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Can Outside Electrical Source Interfere With Your Pacemaker?

One advice that a doctor will give you when you receive a pacemaker is to be careful of certain electrical appliances and devices, especially those that emit charges. But can outside electrical source interfere with your pacemaker? Unfortunately yes and these electrical sources can be detrimental and sometimes fatal.
MRI, also known as magnetic resonance imaging, is a type of scan that is used to study images of the brain, liver, spine, joints and other organs. This machine gives out a strong magnetic field which interferes with the proper functioning of a pacemaker. Therefore, patients with pacemakers should not have an MRI scan.
Doctors will also warn you about mobile phones. Make sure you do not carry your mobile phone in your chest pocket and when speaking, hold it on the ear that is on the opposite side of the pacemaker. Mobile phones give out rays that can interfere with the way a pacemaker works.
Heavy duty electrical equipment like car engine, certain electrically-powered surgical tool and arc welders can cause disturbance in proper functioning of a pacemaker. If you want to drive a car or operate an electrically-powered equipment, make sure you first get permission from your doctor. Just to let you know that driving a car should not pose a problem but you should not lean over a running car engine.
Metal detectors installed at airports can cause problem with proper functioning of a pacemaker. Make sure you carry your pacemaker ID card, which you will be given when the pacemaker is implanted, and show the same to security officers at the airport. In addition, the hand-held security wand can also interfere with proper working of a pacemaker. If possible you should avoid being scanned by these wands.
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in medical and healthcare industry. She also offers top quality articles like Women & Cardiovascular TrainingCongestive Heart Failure


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