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How to Go Green For Life

A lot has already been said with regard to living a healthy life, choosing environment-friendly products, etc. Go green! This is the unmistakable battle cry of Mother Earth's defenders, who are most of the time viewed with some sense of contempt by people who could only care less. However, beneath all the rhetoric and discourse on environmental protection is the sad truth about the planet's condition, and your contribution, as well as your inevitable downfall along with it. After all, Earth serves as everyone's host, and if it is going nowhere, it would definitely take all of us along.
Go Green: How to Begin
You could help not just the environment, but also yourself, by focusing on your household first. We need to start somewhere, and the proverbial cleaning of your own backyard would be the easiest and most logical thing to do. You could always begin by analyzing your carbon footprint. How much of the world's current environmental chaos have you contributed to? There are many factors to consider inside your home, and most of this would boil down to what you use on a daily basis and how they affect the environment as well as your health.
Go Green Products
The next step in going green is to avoid using products that could prove to be toxic to your health, not just now but also in the long run. For example, you already know that using microwavable containers are the way to go for enjoying those leftovers. Investing on a solar panel means less energy consumption which leads to reduced utility bills. Gravity-based water filters could provide you with a good supply of drinking water without having to plug it to an electric socket. These are just some examples of household items that you could modify to suit the environment-friendly revolution of your home.
Be Kind to Mother Nature
While the main reason for your decision to go green is to support the preservation of whatever natural resources we have left, it also pays to see it from the perspective of your family's welfare. As such, not only are you adjusting your daily routine and reducing your carbon footprint because of some ideology that has been forced upon you. Instead, you see yourself and your household forming part of a bigger picture which demonstrates the unavoidable interconnectedness of the world to which we belong.
Be Kind to Your Body
Most importantly on this subject are the chemicals that your body absorbs every single day. Your skin is your biggest organ and it absorbs toxins all day long if you are using name brand laundry detergent. These are all full of carcinogens which are cancer causing. Deodorants, soaps, cleaning products, perfumes, fabric softeners and just about any store bought product in your home is toxic. Think about it, they all have warnings and SAFETY CAPS. They are telling you that it is poison. This is why all these kids today have allergies, respiratory problems and even hormone disruptors. If you did a little research, you would be appalled like I was. It's time to clean out your house and save the health of everyone in your family especially if you have children.
Once you realize how toxic everyday products are like Jay Midolo has, you probably would like to clean out the bad and bring in the good. Jay will share with you where he gets his non toxic, biodegradable products that have no safety caps. The are all natural. Simply email him and he will be happy to help the health and well being of you and your family. jay@mlmbuildyourfuture.com

Home Health Care Products Experience Significant Growth

Grand View Research recently released its "Global Incontinence and Ostomy Care Products Industry Trends and Market Segment Forecasts To 2020" report. Therein, it is predicted that the industry will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.2% between 2013 and 2020. In the United States, this increase in demand for home health care products will be fueled in large part by the aging of Baby Boomers, a population segment that represents approximately 26 percent of the total U.S. population. But such demand will be a worldwide one.
According to a press release issued by the market research firm, in terms of dollar figures the home health care products segment comprised specifically of incontinence and ostomy care products "is expected to reach USD 17,184.2 million by 2020." Urinary issues of all kinds and inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's and ulcerative colitis will be the main drivers behind this upward swing, but the fact that patients are becoming more aware of these conditions and how they can be managed also plays an integral role in the growth.
Even just 20 years ago, ostomy and incontinence patients really had nowhere to turn other than their health care provider or the library for information about their conditions. Bringing up such topics with a doctor can be so embarrassing that individuals suffer in silence rather than suffer the humiliation. In the past, even when they were able to summon up the courage to discuss the matter with their physicians and get advice on the appropriate products to manage their conditions, their only real source for such products was an in-person visit to a store-yet another embarrassing proposition.
Enter the Internet age and suddenly incontinence and ostomy patients had access to a new world of information. They could also tap into the knowledge of fellow patients. Armed with this new knowledge and community of support, they were suddenly empowered about their conditions. It wasn't long before they began turning to the World Wide Web for the products that would make their daily quality of life better. Today, the Internet has become the location of choice to shop for home health care products like ostomy supplies and incontinence products.
Perhaps not surprisingly, according to the market research report, "absorbent products dominated the incontinence care products market on account of their high usage rates." Indeed, they accounted for over 85% of market revenue in 2012. Furthermore, the advent of technologically advanced products such as continent ileostomy and continent urostomy bags will help the ostomy care products market grow at an accelerated rate and gain market share during the course of the forecast period."
While this widespread prevalence in ostomy and incontinence product usage is eradicating much of stigma surrounding such conditions, many of these patients are still not comfortable putting their medical issues out in front of the public. Fortunately online sellers of home health care products offers both incontinence and ostomy products and supplies from the most trusted brands... often at prices that rival those in the bricks and mortar marketplace.
Paless Healthcare Products specializes in home health care products.

Cancer Causing Products in Your Everyday Life

You might not be aware of it, but you are using a lot of cancer causing products in your everyday life, and you are not alone.
The average individual is exposed to cancer causing agents, what is known in the scientific community as "carcinogens" through a plethora of factors that may include lifestyle factors, medical treatments, pollution, and other harmful elements that naturally occur in the environment we are part of. While avoiding every form of carcinogen is close to impossible, one could always find effective ways to decrease exposure to a level which would not be a threat to general health.
The Carcinogens You Meet in Everyday Life
Much of the cancer causing products which contribute to higher risks include lifestyle-dependent choices present in the food that we consume or the substances that we ingest. If you are a smoker, then you would know that tobacco is responsible for lung cancer even for the people around you who suffer from second hand smoke. Several studies have also led to declare some specific food groups, even the most common ones like sugar and salt to be carcinogenic. On the contrary, others would depend on the preparation involved, such as charred food, for example.
Carcinogens in the Environment
It should also be noted that the environment is also responsible for many of the carcinogens that could affect our lives. Ultraviolet light, for example, is said to be highly carcinogenic, as well as radon gas and other naturally occurring substances that you just could not avoid. We could also blame the environment for certain medications we ingest in order to battle illnesses acquired though environmental factors, given how certain medications have proven to be carcinogenic in nature as well.
Carcinogens in Your Household
There are many cancer causing products right in your home and you can control these carcinogens. You see, where you shop is how you can control the poisons in your home. Most all store brand products are toxic and poisonous yet they are allowed to be sold to the consumer. It is mind boggling that these products are not banned from the home. Everything from soaps to health care to cleaning products and much much more. You need to shop smart to protect your family by finding a company that has nontoxic and healthier products. I have found one that has been around since 1985, well before green was even thought about. It's time that you learn about this company also.
Jay Midolo has identified carcinogens in his home and so can you. Learn what he has discovered to help keep his family safe from cancer causing home products. You can clear your home of these products for a safer and healthier family. You can email him to find out what he has discovered about this topic at; jay@mlmbuildyourfuture.com

3 Important Duties To Perform When Caring for Your Parents

1. Keeping track of their medications can be done by maintaining a list which includes each medication including the date it was prescribed, by which physician, how often they are to take it. This list should be taken to each doctor's appointment in order for every physician to be aware of all the medications they are taking. On occasion patients have been prescribed similar medications when the doctor was not aware of all of the medications being taken. It is very important that you always being all medications or a complete list of the medications to each appointment.
2. Caring for parents will also include managing physician appointments. This can be done by keeping a large desk calendar available for them to keep track of the appointments. When an appointment is made it can be documented on the calendar. This is especially important if memory problems are an issue. They can always refer to the calendar if they have any question. The calendar can also be utilized for other important dates such as birthday's and anniversary dates. Of course, you will also need to keep your own calendar for their appointments if you will be required to accompany them to the appointment or to just give a reminder call to make sure they will make the appointment. Some parents may elect to go to appointments alone. This is mainly to ensure their privacy and is another way they maintain control and independence. It is highly recommended that you go with them if at all possible especially if they have memory problems and may not recall important information.
3. Keeping track and paying their bills is another task required when caring for parents. Utilizing the desk calendar will be helpful. As bills arrive in the mail, the date they are due can be written on the calendar. It is also helpful if a designated place is used to place the mail. This will help avoid any mail being misplaced causing a bill not to be paid. This will be helpful to both your parents and yourself. As the bills are paid, you can indicate that on the calendar and even write down a confirmation number. This way they will continue to feel involved in the financial matters by being able to check the calendar and confirm that it has been taken care of.
As you can see there is much involved when caring for parents. Perhaps the best suggestion I can make to you is to maintain good records. Whether it is keeping up with medications, scheduling physician appointment or simply paying the bills, everything is important and good organization will help make everything run smoothly.
We are all a team. The patient, family members and other caregivers are all part of the team. Our goal is to provide timely, efficient and cost effective wound treatment that promotes the best healing environment for the individualized wound patient. We provide wound assessment and treatment recommendations for accute and chronic wounds.
Please visit http://www.mywoundconsultant.com for more information on elderly care and wound care options. We also provide products that will aid in the care of the elderly and all home bound patients.

Feeling Stranded? Online Therapy - Access All Areas

Having grown-up in the sticks in the Yorkshire Dales then later living in the Australian Outback and rural New Zealand, I love living in a remote area. Advantages: The peace, less traffic and seeing more stars at night. Also the privacy... no worries if you don't draw the bedroom curtains! As a teenager however, it could be the cause of whinging that "We are miles away from anything."
This frustration may be less vocal though equally felt by people of all ages living in a remote location at times. A common difficulty can be the lack of health professionals and access to wellbeing services. Perhaps you feel that your rural location stops you from making the changes you want, believing therapy requires meeting in person? It is not only geography that can lead people to feel "isolated", as shall be considered below too.
However, your whereabouts or other restrictions no longer need matter thanks to online therapy. The Internet allows you to access 'talking therapies' wherever you are whilst also overcoming many other restraints. Increasingly practitioners are offering an online service. Video technology such as Skype allows for face-to-face communication. This article will focus on Skype hypnotherapy sessions and things to consider when using this medium.
Skype is an online service provider that provides free calling between account holders and enables video chat. Its benefits, aside from the free calls, include easy and free set-up and good audio quality.
It is surprisingly easy to build a good relationship over Skype. This medium offers the same level of support and confidentiality as that of meeting a therapist face-to-face. Distance communication is not a new concept, Sigmund Freud communicated with his clients via letter.
Benefits that Skype therapy offers include:
It uses broadband which you are already likely to be paying for through your Internet plan.
Sessions at home remove any travel costs or journey times. No childcare costs to cover either!
Aside from the financial win, online also allows much more flexibility. You may find that your time zone works in your favour as virtual services open up flexibility on available slots. Whilst office-based appointments can become booked-up quickly, consider looking online to find a session for when you need.
The Internet is a global market so you have a greater choice of whom to work with. You can choose the practitioner who best meets your needs regardless of whether they are based nearby. It is important to choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable to help you achieve your goal, so having more options gives the freedom to make the right choice for you.
The online environment can offer an increased sense of privacy. Distance can offer an anonymity that helps you to relax and share more freely. An article in Newsweek (2006) reported that recovering addicts would benefit from online therapy, given unease at attending face-to-face support groups.
Being in your own home environment can help to make you feel safe and secure, especially for those experiencing social anxiety or agoraphobia.
Accessibility is a major benefit, overcoming mobility difficulties or constraints on leaving your home. It is ideal whether you are housebound or disabled, a carer or parents constrained by responsibility, or a travelling unable to make face-to-face appointments.
Distance nor a busy lifestyle should not prevent you taking the opportunity to make the changes you want in life. As the American entrepreneur Jim Rohn said:
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."
You will need fast internet connection and a computer with a webcam. Most computers or laptops have a built-in mic and camera. If not, these can be inexpensive to buy.
A therapist offering a Skype service should provide clear guidance to working together this way. A good practitioner will answer any questions you may have and ensure that you are clear on everything prior to the Skype call. The therapist should also outline their confidentiality policy as well as general information such as cancellation terms.
Be clear on appointment times - especially if there are time zone differences to consider.
Be comfortable using Skype prior to the first session: Test that you can hear clearly, headphones work, the Internet speed supports a Skype call without delays / screen freezing-up. Consider a practice call with a friend.
I completed my hypnotherapy training in Wellington, New Zealand and whilst now back in the UK, I continue to successfully work with clients across the globe via Skype. For more details and testimonials, please see: http://www.progressthroughhypnosis.co.uk/about-progress-through-hypnosis/skype/
If you would like to know how Skype hypnotherapy can help you, please be in touch via http://www.progressthroughhypnosis.co.uk
Rachael x
Ask about my Skype weight loss programme!

Natural Ways To Keep Cool Without Using Air Conditioning

It's important to maintain a stable body temperature, because if you are too hot or too cool, you could start to feel very ill, very quickly. In summer, it's possibly more important to keep cool, as heat exhaustion can develop rapidly and, if untreated, it can be very serious. So how can you stay cool and healthy in the summer?
Air conditioning is a neat invention, but it may not be suitable for everyone, and it can be expensive to run. People who suffer breathing difficulties or sinus issues could find that their condition is exacerbated by air conditioning. And of course, not everyone is in a position to pay high utility bills. Air conditioning is also noisy, so if there are babies in the house, or maybe people with sensitive ears, it's not the best choice. However, you can stay cool in summer without resorting to air conditioning.
Perhaps the best alternative to air conditioning is to install ceiling fans in each room in the house. They often have integrated light fittings, and they typically have three speeds. The highest speed will chill the room efficiently, provided you go for a fan with big blades, and the slowest speed will ensure the bedroom stays cool at night, without making it chilly. An added bonus is that mosquitoes and moths are poor fliers, and therefore they don't like ceiling fans. So you can keep the pesky critters from having a midnight feast as you sleep.
In the daytime, keep the doors and windows open to create a through draught. That said, if a particular room gets more than its fair share of sun, you might wish to keep the window and the curtains or shutters closed. If you hate the thought of locking out the sun's rays, yet still wish to keep the rooms cool, maybe you should consider investing in vertical blinds, as they can be angled to let in the light but keep out the heat of the sun.
If you have particular hotspots in your house, a strategically placed pedestal fan will soon get the air moving and generate a welcome breeze. Pedestal fans are usually more efficient than desk top models, and they are also cheap to buy and run. And of course, they are portable, which means that as the sun moves around the house, you can relocate the fan.
If you have wooden or marble floors, take up any rugs and carpets to help keep the rooms cooler, and walk around in bare feet. If your feet are cool, your body stays cooler.
Have a sliced melon handy in the fridge for a refreshing cooler which is more effective at quenching your thirst than a cold drink. And, keep a pack of moist baby wipes and/ or a mist spray of water in the fridge. Use these for freshening up through the day.
As you can see, air conditioning is not essential for keeping cool. In fact, it's much cheaper and also better for the environment to look for alternatives.
The TempIR non contact infrared thermometer will help in maintaining a healthy body temperature all the time. Find out more about this product and get more advice on temperature control and home health care here:

Lose Weight With a Personal Trainer in Orange County

Even though Orange County offers many sport possibilities to its inhabitants, there are still many people who struggle with their weight no matter how much sport they make. This is because they do not know how to do exercises properly and end up disappointed when they don't see the expected results. To this extent, going to a personal trainer in Orange County is sometimes the best choice a person can make. This region has highly experienced trainers and various gyms and boot camps, so those who want to lose weight can rest assured they will have where to choose from. Of course, their personal trainers might advise them to start a jogging program on Seal Beach or Huntington Beach, very popular locations for joggers in this region.
On the one hand, personal training in Orange County not only implies doing exercises in a gym, but also taking advantage of the natural landmarks this region has to offer. Many trainers in Orange County advise their customers to start hiking in Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, one of the many hiking spots available in this beautiful, sunny region. On the other hand, those who expect traditional working out will not be disappointed either. Personal trainers will teach them how to exercise correctly in order to maximize the efficiency of their programs. Those who are not sure if working with a trainer is a good idea, should keep in mind that a trainer is there to help them not just with advice, but also motivate them and keep them from quitting until their reach the desired results.
There are many weight losing programs in Orange County, but none of them will work as good as having someone on your side round the clock to give you advice and supervise the way you exercise. However, as much as you may want to work in a gym, any professional trainer will tell his clients that it would be a shame not to take advantage of everything this region has to offer. Swimming is probably one of the best sports that help people lose weight in a healthy and natural way. So ask your trainer about the best places to swim in this region and how you can better complete your weight-losing program by adding additional activities. Whether you choose to swim at Huntington Beach or you want to look for a quieter place it is up to you.
All in all, losing weight in Orange County should not be very difficult considering the many possibilities this region has to offer. Talk to your personal trainer and see what you can incorporate in your training routine in order to obtain the best possible results, in a very effective time frame. As long as your follow the instructions of someone experienced in this matter, who can tell what exercises are better for your needs and how to do them correctly as well as advise you on what other activities would be suitable for your needs, you should have no problems in getting into shape as soon as possible.
Want to find out about personal training in Orange County? For more resources about personal trainer in Orange County please review these links.

Easy Things to Do to Lose Weight

Losing weight takes a lot of work and discipline. The hardest things you need to focus on is fighting through your workouts and resisting temptation on your diet. Although these two reasons are key, there are small things you can change that will work wonders in helping you get fit and lose weight. The best thing about them is that they are not hard and actually pretty simple. Here are a few easy things to do to lose weight! Take these to heart; I know you can do it!
This first step is very simple, stay hydrated! Try to make it your goal to drink a glass of water right before your meal. Staying hydrated is of course important, but doing this before your meal will fill you up a little bit, and prevent you from overeating. Keep that bottle of water handy!
Another thing you can do you substitute your usual dessert for a piece of dark chocolate. It may not be as great as eating cookies with a glass of milk, but it is a nice treat to have while taking in less calories.
Controlling your portions is also a simple thing to do to lose weight. Try to use salad plates instead of dinner plates for your entrée. You can also bag your snacks in advance; we all know chips have an addicting power that makes you want to keep dipping for more. This will prevent you from over snacking. Also, when you cook something, only eat half and put the rest away for leftovers. Not only will you be taking in lesser calories, but you will have a meal for another time! Cut the bill in half while you are eating out, by splitting a plate with your friend or significant other.
Try to not drink calories up. Instead of grabbing the coke you get daily from the vending machine at work, try having water set aside to drink instead. You can flavor it with natural ingredients like lemon or lime to give it some flavor!
Finally, you can also strive to eat a light and early dinner. Try to eat dinner a couple of hours before you go to bed. Sleeping right after eating has been known to cause digestion problems. Do your best to have your dinner take up a quarter of your daily calorie consumption.
These are just a few easy things you can do to lose weight. The best thing about them is that they are easy!

Keeping Hair, Nails, and Skin Healthy - Simple Strategies That Work

When it comes to maintaining beauty, our hair, nails, and skin are the top three parts of our body that we tend to focus on most. The most common issues are attempting to maintain the health of all three. Hair can often be unmanageable, thinning, or dry. Nails may become brittle or seem to never grow. The skin on our face can be dry, oily, or have continuous break-outs. Everyone deals with various issues. However, improving all three comes down to some simple, yet effective strategies.
Improving Hair Health
Regardless of your hair issue, I would recommend visiting a high-end salon to have a professional give you advice on correcting any problems you may have. However, if that is out of your price range, no worry. Some easy strategies for hair health can include:
  • Washing hair every 2 - 3 days. Daily washing strips the scalp of its natural oils. If you have a very oily scalp, washing every other day may help.
  • Invest in higher quality shampoo and conditioner.
  • Try deep conditioning every 6 weeks or so.
  • Have split ends removed every 4 - 6 weeks
Improving Nail Health
The most common problem with nails is that many people find them difficult to grow. This can often be the case if you constantly go to the nail salon to get fake nails. A good idea is to give your nails a break and keep them natural for a period of time. Simple upkeep can give them a break and over a few weeks, you may realize that your nails aren't difficult to grow at all.
Improving Skin Health
Our skin is probably seems to be one of the most difficult things to maintain. The issues can range from extremely dry to extreme acne. In the more extreme cases, seeking the help of a dermatologist may be the answer. For mild to moderate issues, you may consider trying the following:
  • Do not use regular body soap to wash your face
  • Invest in a high-quality facial cleanser
  • Invest in a high-quality facial moisturizer
  • Wash and moisturize your face at least twice a day
The Health Keys for Hair, Nails, and Skin
The ultimate keys for maintaining good hair, nails, and skin health is by taking care of your overall health through your diet. Often times, we can get caught up in eating the wrong types of food or not eating enough of what our bodies need in terms of nutrition. Getting enough of our daily vitamins/nutrients as well as drinking enough water is essential to the processes our bodies go through on a daily basis.
Certain vitamins can help with the growth of hair, nails, as well as giving skin a healthy glow. You would be surprised at the side-effects of dehydration. Many of us walk around dehydrated because we forget to drink enough water during the day. Remember that improving beauty begins with taking care of your body internally through proper nutrition.
Produce the very best tissues possible for strong, healthy hair, skin and nails through the use of natural herbal supplements. Visit http://dherbs.com/store/hair-skin-nails-p-33.html to learn more.

Why Is the Tweezerman Tweezer the Best?

We have all had the dime store version of tweezers, and they are worth just that, a dime. Lets upgrade to a Tweezerman tweezer and see the difference. You will see a difference between this superior hair tweezer and anything else available out there on the market.
The first thing you may notice about Tweezerman hair removal tweezers is that they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as patterns to match every mood and occasion you may find yourself. There is the popular Slant Tweezer. This little beauty has won numerous awards. The end is slanted at a perfect angle to make it perfect to get anything at any angle. You can shape those brows any way you need them to go using this perfectly aligned, hand-filed tip. These little gems are used by the top make-up artist around the world. Once you try Tweezerman Slanted Tweezer, you wont be going back to using those that came from the dime-store again.
If you are finding that you need a pointed tweezer they offer that as well. These are perfect to get into the spots for precision. They are the perfect solution for getting out that ingrown hair or even a pesky splinter under the skin. Tweezerman hair tweezers also offers a nice combination of a point and slant together. Just when you need it all they came up with the answer. They consider this their all in one and I can see why. You will never need to stray from the Tweezerman line of tweezers! They have a varied line with every tweezing need covered. Tweezerman even carries a mini hair tweezer with its own traveling case for those on the go occasion. These are perfect to keep in your purse. Be honest ladies, we have all had those occasions when we have been out and about and all the sudden found that hair that needed to be gone!
If you want to have that extra bit of style in your beauty products, you wont have to go far. Tweezerman tweezers are available in classic stainless steel, animal prints, a lux edition crystal and even a designer option of Harajuku Lovers! You will be able to find the perfect fit for you! You can even make a perfect gift of these products. What girlfriend wouldn't love a tweezer in her favorite animal print or Harajuku design? She will also love you for purchasing a top quality hair removal tool and she will never go back to the cheap style again.
Tweezers are an important tool for any ones beauty arsenal. It is, unfortunately, often overlooked. A good quality tweezer that is designed to work and to last is a must have for anyone wanting that perfectly groomed look. You can skimp on the tweezers, but you will find that you get the quality that you pay for. Tweezerman tweezer stands behind their product line and there is a reason why, it is quality and precision. Can you tell I love my Tweezerman Tweezers? I know you will too! Purchase a Tweezerman Tweezer.
I'm the in-house pro at BeautyStopOnline.com, the editor of YourBeauty411.com and a professional cosmetologist.
Click here for more information on online cosmetics.

Saw Palmetto Helps Get Thicker Brow Appearance

A lab study supports Saw Palmetto as an active agent that reverses signs of brow baldness and promotes revitalizing the brow hair to give users the look of thicker, fuller eyebrows. Saw palmetto is a plant whose ripe fruit is used to make medicinal products. Saw palmetto comes from a small palm tree native to the eastern United States.
In a scientific study, 19 men between ages of 23 and 64 years old with mild to moderate hair loss were given either a placebo or a supplement containing 400 mg of Saw Palmetto extract along with 100 mg of Beta-Sitosterol per day. After five months, hair growth in 60 percent of the men taking the herbal combination had improved compared with their initial evaluation. Only 11 percent of those taking the placebo improved.
Hair loss is related to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is formed when the enzyme 5-alpha reductase interacts with testosterone. Hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT tend to fall out when exposed to the hormone. Saw Palmetto works as a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor by blocking the enyzyme, effectively lowering levels of the DHT hormone. It also blocks receptor sites on the cell membranes need to absorb DHT, reducing hair loss.
According to a new study in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2002;8:143-52): Those with male pattern baldness may increase hair growth by taking a preparation containing saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and beta-sitosterol (a compound found in many edible plants). Male pattern baldness is a hereditary condition that most often affects men, but may affect women as well. Hair loss often begins with a receding hairline and continues in a horseshoe pattern, leaving hair on the sides and back of the head mostly unaffected. Although the exact reason that such hair loss occurs is not clear, some studies suggest that excessive conversion of testosterone to another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may be an underlying cause.
Saw Palmetto is found in many popular hair loss product options. There are several natural ways that you can discourage or reverse thinning hair. Saw palmetto is a herb that has been researched and shown to help block the formation of DHT in the body.
Whether brows are over-tweezed or naturally sparse, incorporating Saw Palmetto into a beauty routine will help to achieve the look of fuller brows. Saw Palmetto allows brows to effectively nourish and maximize the brow's fuller potential. Look for brow serum's formulated with Saw Palmetto as a key ingredient. After applying the serum to each brow nightly, users will be able to see results approximately one month or less. Continued application will yield fuller, darker and longer brows with monthly continued usage. This tester likes Brow Relonge eyebrow serum formulated with Saw Palmetto.
Jennifer Hughs is the pen name for the health and lifestyles writer who is compensated by Value Marketing, Inc. d/b/a Lab88. The author has 20+ years in the cosmetic and health industries and has worked with leading beauty and health publications.

Skin Whitening - The Effect of Sun on Our Skin

Throughout a normal day, we expose our skin to many everyday environmental factors which can be quite harmful, including chemical products, pollution, stress and ageing, all of which can badly affect both the color and texture of our skin. However, one of the most significant causes of damage to our skin and therefore one of the biggest threats is the sun.
Although sun is often cast as the giver of life, it is also one of the harshest of tests that our skin has to face. Unless you are able to spend all the daylight hours inside, then inevitably you will be exposed to sunlight throughout your life. Additionally with many of us increasingly embracing the outdoor lifestyle, then our exposure is increased even more. Although we are increasingly aware that the sun can severely damage our skin, many people still choose to expose their skin to the rays of the sun without adequate protection. But why is the sun dangerous to our skin in the first place?
It is the ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun that have the largest effect on the skin. Lighter skinned people are more likely to be susceptible to these rays than people with a darker skin type. This is predominantly due to a component of the skin called melanin, which is a significant contributor to the color of human skin - the higher the melanin content, the darker the skin color. However, the prime role of melanin in the skin is to absorb and neutralize the harmful ultraviolet rays. As people with a darker skin will have more melanin in their skin than lighter skinned people, they are less prone to lesions or sunburns caused by the UV rays.
When the skin is exposed to UV rays the skin will also produce more melanin to help absorb the rays. This in turn leads to the skin darkening or, as we more commonly know it, tanning. In other words, the process of tanning is all about exposure to UV rays in order to increase the melanin levels in the skin and therefore darken it. Tans gradually fade over time as through the natural process of skin growth and regeneration, these cells containing increased melanin are pushed to the surface of the skin to be discarded and replaced by the next layer of skin.
However, prolonged or excessive exposure to these UV rays can reach a level where the melanin can no longer absorb these rays, and damage to the skin begins to occur. At times these areas of skin damage may not be replaced, leading to patches of darker skin or brown spots which do not disappear through the normal skin growth process. In worst case instances, these areas may develop into skin cancers or diseases as a result of the overexposure.
Logically it makes sense to spend as little time in the sun as possible for the sake of your skin, but the reality is of course that just living our lives normally takes us regularly outdoors. Therefore it is important to ensure we cover up and protect ourselves from the sun, whether that be by wearing adequate clothing cover or at least a sunscreen or block on exposed skin. Where brown areas of skin or spots occur on the skin, there are now natural treatments which can be utilized with are gentle and easy on your skin, giving it the best chance possible to be healthy.
Kate Hooking is a mother and writer who focuses on healthy and natural treatments for life's little everyday challenges. Visit her latest website to review the latest most effective natural treatment to help Whiten Skin [http://whitenskin.org] where she provides further information and how to Whiten Skin Fast [http://whitenskin.org/whiten_skin_fast.html].

How To Make Your Buttocks Bigger Naturally

There is a lot of buzz going around about how to make your buttocks bigger and the best way there is to do it. Seeing celebrities like J. Lo on television sporting a great butt can have an effect on everyone, guys love it and girls want to have it. Figuring out the best way how to make your buttocks bigger is the challenge. We are taking the most common methods and putting them to the challenge for the best way on how to make your buttocks bigger.
I'll take these pills and grow my butt!
How to make your buttocks bigger is a topic everyone is aware of so there is a huge market if you can fool someone into thinking there is a magic pill. It costs money and usually they are expensive since the company knows you won't come back for more if it doesn't work the first time you buy it.
Meanwhile exercising at home costs you nothing but a couple bucks you may spend on weights. If you get a gym membership your options are endless and your only paying a small monthly fee at most gyms.
Surgery sounds like an awesome idea, fast and easy results right?
Until you actually think about it and realize that it isn't an exact science. Surgical procedures cost a ton of money that most people wanting to know how to make your buttocks bigger don't have and a special surgery for making your buttocks bigger isn't going to be cheaper. Also, because surgery is being performed by a person there is room for error, and even a surgery that goes according to plan may not produce the results you desired. Now your out of a lot of money and are stuck with a buttocks you didn't want!
Exercising will get you the results and save you thousands of dollars. On top of that, exercise is extending your life and increasing your enjoyment of it. Better health and a bigger buttocks!
Eating certain food is easy and painless!
Not the case at all since eating only certain things to help you with how to make your buttocks bigger have actually made some people sick because of their unbalanced diet. We are also still waiting to see any real results or hear about awesome experiences people have had with some magic buttocks boosting diet plan. It can be hard to trust these types of overzealous offers, if its too good to be true it usually is.
Exercising instead helps you to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. People who exercise are encouraged to eat well and it also allows you more room to eat anything you want!
Building muscle is clearly the best way for anyone figuring out how to make your buttocks bigger. There are so many different exercises you can do to make your buttocks bigger that it would be impossible to list them all. Though nobody jumps at the idea of hard, sweaty work and weeks of effort for minimal results, a good workout beats all the competition. In the long run exercise has proven to be the most effective way on how to make your buttocks bigger.
Now you can get a natural treatment, accelerating the process, just like the one used by most celebrities to show you how to make your buttocks bigger naturally!

How to Make Your Spray Tan Last

A common frustration of people who utilize sunless tanning is that it does not always last as long as they would like. Most people who are complaining about their spray tan wearing off in 3-4 days are probably unaware of the way you should prep for and maintain a spray tan. Following the tips below can help you prolong the life of your beautiful, bronze tan.
Before You Spray Tan:
• Research
Do research on the spray tanning solutions that different salons use and choose one that contains moisturizing agents. Also make sure that the spray tan solution does not have a heavy alcohol content because that will dry out your sky and cause it to crack.
• Exfoliate
Exfoliate your entire body before you spray tan, but only use an all natural scrub that does not contain oils. The oils will put a protective coating on your skin that will stop the solution from being absorbed.
• Avoid Lotion
Do not wear any lotion that day that you are getting a spray tan because it will block the spray tan solution from the skin. Also try not to wear deodorant or anything else on the surface of your skin because it will leave that area white.
After you spray tan:
• Wait 6 hours before showering
Avoid showering for at least six hours after your sunless tan solution is applied. The DHA needs enough time to develop and water will hinder this process.
• Keep Showers Quick
When you do shower, make it quick. Do not soak in the bath because that encourages the sloughing of dead skin cells and will speed up the fading of your tan. Also, avoid using soap in the shower. Soap is harsh on the skin and may remove your tan. Use a moisturizing body wash instead.
• Pat skin dry instead of rubbing
After you get out of the shower do not rub your skin dry with a towel, instead pat dry it gently. Rubbing your skin with a towel may slough off some of the tan, but patting it dry will only take away the moisture.
• Apply a light moisturizer
Moisturizing your skin is key to maintain your skin, but you do not want to apply too heavy of a lotion. Opt for a light moisturizer and apply it multiple times a day, especially after you shower.
• Avoid pools and hot tubs
Stay away from pools and hot tubs that contain chlorine because it will dry out the skin and may bleach the skin, which will lighten your tan prematurely.
• Use a gradual self tanner to maintain the color for a few extra days
Once the color starts fading (5-6 days later) start gently exfoliating it with body exfoliating gloves so it fades more evenly. Apply a gradual self tanner to maintain the color for a few extra days.
Avid spray tanners also agree that you should not do the following:
- use baby oil, it takes the tan off
- apply high UV sunscreens because they can kill your sunless tan
- eat certain foods, such as sardines, the night before because it will affect the PH balance of your skin
About the author: Artesian Tan was created by Andrea as a way to prove a healthy and safe sunless tan. Artesian Tan carries top of the line spray tan solutions and sunless tanning products.

Quick Ways To Repair Broken Nails

As you guys know, I am such a huge nail polish addict. I would change a new color on my nails almost everyday. It got to a point that I was already neglecting them. They became so weak and brittle that two of my fingernails tore apart. Yes, it sounds painful and gruesome but what can one do to repair them? Luckily I had a few tricks up my sleeve and I want to share them with you here.
1. Prepare Your Nails For Repair
Maintain a clean environment for your nails in order to prevent infection. Remember that broken nails bring in an increased risk for infection so before you are about to give them the repair, remove any traces of polish with your trusty polish remover. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm (not hot, mind you) water. Allow them to dry before doing the next step.
2. The Power Of Superglue
A strong glue or superglue can repair broken nails in a flash. Now, superglue can get really nasty and it practically bonds with anything that it comes in contact with. In order to prevent any nasty mess, use a toothpick to to grab a tiny amount of glue. Apply it on the tear and allow it to dry completely. You can then use an emery board to file any bumps and scratches. Don't file too hard though.
3. The Miracle Of Teabags
If the tear is too large, then you can use a tiny piece from a tea bag material and use it to patch on the tear. Use a glue to bond this material on your nails. Ensure that the teabag material that you are using is clean and free of any particles. Allow this patch to dry and then file away any hard edges. If the patch is a little too big, you may trim off the sides to make it fit.
4. Always Maintain A Good Nail Care Routine
Your nails can definitely get weak and brittle when you don't take care of them very well (yes, I learned this lesson now). Use a nail essence that will give nourishment to your nail and apply a cuticle softener on your cuticles. These will help in bringing back the lost moisture and nutrients on your nails. Also, apply a protein rich nail hardener to keep them healthy and strong. Lastly, allow a few days for your nails to breath.
It is very essential to maintain really healthy nails especially when we use a lot of nail polish on them. Give them a lot of TLC so that no matter how much you expose them to different elements, they will always be good as new.
Reena Mariel, author of Beauty Is My Duty, your online resource for beauty tips and tricks for the average girl.

Hair and Beauty Salon Equipment

If you are looking for a great new business to start up then why not consider a hair and beauty salon? All you really need to invest in to start a hair and beauty business is some hair and beauty salon equipment and this is a perfect way to start earning your money and being completely self reliant.
Running a business is an incredibly rewarding feeling and it feels truly great to be making money for yourself rather than for a faceless corporation. You are no longer a cog in the machine but rather a captain of industry and you will reap the greatest rewards as such. Hair and beauty meanwhile is the perfect industry to get started in as it is always in demand and as it has low overheads with high returns.
To begin you simply need to invest in hair and beauty salon equipment. To begin with your won't need much. You will need mirrors, a gown to protect the customer from too much hair, a spray bottle, various scissors, combs and razors and gels and shampoos. With this basic hair and beauty salon equipment there is then nothing to stop you from starting your business from the comfort of your home. This is ideal because it means you can run your company while at the same time working in your current job. You don't have that scary process of having to quit your current job in order to stat chasing your dream - instead you can start offering to cut your neighbors' hair, your friends and your family. Offer them a cheap price and do a good job and soon word will start to spread and more and more people will start to request you to cut their hair. Your only investment was the hair and beauty salon equipment and now yo have a small business running.
Once this gets enough to supply you with a decent income then you can try renting a store where you can provide your service. This will instantly increase your clientele as people will walk past and come in for a go. Make yourself stand out with a good design, great deals and additional services. At the same time you will now need to invest in more hair and beauty salon equipment and the more you invest at this point the greater the number of clients you will attract. In short you need to be able to offer the full range of services so look into getting professional chairs to raise and lower your clients as necessary (and to keep them comfortable), hair driers, perming machines, dying equipment etc. This way people will come to you to get services they can't elsewhere and because when they look through the window it will be obvious that you are fully kitted out.
There are then other ways you can increase business and get more return on your investments. For instance you should consider running a website and you'd be surprised how many people this can drive to your stores if you rank well for keywords. Meanwhile you should consider making loyalty cards and other incentives to get return visitors.
One of the more expensive things to buy when you operate a salon is you beauty salon equipment. Some items are expensive and some you will use a lot of, like hair products if you are hair products or other consumable hair salon equipment.

What Makes Eyelashes Grow Fast?

When wanting to grow longer eyelashes fast many people turn to the internet to search for the newest and the best eyelash growth serums, hoping they will give instant results. Many of the these eyelash serums do little for your eyelashes, sometimes even deteriorating rather than improving their condition but there are a few that will produce stunning results week after week. They do not promise to give your results after your first week, but with 3 to 4 weeks of constant daily use, they will make your lashes look luxuriously longer. Some of the more pricier options include Idolash and Revitalash (which by the way are consistently top rated by buyers around the world), but there are a number of cheaper options which can also reproduce positive results such as... or the natural ingredient based Lash Mantra. Eyelash growth serums are one of the best ways to make your eyelashes grow fast but their not the only way.
Another way to make your eyelashes grow fast is to condition them daily with a moisturising agent which will help them stay in the best shape possible. You can use a number of different products, with many being stored in your basic everyday household cupboards, or located on your bathroom shelves. These products include Vaseline, olive oil, castor oil (refined or unrefined) or even jojoba oil which are all easily purchasable at your local convenience stores. All you have to do is apply these products daily to your eyelashes, let them sit and soak into your eyelashes and then clean them off a couple of hours later. To make this as easy as possible apply these conditioners at night and wipe them off in the morning, but make sure you don't apply any other eyelash product on top, for example mascara or false eyelashes as this will limit how fast your eyelashes can grow.
One of the last things that can make your eyelashes grow fast is the simplest option of them all. Just leave them alone. Our eyelashes are delicate little things which thrive in environments where they are left to grow in the best condition possible and so when you constantly pile on mascara and other eyelash products and instruments to make them look instantly 'pretty', they are sure to become brittle and break off. Lay off the eyelash curler, the thick black mascara and the false lashes and glue and just keep it simple. Your lashes may feel naked but it will all be worth it in the end when they turn into being long, luscious and irresistible to all who admire them.
For more information on what makes eyelashes grow fast or for more information on other eyelash products visit Grow Longer Lashes.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Many people are desperate to stop or reverse the signs of aging. As the skin ages, wrinkles and fine lines appear more prominent. The best way to maintain beautiful looking skin is with an anti-aging skin care routine. It is important to take care of the skin on a daily basis to keep it supple, smooth and soft. The best skin care treatments are easy to do and give you the results that you want.
How the Skin Ages
The three layers of the skin are the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous layers. The surface layer is the epidermis. It receives the brunt of the abuse due to environmental factors, sun exposure, dirt and grime. The epidermis also becomes drier with age. The dermis has elastin and collagen, two substances that give skin it elasticity and texture. As the skin ages, the body produces less elastic and collagen. The subcutaneous layer contains the fatty cells that moisturize the skin from the inside out. With age these fatty tissue become thin so there is less lubrication for the skin.
Anti-Aging Tips
Clean the face every day with a gentle cleanser. Plain yogurt is effective in cleaning the face without drying it. Massage it into skin and then rinse off with cool water.
Apply lemon juice to the skin as a toner. Lemon juice has vitamin C, a known antioxidant that helps to slow down the aging process. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals.
Moisturize the skin every day to reduce dryness. There are numerous moisturizers on the market. Another option is a dollop of olive oil as a facial moisturizer.
Make an anti-aging mask. Mash half an avocado and three strawberries to make a paste. Apply to the face and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Create an anti-aging scrub. Mix equal parts of sugar and water and scrub it into face. A scrub removes dead skin cells and deep cleans the pores.
Use a sunscreen every time you go outdoors. Purchase a sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Excessive sun exposure dries the skin and causes age spots.
Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water every day. The body needs nutrients and fluids to keep the skin healthy and lubricated.
Anti-aging skin care tips offer helpful advice for getting great looking skin at any age. The best anti-aging skin care routine is simple to follow and easy to do.
The author has spent a lot of time learning about anti-aging skin care and other related topics. Read more about best anti-aging skin care at the author's website.

How To Get Healthy Skin Naturally - For Beautiful Skin, Try These 3 Simple Tips

I don't know about you, but I think a healthy skin looks beautiful on everyone. By healthy I mean a skin with an even, natural color, a beautiful glow and only the signs of aging suitable for the person's age.
The truth is, many people today do not have this kind of skin and are desperately looking for ways to get healthy skin. If you are one of these people, read on, I have a few of my best tips for beautiful skin listed below.
1. Eat fruit and veg - lots of them
There's no way around it, your diet is the key factor when it comes to your skin health. To get healthy skin, you need to take a serious look on what you eat. In short: fruits and vegetables are good, meat and sugars are bad.
That's because vegetables and fruit contain the vitamins and minerals your skin and your whole body needs to stay healthy and function properly. Meat and (refined) sugars are not needed by the body and usually end up clogging your digestive tract, and your poor body ends up trying to get rid of the rest through the skin. That's not healthy, nor does it make your skin look nice. For beautiful skin, eat at least 3 portions of vegetables and two portions of fruit a day.
2. Watch what you drink
The people who ask themselves how to get healthy skin naturally usually already know they should be drinking more water. The question is, are they really following that advice, and what else are they drinking besides water. Are you really getting 8 glasses of water daily? And this does mean water, not soda, coffee or black tea.
One or two glasses of your daily water dose can be natural juices, but don't go overboard on them. Herbal tea also counts towards the daily glass count, but all other drinks don't, as they don't really hydrate you (some even do the opposite). Only a well hydrated body can be healthy. To get healthy skin, make water your priority.
3. Natural skin care is the key
Take care of your health from within, but also remember to nourish your skin from the outside. If you want to get healthy skin, take a look at the skin care you are using. It should be completely natural, effective and thoroughly tested. Avoid skin creams with synthetic ingredients, as the long term effects of many of them haven't been properly documented.
Also our plain logic tells us that because the skin is 100% natural, it will most likely to benefit from 100% skin care the most, don't you think? Find skin care products that are suitable for your age, with effective moisturizing and (if required) anti-aging properties.
So there you have them, simple but not always so easy-to-follow consistently tips that can really help you get healthy skin. If you want to see what skin care products I recommend for beautiful skin, please visit my website, the link is just below!
Lumi H. Jais believes in taking good care of herself by healthy habits like a balanced diet, quality supplements and using the best natural skin care products, as she is passionate about maintaining her youthful appearance and beautiful skin.
Visit her website www.natural-perfect-skin.com today for more information on the best natural products for skin care for fast and effective results.

How to Do a Great Rollerset Without Going to the Salon

Women spend a great portion of their monthly budget on haircare and cosmetics. Of all these expenses, maintaining healthy, glamorous hair is usually at the top of the list. The average woman goes to the hair salon or gets professional haircare services every two weeks and depending on the city, prices can range from $20 for a trim to $250 for color treatment. Going to the salon can be quite expensive and many women have such a hard time keeping up with their beauty regimen, especially if you are single mother with rent to pay, a car note to maintain, and children to feed. So how can you still look fabulous, be on the go and save money?
Here is an easy guide to getting bouncy curls at home with 8 simple materials: rollers, bobby pins, leave-in conditioner, narrow-tooth rat tailed comb, wide-tooth comb, an old cotton pillowcase, scissors, affordable handheld hair dryer.
No need to spend $30-250 on a seated hood dryer or go the salon!
Step 1: Condition [combs, leave-in conditioner]
Start with your hair shampooed, conditioned, and lightly towel-dried. Choose your favorite leave-in conditioner and distribute it throughout the hair from root to tip. Gently detangle your hair using a wide-tooth comb.
Step 2: Roller-Set [combs, rollers, bobby pins]
- Divide your hair in sections as wide as a roller will support using the tail of the comb.
- Thoroughly detangle the hair again with the narrow-tooth comb for silky finish. Divide the hair again in smaller sections.
- Grip the hair stretched out and firmly roll it around each roller starting from ends to roots, making sure that the ends lay flat on the roller.
- As you firmly roll the roller toward your scalp, secure the roller by inserting a bobby pin parallel to the roller Insert a second pin if necessary.
- Repeat for each section until all the hair is set.
Tip: Don't stress over achieving a neat pattern. The goal is for the hair to be smoothly secured in rollers.
Step 3: Pillowcase [scissors, pillowcase]
- Using the corner of a cotton pillowcase, cut a hole just wide enough for the head of the dryer to fit.
- Place your head inside the pillowcase and secure it around your head with bobby pins.
- Insert the head of the dryer into the cut hole and turn it on medium-high heat setting. Depending on your hair texture and temperature setting, your hair can be dry in 15-30mins!
Step 4: Shake n' Go
Remove the rollers and style your hair. If you're in a hurry, just shake your bouncy curls and go!
Achieving salon results at home doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Use this technique and share beauty with all of your friends.
Leila N. is founder of http://www.isabisbeauty.com, a social beauty commerce website for women in USA and International (UK, Europe) to share beauty advice while shopping for great products. Visit the Isabis Beauty Blog at http://www.isabisbeauty.com

Getting Your Hair Done Professionally

Although doing your own hair is the most economic decision, it doesn't always pay off in the end. Unless you are a trained professional yourself, it is hard to say that you have full confidence in what you are doing with your hair. Are you mixing the colors correctly? Are you layers even? It is hard for even a licensed hair stylist to do her own hair, let alone being someone doing their own hair with only second hand experience. There is a difference when you get your hair styled by the pros and a number of services to enjoy.
Hair dressers can service men, woman, and children. No matter who you are, they are educated on every type of cut, trend, and color treatment. Hair dressers endure long hours of training and classes in order to obtain their license. Before they even cut their first client they have done hundreds of practice cuts on manikins and even more on hair models. They learn a lot through calling in hair models by practicing not only technique, but learning how to listen to what the client wants. Communication from client to stylist is key if you want to walk out with the hair style you pictured yourself getting done.
Each client is given their own special attention as they enjoy their day at the salon. Typically in a visit you will start with a consultation, and then you will change into a smock. When you are ready you will have your hair shampooed or prepared for color, highlights, or corrective coloring. If you are not getting any extra services, you will be cut and then styled after your shampoo. This is where you can pick up on styling techniques and learn how to take advantage of different hair products. All services should end with a blow-dry or should be styled before leaving the salon.
There are other services besides cut and color changing done at a salon. This is where people go to get their professional waxing done. You can have your eye brows, lips, full face, bikini, or legs waxed at a salon. While your hair is processing is a perfect time to take advantage of an eye brow wax.
Having your hair done professionally is a luxury we are all lucky to have available. Not only are they trained to cut all styles, textures, and lengths, but they are going to give you the best suggestions for what hair colors will match your complexion. Getting your hair cut is not something you can avoid. If you have to get it done, get it done right!

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