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Fat Thinking Keeps Us Fat

I am a woman so I get it! I understand how worried we are about how we look and feel. Maybe even a little obsessed at times. However, the way we "think" of ourselves, as ladies, often keeps us in the exact place we don't want to be body wise. To fix our bodies we must first fix our minds. A positive mindset will propel us forward but a negative mindset will always hold us back. Just this week I had 2 female clients tell me that they were too out of shape to come in to exercise. Now, they were not saying they could not physically do a workout. No - instead they were too embarrassed to. Here is what they told me:
Client 1: Note: This client has lost a significant amount of weight. She has recently gained some of it back. She hasn't been in to exercise consistently in months. This may have something to do with her gaining some weight back but I think it goes deeper into the mindset. Our mind and bodies work together. She tells me she misses coming in and training with us. I tell her we miss her and would love to have her back. Then she tells me she may come back when she loses some of the weight she has gained back. She goes on to say, "I don't want to disappoint ya'll."
Client 2: This lady calls to get information on our training services. I ask her when she can come in for a consultation so that we can meet and I can see where she is now. Her response: "I just want information because I am too out of shape to get started with a trainer right now." I ask, "How so?" She says, "I haven't been doing anything and need to start exercising first." This is like cleaning your house before the housekeeper comes to clean. Things that make you go "hmmmm???".
Unfortunately, these ladies are not alone in their thought process. As women, we don't want to "look" like we can't keep up. We don't want to "look" like we have put on a few pounds. In our minds it seems easier to stay away because of our embarrassment or shame. My answer to these two ladies and so many more with the same thought process is: You have "Fat Thinking" and it will make and keep you Fat and out of shape. It is what it is ladies. You are where you are whether you stay at home and hide or get out there. If you want to change it then face it head on. Only then can you start DOING things that will change you. Being scared and embarrassed will do nothing to change YOU. Jumping in and getting to work will. Let's get to work!
Author: Alli Kerr is a personal trainer and owner of The Pink Physique Women's Fitness Center in Macon, GA. To contact her email allikerr@thepinkphysique.com.


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