business week. that means you would have to go through 100 exercises in five days time. Once again, this is overkill and not really a solution. Instead, it sets his customers up for failure because of the sheer complexity involved in the program.
Getting healthy and getting fit is not some sort of mystical process that is available to the lucky "few." In a perfect world, we would all be able to pick the fruit right off the tree and eat it. We would be able to turn our faucet on and drink fresh water from a local stream through plumbing that meets all the proper safety regulations... but many of us aren't in a position to be able to do that, so what's the alternative? In the same vein, we all cannot spend two hours a day working out, going through almost two dozen exercises - so what's the alternative?
The key is to do the best you can with the resources you have available to you. But in the most general of cases, you want to remember these 5 things:
  1. Always drink plenty of water
  2. Learn to use air properly
  3. Get the right amount of rest
  4. Eat whole foods most of the time
  5. Workout at least 4 times a week, focusing on strength, cardio, aerobics and flexibility training
If you can focus on and work those five pieces, I believe you will come across enough information you can use to get into the best health and fitness you've ever experienced in your life. Like I wrote earlier, all conditions aren't going to be perfect but if you can DO the best that you can, with the resources you have on hand - you'll be years ahead of everyone else. And if we get everyone else to figure out that small, yet extremely important distinction - we see those numbers I gave earlier, begin to drop. "Get healthy and get fit," say it to your family and all your friends and maybe one day in our lifetime, we can start seeing a real change when it comes to nutrition, health and fitness... one can only hope.
To learn more about how you can create or regain health and fitness, without resorting to extreme workouts or diets, download your copy of my FREE Report, "The WHOLE truth About Health & Fitness" at [http://gethealthygetfit.co]
Click here to discover the WHOLE Truth [http://gethealthygetfit.co]


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