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New Year New Me

It has been a while since I wrote my last article. During that period there has been a number of personal changes. The main one for me was relocating and changing jobs at the same time. This was the reason for the hiatus.
However in relation to trying to maintain a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle, it became very difficult, and unfortunately led to consuming foods high in saturated fat and salt, but the main nutrient that I loved as well was sugar.
I decided to make the change because i was on the bus journey home, and I was just so so tired, sluggish and fed up. I am not normally the type of person to feel that way, but it took me till that point to realise that something was wrong.
The first agenda I had to address was the lack of exercise. I stopped going to the gym because of relocating and adjusting to the new situation. so I decided researching into different gyms locally. Finally I found one, and i signed up the next day. I now regularly attend the gym, I try to aim for minimum of twice a week, but more than that is a bonus.
The second item on the agenda was diet, as explained earlier I love sugar, and really needed to cut down. Therefore the daily sugar intake needed reducing, otherwise the weight would had continued to increase regularly, which would had led to health problems later on in life ( wh did not want obviously) I started swapping high sugary food and drink for lower sugar options. For example swapping milk chocolate for dark chocolate, a sugary cereal for museli or porridge (depending on how I feel daily)
The third item on the agenda was portion control. when I moved into my new place, the portions I had were bigger than what I usually had previously. This was due to again, changes, and I got to the point that I would consume it, without thinking about if I was full or not.Therefore I decided to snack more, so that when it came to mealtimes, I would not have a big portion, I would have a smaller portion. This is because I am slightly full, due to the snack that I would have had earlier. The good thing about this is that overall i am saving calories on a daily basis, which would lead to weight loss later on in the coming weeks.
Other changes that I have made included drinking more water, as the body sometimes becomes confused into deciding if it is food or fluids. Our bodies are at least 70% water, so it is very important to try and consume as much fluids as possible, as we lo fluids on a regular basis. Also it can help determine if the body is actually dehydrated, rather than consuming a sugary food to help keep hunger at bay, which can help consume less calories, which in an effect can support weight loss.
Finally having at least eight hours of sleep is important, as studies have shown that having enough sleep, can help maintain weight. This is because the brain (if the body has enough sleep) would be better equipped to make better changes for the body, for example deciding if the body is hungry, craving for something sweet, or dehydrated. If the body has a lack of sleep, then the brain would find it difficult to decide these changes, so it could be that the brain may make the wrong decision, especially for the body, which in the long term could lead to weight gain
Another change that I have done was that I am not driving as often. This is because where I am working now there is no availability for parking. Therefore I have to take public transport, which means more walking, and less driving.
Overall as it is now the third month of the year, it is very important to make these changes above, so that by the time it is the summer period, hopefully there would be a little bit of weight loss, which would boost a bit of confidence.
I am a qualified nutritional advisor with 4 years experience. I can support people with weight management issues and general wellbeing. You can view me on either my website on http://www.livelongrocks.co.uk. Or you can view me on my blog http://www.livelongrocks.blogspot.com
Both of the above can help you with any nutritional support. Or if you have any queries you can, contact me through the websites above.

Is Health Affected by Stress?

This may at first glance, seem a fairly obvious question with a fairly obvious answer that stress has an adverse or negative impact on an individual's health, either physically or mentally.
Whilst this may seem true to most people, there is a slightly more underlying complex issue which concerns the nature of stress, its value as well as its detriment's, and why an understanding of the nature of stress and how it should be handled can have a major impact on an individual's health.
It is a fairly recent understanding in the field of holistic medicine that stress can have an impact on an individual's health. Until fairly recently there was a belief that external factors had a relatively limited impact on an individual's health, and it was largely how the individual handled their external environment that determined how they felt.
This in effect was saying that an individual should really be bullet-proof, and that with a few exceptions the external environment and the stresses of that environment had relatively little impact on an individual's ability to function.
This belief has pretty much swung the other way nowadays, with an understanding that external environments that generate stress do have an impact, and there is a much healthier focus on either removing some of the levels of stress if possible, or on finding ways of helping an individual to cope with the nature of stress.
There is also an understanding that certain levels of stress can in fact be quite a good thing at times, partly because they generate a degree of motivation and impetus within an individual to change and do things and move their lives forward in ways that they might not do otherwise.
The whole focus of an individual maintaining their own sense of health promotion by understanding their health and what works for and against them as an individual becomes more of an imperative with the rising costs of health insurance and health care, and the onus that puts on an individual to take responsibility for their own health and the factors that affect it.
The issue of stress should perhaps be clarified by splitting it into two main areas, the external motivators of stress and the internal motivators of stress. This in part is important because it clarifies areas of life that an individual is in control of, and clarifies areas of life that an individual is not in control of.
Once an individual is clear, or clearer about what they are in control of in their life then they have a sense of purpose about being able to change the things they can. Often external stress such as work pressures, travel/commute pressures and family pressures are often seen as being outside the control of the individual, and as such represent a greater level of stress because they are powerless to affect the outcome.
Peter Main is freelance writer who writes extensively about health, healthcare and health insurance with a particular focus on current issues and debates, such as the state of healthcare reform and how it impacts on peoples lives

Yoga for Skeletal Health

The ancient practice of yoga, which dates back more than 5,000 years, improves skeletal health through skillful selection and consistent application of a variety of exercises. Yoga poses for skeletal health are chosen for their ability to improve posture, increase flexibility and relieve skeletal system tensions. Yoga assists in maintaining bone density. It also helps minerals that are stored in the bones, as well as the blood cells produced in bone marrow, to be released to the bloodstream for the body's use as needed.
The Importance of a Healthy Skeletal System
Human skeletons contain 206 bones. Joints connect the ends of some bones. Encapsulated synovial fluid provides lubrication to the adjoining bone ends to reduce friction. Ligaments and muscles attach to bones by making use of either attachment points or insertion points on the bones. A healthy skeletal system is the foundation for a healthy body. Yoga postures optimize the conditions necessary to improve or maintain skeletal health.
Treating Osteoporosis with Yoga
Loren M. Fishman, a medical doctor affiliated with the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, led a pilot study to research the effectiveness of yoga in treating or preventing osteoporosis. The findings of this study were published in "Topics for Geriatric Rehabilitation" in 2009 and can be viewed here. Although the number of participants who completed the study were small, results were significant. Those in the study who faithfully performed the prescribed yoga routines showed noticeable improvement in the bone density of both spine and hip.
Yoga Helps Joints and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Because yoga increases the circulation of synovial fluid, it helps joints move more freely and reduces joint pain. In addition, yoga positions that require the use of a person's muscles to push and pull on the skeleton stimulate local bone growth. Yoga also has proved useful in treating musculoskeletal disorders of the hand and wrist. Marian Garfinkel, with the Medical College of Pennsylvania, led studies in 1994 and 1998 that confirmed the effectiveness of yoga in lessening the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome and improving grip.
Align the Body and Improve Balance with Yoga and Props
Yoga poses align the body and improve balance. Because yoga allows the use of props, people with disabilities or physical ailments can perform poses that otherwise would be impossible. Yoga instructors familiar with the proper use of props are able to individualize the various routines to fit each person's age and condition. Such individualization maximizes the benefits of yoga for the skeletal health of every participant.
Faye Martins, is a Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To read more or receive Free Yoga videos, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.facebook.com/AuraWellnessCenter

Music For Health and Healing

My exercise routine includes at least one day of dancing - moving my body in rhythm with music. I experimented with many videos and my favorite is the Zumba. When I first saw Zumba dancers I wondered why people got so excited in 1950s about Elvis Presley moving his hips. In a Zumba routine you gyrate and shake every part of your body. It is liberating and also fun. It is also a great way to keep fit and lose weight.
Zumba is a Colombian dance fitness program created by dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez in the 1990s. The legend has it that Beto forgot his normal aerobics tape one day for his class and he improvised using the tapes of salsa and merengue music which he happened to have in his bag. The class was such a success that he continued using South American dance music instead of the more traditional aerobics music. After the initial success in Colombia, Beto moved to USA in 2001, and the rest is history.
Today some 14 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 140,000 locations across 150 countries. Then there are millions more like me who follow the program at home on video. Part of Zumba's popularity is its adoption by such celebrities as Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham and Jackie Chan.
Music can retrain the brain
Such music-cum-dance has benefit way beyond keeping fit and losing weight. It is being used for those who suffer from neurological disorders or have had a stroke. The thesis is that the brain has a high degree of plasticity, and even when it is damaged, music can create new pathways to the brain. There are learned scientific treatises on how music can indeed be used to retrain the brains. The knowledge in this area is evolving rapidly as new brain-imaging techniques confirm the brain's plasticity (i.e. its ability to change) and identify networks that music activates in the brain.
One man puts this knowledge into practice. Ronnie Gardiner is a jazz drummer turned healer who thought of committing suicide some 30 years ago. He changed his mind and, reinvigorated to live and looking for a new purpose, he went on to develop the Ronnie Gardiner Rhythm and Music Method. This is a way to teach people to memorize a series of coordinated movements set to music with a steady beat.
Ronnie, in his mid 70s, lacks any sort of medical training but more than 200 physical and occupational therapists in his hometown in Sweden are using his method to help people with neurological disorders. The method is meant to supplement physical therapy and medical treatment, not to replace them. The results so far are reported to be encouraging.
Barbara Meynert is the founder of http://www.sagevita.com. Sage Vita, which means a life of wisdom, advocates a lifestyle that will enable us to live not only longer but also well and to engage in lifelong learning and with the world around us. Come and visit Sage Vita to learn more guidelines and information along a number of dimensions - including physical, mental, spiritual, social, and financial at http://www.sagevita.com.

Food to Boost Brain Power

You are what you eat. Fuel your brain with the right foods to boost mental stamina and improve memory and learning.
Did you know that even though your brain is the body's command centre, it only accounts for about two percent of your total body weight? If you eat the right amount of calories to maintain your weight, about 20 percent of that energy is used to power up your grey matter.
The brain comprises of billions of neurons which send and receive messages from the entire nervous system. Signals are passed from one neuron to the next and certain nutrients are needed to produce neurotransmitters which make the jump between the neurons. Serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine are common neurotransmitters that can have a big impact on your mood, your sleep patterns, mental sharpness and thought processes.
The continual activity within the brain requires a high level of energy to keep going. It's your body's job to supply its control center with a good stream of glucose energy. The right nutrients can help to boost mental productivity and help your body cope better with stress and the demands of a busy modern lifestyle.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are vital for good brain development. These good fats help to regulate serotonin levels in the brain, of which a low level may be linked to depression, mood swings and lethargy. Omega-3s improves mental sharpness and concentration.
DHA, one form of omega-3, is found in oily fish like salmon, herring, trout, sardines and tuna. Other foods high in omega-3 are flax seeds, walnuts, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, strawberries and avocados.
Vitamins in the B-range can help to improve mental stamina and memory and relieve the affects of mental exhaustion and depression.
Foods rich in vitamin B include vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli or high protein foods, like meat, egg yolk or peanuts. Whole grain foods are rich in vitamin B6, which plays an important part in synthesizsing some of the neurotransmitters. Bananas are often labelled as brain food because they are high in vitamin B6, contain potassium and provide glucose energy for the brain. Brown rice and oatmeal are good sources of vitamin B6 and some bread and cereals may be fortified with B12. Oysters contain a good amount of vitamin B12 and they are rich in zinc and iron, other important elements for the brain.
Folic acid (vitamin B9), is essential for the development of a baby's brain and nervous system during pregnancy. Leafy green vegetables and liver are high in folic acid.
Foods high in proteins also help to maintain a healthy brain function and good mental performance for learning. Good protein brain food includes eggs, almonds, walnuts, meat, soybeans, milk and other dairy products.
Proteins can also be paired with carbohydrates to supply the brain with a good boost of glucose energy. Food combinations of protein and carbs, like yoghurt with muesli and nuts or whole wheat toast and a scrambled egg are good breakfast choices.
Antioxidants are the protectors of the brain and nervous system and guard against 'free radicals' or molecules which damage cells and contribute to aging. Antioxidants also help to improve memory and cognitive ability of the brain.
Foods rich in antioxidants include spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, raisins, plums, pecans, sunflower seeds, dates, red kidney beans and the cocoa bean.
Whatever foods you choose to power your body and your brain, it is always important to eat a balanced diet, with food choices from the different groups. Also remember to reach for that refreshing glass of water - it's essential for your brain! Just as dehydration adversely affects many different body functions, a lack of water also causes mental fatigue.
Susan du Plessis has been involved in helping students reach their full potential for 20+ years. She holds BD and BA Hons (psychology). For more information visit Edublox *** This article can be freely used as long as a link to "Edublox" ( http://www.edublox.com ) is provided.

Omega-3 Fats And Their Potential Life-Saving Health Payoffs

For your health, nothing is more important than the food you eat. This article serves as one of a countless number of others that reiterate this statement. In the case of this article, as the title says, it hones in on the wonderful health payoffs of omega-3 fats.
Regular dietary intakes of omega-3 fats have many health payoffs. This includes the avoidance or reversal of a whole host of illnesses like:
*Heart disease and related problems such as high blood pressure, a narrowing of arteries through plaque build up; irregular heart beats... deaths through myocardial infarction (heart attacks)...
*Prevention of strokes
*Cognitive learning disorders
*Bipolar disorders like depression
*Children having autism
*Type-2 diabetes
*Ischemic stroke
*Breast cancer growth
*Omega-3 fats serve help develop a strong immune system
... The list goes on
The benefits of omega-3 fats are nothing new to Doctors in the USA. However, through fear of having their business undercut the medical/pharmaceutical establishment do not want doctors showing patients the available documentary evidence that, for example, fish oil foods rich in omega-3 fats can prevent or reduce heart disease. Doctors could lose their job for recommending this.
Yet another awful case of medical/pharmaceutical authoritarian heavy handedness where profits are regarded as something more important than the welfare concern of patients...
I would strongly recommend that you learn to discern this principle in other cases related to health. Remember, it is ultimately up to you to take hold of and control of your health.
Getting the balance right
An equal and therefore balanced intake of omega-3 to omega-6 fats would make part of a balanced diet.
To avoid upsetting the balance then I would recommend avoiding junk foods with their imbalances of omega-6 cheap and nasty fats. To this end I will leave you to your own research.
Omega-3 rich sources:
Coconut Oil is not only rich in omega-3 but has many hidden health benefits.
Foods and supplements of cod liver oil or other fish oils like that in krill have been highly recommended. Stemming from the hidden purpose of marketing to increase sales figures, fats have been unfairly demonised in mainstream media. Fats are indeed an essential dietary requirement and fish oils provide a healthy supply of fats.
Eggs, particularly yolks have a plentiful supply of omega-3.
Great sources for veggies include flaxseed, borage and evening primrose oils. Other sources, whether you are vegetarian or not are nuts such as walnuts.
If you liked reading this article then go to http://www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Ocne again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/

How Does Protein Build Muscle?

Proteins come into existence when the protein-rich foods that we eat are digested and broken down into essential amino acids. These transformed amino acids eventually become super-charged proteins that replace damaged or overworked muscle and tissue throughout the body. Even if there is no damaged muscle from working out or lifting weights, protein must be eaten regularly to maintain a healthy level of amino acids throughout the human body.
Essential amino acids are the key
Of course they are much more critical to athletes, weight lifters, and others active individuals who require excessive muscle mass or function in certain areas of the body. In a nutshell, protein builds new muscle by repairing and strengthens existing muscle fibers which are usually torn continuously from the stress of lifting weights or other exercises. Now you might be wondering, how exactly does protein build new muscle if there is a low level of essential amino acids present in an individual's diet? The truth is without the essential amino acids, new proteins won't be made, and your body will no longer build and repair muscle tissue. This in turn can lead to extreme muscle soreness and fatigue (and is not conducive to one's health).
How does protein build muscle for lifters and body builders?
Body builders tend to have their own formula in order to determine how much protein they should be ingesting daily. That amount is somewhere between 1 and 2 grams of protein for each pound of the individual's body weight. This formula, for the most part, provides a good overall idea of how much protein a serious weight lifter or athlete should be ingesting.
Nutrition and Rest are essential to the process
There is a somewhat uniform and proper routine for getting optimal results from intense exercise. Either during or immediately following the workout plenty of water should be consumed. It is equally as important to eat healthy meals with large amounts of protein both before and after lifting. Some weight lifter's have been known to have 5,000 to 7,000 calorie diets. The theory is that the excess calories can be turned into muscle. Remember, after a hard workout muscle fibers have been damaged and need time to rest and heal in order to increase in size. So therefore, sleep as well as relaxation are both very important for one's recovery. Consistently getting at least eight hours of sleep per night is recommended. While you are sleeping, your body releases HGH (Human Growth Hormone) which is very important in the repair of muscle fibers.
Drink plenty of water to prevent "protein dehydration"
One thing that is extremely important to remember is that ingesting large amounts of protein can make it easier for an individual to become dehydrated. When this happens a substance called urea is unable to be carried out of your body as waste. This can lead to potential kidney damage. So it is very important to drink plenty of water. For more information about protein, how it can help you, and how you can build muscle Click Here
Edward Rosenberg is a professional health and nutrition expert. He has studied and researched dozens of various products over the past 4 years. For complete in-depth research about protein and how it can help you Click Here.

Foods To Eat For Staying Healthy

There is a widespread perception that excluding unhealthy foods from your diet is the way to healthy life but mostly people forget that healthy diet is not all about cutting what you should not eat but also its about including some foods which are beneficial for your health. There is a long list of foods which are excellent for improving our health and well-being and protect us from many diseases. In this article let us discuss about some of the foods which we must eat regularly to stay healthy.
They are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats which are highly beneficial for our body. They help in reducing bad cholesterol and prevent heart diseases. Nuts are also an excellent source of protein and naturally contain antioxidants. It is advised to eat Nuts in moderate quantity as they are high in calories.
Recent studies have confirmed that drinking beetroot juice during exercise regime helps in improving stamina as well as it is helpful in lowering cholesterol levels and control blood pressure. It is the most recent food to be hailed as a Super food.
Studies have revealed that onion and garlic are an excellent remedy to lower cholesterol levels in the body as well as they have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.
Green Leafy Vegetables
It has been always suggested and recommended by our elders to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and there is reason behind it. These vegetables are a rich source of many nutrients like calcium, iron, vitamin c, potassium and so on. Spinach is also rich in estrogen hence serves as a good nutritious food for women. If you want to improve your heart, eye and overall health include lot of green vegetables in your diet.
We are well aware that grains are excellent for maintaining our health but to derive maximum benefit from them it is advised to eat them in their natural state that is why oats have become so popular. They are rich in minerals like iron, zinc and calcium and vitamins. It is one of the most commonly eaten breast fast item these days. It helps in controlling blood pressure, reduce chances of diabetes, lowers cholesterol levels and are easy to digest.
These were some of the foods which should be in your regular eating menu. We are what we eat hence to remain healthy and disease free in today's changing environment it is very important to keep a close watch on our daily dietary intake.
Check out some herbal dietary supplements at very low prices visit http://www.herbalhealthaids.com

Which Vitamins Do I Need?

Consuming healthy food items means to ingest almost everything, of course, reducing the oily and spicy items. The goal within this would be to acquire nutritional vitamins of several choices which are usually the answer to a great well-being. Obtaining dieting food dish abundant with nutritional vitamins enables you to be taking in a more healthy way, helps keeping you disease free and also helps make each day your day. Precisely what are the leading 5 vitamins you should look into meals and which food products are abundant with them? Let's understand.
Vitamin A
Without doubt it's vitamin A which constantly is going to be in number 1 in the listing of very best vitamin supplements. The reason is it's not only enriches your body but as well as shields. Vitamin A works like anti-oxidant which shields the body from free radicals. It makes you survive longer by controlling your immunity mechanism. And for surviving long, your eye-sight should stay healthy for longer, correct? Vitamin A does so. This also will increase your cell replication, bone growth, cellular durability, for example. Essentially, almost all sorts of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, lettuce, and so forth. are loaded with vitamin A. An Animal liver is yet another massive source this supplement which you could include in your diet plan food snacks.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is yet another prominent health supplement which is verified useful in maintaining your skin layer wrinkle-free. Vitamin C defends your skin and reduces many challenging heart illnesses also it has the potential to get rid of even most cancers. Doctors generally accept it to be suitable vitamin for long term health. The majority of fruit and veggies that have this supplement for example orange, tomato, lemon, guava, papaya and, surely, strawberry will be able to add to your diet without difficulties.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D! Of course no!!! I'm exhausted by getting sun bath. Certainly no worry. Besides UV ray of sunshine, you may get vitamin D from cod liver oil and omega-3 fatty acids, furthermore, from milk and other fortified meals and dietary supplements. Vitamin D builds powerful bone tissues. It also boosts the resilience of your blood cells. Nevertheless, you actually have be careful because often times it can step up your sexual desire as well as vitamin D is claimed to step up the creation of sexual hormones.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the other free radicals destroyer, this means that, yet another anti- oxidant. The most favored concept is usually that, it helps prevent aging. Factual enough, vitamin E at the same time enhances the defense mechanisms and thus keeps the blood cells in good health. Spinach, walnuts, vegetable oils, tropical fresh fruits are typically great supply of vitamin E(also known as aging protective food items).
Vitamin B6
Just about all B nutritional vitamins,specially, B6 helps in developing antibodies and, thus, helps battling bacteria and bacterial ailments. It will help the central nervous system run much more adequately. Vitamin B6 is the cure to anemia since it can help the generation of red blood cells. Which means that, B6 tends to make your blood cell perform more effectively and will keep them balanced. Banana, cauliflower, grapes, eggplant, squash are a few of the foods abundant with this supplement.
You should incorporate several different food items to acquire just about all the nutritional vitamins necessary to your daily diet to be able to stay healthier and also live longer. Check out every single vegetable available at your market-place, make your investigation and select your own nutritious diet food dishes.
Paying attention to and keeping up with the suitable diet plan food meals in our daily routines can easily lead to living daily life at its best. This also make every person acquire sound body and mind.
Hello, I often write about vitamins and minerals. To read more about how you can live healthy lifestyle, check out some of my following articles. Click here to read about some of the thiamine rich foods that you should eat.
Also check out benefits of thiamine here.

How To Keep Elderly In Bed At Night

Each year more than 13 million seniors take a fall, and over half can't get back up without assistance. Many of those falls occur at night, when it is dark, and seniors are disoriented from lack of sleep. In order to keep elderly loved ones safe, it is important to keep them in bed at night. Serious injury, hospital stays, and other problems can arise if they wander at night. But what can caregivers do to help keep their elderly loved ones in bed at night?
Address the needs. There are a variety of reasons a senior may get up at night, they may need to use the bathroom. They may need to get a drink. They may be uncomfortable and unable to sleep. They may be bored. If you can find ways to eliminate these causes, they will stay in their beds, and have a safer night.
Seniors sometimes get up at night to get a drink, something to eat, or to take medication. This is such as simple problem to solve, as a bed organizer or tray can be used to keep water, medication, pain killers, and food items near the bed, eliminating the need to leave the bed to have that need filled. The important thing to remember is to keep these options within arm's reach so that the senior can stay in bed, rather than try to navigate through dark halls or rooms to get to the kitchen.
Another common reasons seniors are up at night is to use the bathroom. Helping seniors stay in bed at night might mean limiting liquids a few hours before bed, making sure they use the toilet right before retiring for the night, and providing them with bathroom assistance products such as overnight adult diapers, bed pans and bed pads, urinals, and other supplies that can help reduce the need to leave the bed.
As people age, their bodies often change, and less sleep is needed, and sleep becomes harder to obtain. Discomfort from physical ailments, or boredom can get in the way of sleeping. This may result in staying up late, or waking very early. Reduce the risk of slips, falls, and other nighttime hazards by helping seniors who can't sleep to stay in bed. The best way to do this is by providing them with tools to help themselves move and adjust in bed to achieve comfort. A BedCaddie, for example, a bed rail, and other tools can help with comfort. Then also address boredom. A reading light and a bedside organizer that can keep books, papers, games, the television remote, and other items to fight off boredom can keep seniors in bed and safe.
Safety rails: This is a bedside rail that literally helps keep seniors in bed, as it protects them from falling out. It can also offer support for entering and exiting the bed, which can increase safety, especially in the dark.
Even if you take every precaution possible to keep elderly in bed at night, they may get out of bed. Thus, be sure to do what you can to increase safety if they do leave their beds. This means having lighting in high traffic areas, clearing clutter and making paths for the areas most commonly used. Help them to wear secure footing, such as socks with traction, and consider a pendant or other elderly monitoring system they can use to call for help should they need it.
Dianna Malkowski is a Physician Assistant and Mayo Clinic trained nutritionist who helps customers of The CareGiver Partnership with questions to their caregiving questions. She invites you to visit blog.caregiverpartnership.com for more helpful family caregiver information. Also look here for additional tools http://www.caregiverpartnership.com/landing/daily-living/.

The Right Way To Clean Your Water Bottles

We are using water bottles for our daily water drinking and we tend to reuse the same bottle over and over again. Do you know that if the water bottle is not cleaned property, bacteria may grow within the bottle and you may get bacterial infection? In this article, you are going to discover the right way to clean your water bottles...
The first and the easiest way to clean your water bottle is by using warm and soapy water. All you need to do is to pour out all the remaining liquid inside the bottle, add in some dish-washing soap together with a little warm water, close the bottle and shake it. If you have a brush, you can use it to thoroughly clean the inner of the bottle as well. Rinse it with clean water after that. Make sure you rinse the bottle thoroughly so that you completely wash off the soapy water.
Next, you can try by using vinegar to wash and disinfect your water bottle. Most people don't follow this technique because they find it inconvenient. However, you can use this method to disinfect the bottle once a while. Again, pour out all the leftover liquid in the bottle, wash and rinse with vinegar. You can also fill in vinegar into the bottle and left it overnight. Vinegar is a natural bacteria killer and it is not harmful to our human health.
Besides this, you can also use bleach to disinfect your bottle. However, make sure you lower the concentration of bleach by mixing it with water. Remember, you just want to kill the germs and bacteria in the bottle, thus, using weak bleach would be enough. And ensure that you wash and rinse the bottle thoroughly so that you completely wash off the bleach.
Other than this, using water bottle cleansing tablets would be effective as well. There are many types of bottle cleaning tablets out there in the market. Choose the one that is right to your budget and use them according to the instructions.
These are some of the right ways to clean and disinfect your water bottle. Remember, you are using the same bottle over and over again for your daily drinking activity, hence, make sure you clean it every time after use. Drinking water is one of our most fundamental activity, if you do not clean the bottle, you will be drinking in bacteria day in and day out.
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Yo-Yo Health Habits and How to Stop

We commonly hear about "yo-yo" dieting, but in fact people are tempted to approach many other health habits in that up and down style. What is yo-yoing? When you try dieting or getting healthy in an all or nothing fashion, then you're yo-yoing. These health habits feel great when you're on the upswing, successfully performing all the rules that you've set in place. Once you run out of motivation to practice health habits at such a stringent level, then you enter the yucky downswing of this practice. All the progress you made can seem to vanish overnight. How do you break this vicious cycle?
Yo-yo habits place a burden on your body by not letting health settle into a steady rhythm. With so many ups and downs, the body doesn't feel rested or truly taken care of. The habits are also intertwined with mental-emotional ups and downs. To break the cycle, this style of healthiness has to be recognized for what it really is---a diversion rather than true self care. When you decide to go from nothing to everything, from total neglect to constantly pressuring your mind and body to do one thing, real health habits don't get a chance to develop.
Which health habits are you used to yo-yoing? Are they related to diet, exercise, sleep, or something else? Think about why you approach your health habits in this manner. Sometimes fear can infiltrate a natural urge to get healthy and make you feel like if you're not doing everything, then it's not worth the effort. This mindset can make you feel more deficient than it does provide you with effective motivation, support, and momentum toward health. Feelings of fear and deficiency then become the foundation for new health habits, and they don't offer a very steady foundation at that.
This pendulum mindset obviously tells you that putting in smaller amounts of effort more consistently is not good enough. But does that make sense? When you watch an athlete practicing a sport, someone who goes all or nothing doesn't get a chance to regularly practice good habits for performance. Your health is the same way. Consistent habits, even if they're on a smaller scale will go a lot farther than large efforts that only last a few days to a week. When you focus on quality over quantity in health, you're taking a more realistic approach and one that your body will welcome more openly and sustain over a longer period of time.
Take a look at your health habits and figure out whether they're in danger of the chaotic yo-yo experience or whether they're actually sustainable. Think about which of your habits have never lasted past the short-term and why that may be. If you notice some yo-yoing going on, brainstorm on how you can re-frame these habits into more lasting and quality expressions of health.
As you resist the urge to yo-yo and you settle into more realistic and consistent health care routines, you'll be amazed at how much farther your efforts take you. The fears will be easier to face when you're not riding a health roller coaster, and feelings of deficiency will be less frequent and instead be replaced with more natural confidence and motivation surrounding your health.
What can you do to stop the vicious cycle of yo-yo health habits in your life?
Healthovers is a natural health website that connects the dots between symptoms to help relieve chronic health issues, improve overall health, and support natural beauty. Dr. Aarti Patel, N.D. is a naturopathic doctor who creates a well-rounded natural health plan for each Healthover. What is a Healthover? It's a makeover for health! Visit http://www.Healthovers.com today to request a free 10-minute phone consultation.

How Do I Get Vitamin C?

Commonly referred to as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is not only the safest but also among the most effective nutrients you can ever introduce in your body. Vitamins generally play a vital role in the human body; helping in formation of various body tissues and preventing illnesses of course being top on the list. Much as this vitamin might not be the exact cure for common cold; even though it prevents a range of complications, its use comes with a plethora of benefits.
The major benefits of Vitamin C include protecting the boy against any kind of immune system deficiencies, prenatal health complications, cardiovascular diseases, and skin wrinkling and eye disease. Over the past one century, the number of benefits linked to Vitamin C has been rising exponentially. This shows that enthusiasts are doing intensive research and getting to find various benefits that the human body gets from this very common natural vitamin.
Why so much attention on Vitamin C?
There is no doubt that vitamin C has gotten lots of attention in the recent times and that is for the good reasons. If your body has high levels of vitamin C in the blood stream at any time, this just means that your overall health would be much better. Research helps us to realize many more health benefits that we get from vitamin C. Essentially, this vitamin helps to protect us from cancer, cardiovascular complications, eye health issues, and stroke and low immune system responses.
How much of Vitamin C is really enough?
There is no one who can categorically state the amount of Vitamin C that should be present in the body at any one time. However, medical and wellness professionals advise that people should consider eating plenty of vegetables and fruits; these are the main sources of natural vitamin C. In case you cannot source for vitamin C in its natural form, the use of supplements is also recommended. Most dietary experts recommend 500 milligrams of Vitamin C supplements a day alongside five servings of natural vegetables and fruits in a day.
Consuming the exact amount of this vitamin which is recommended by professionals might not be a practical idea as such. However, consumption of vegetables and fruits on a regular basis helps a lot. You can add on some one-off supplements on it; they are safe and effective to use. Many adults tend to ignore the significance of Vitamin C in their body wellness. Apparently, research has shown that less than 20% of all adult population consumes the required servings of veggies and fruits.
The ideal sources of Vitamin C
Since fruits and vegetables are more vivid elements when it comes to this particular vitamin, many experts advise that they are best taken raw. Therefore, if you want to make sure that both you and your kids are safe from diseases and are growing healthily, the use of these food substances is something which you ought to treat with lots of seriousness.
Vitamin C is generally soluble in water; that is why you are advised to consume foods that are very rich in this vitamin. Most doctors recommend daily consumption for kids at 50 milligrams and 60 milligrams for adults. The main sources of vitamin C are;
• Grapefruit
• Oranges
• Red pepper
• Mango
• Broccoli
• Kiwi
Dietary sources of Vitamin C
Just like I had stated earlier, the main sources of vitamin C are two: vegetables and fruits. Among these, the camu camu fruit and Kakadu plum notably contain high concentration of this vitamin. You can also get this from some meat cuts especially the liver. Other people who cannot access vitamin C in its natural form go for supplements. The supplements come in a diverse range of forms: drink mixes, tablets naked crystals and capsules being some of these physical forms.
Once it has been introduced in the digestive system, vitamin C is then absorbed into body tissue. The absorption is driven using two main mechanisms: glucose sensitive and insensitive mechanisms. Presence of high sugar quantities in the intestines does not help absorption but rather makes it even worse.
Plant sources for vitamin C
Much as plants are a great source of this vitamin, the amount of the vitamin which you can source from existing plant depends on the variety of the plant in context. Other factors affect the amount of vitamin C that you can source from plants; they include climate, soil condition, storage condition, the time for which it was picked, and the method used in its preparation.
Animal sources of Vitamin C
A large number of animals, except man and guinea pigs synthesize this vitamin using natural means. That means that animal products as well can serve as ideal sources of vitamin C. In the case of animals, this vitamin is more of present in livers and not in the muscles. Many westerners love to consume muscle meat and thus they don't see animal meat as being a good source of vitamin C. Human breast milk has vitamin C as well but that is not the case for raw cow milk. Excess vitamins in the body are disposed through urinary systems.
How to prepare your food
Research has proved that this vitamin decomposes in certain conditions. Most of this occurs when food is being cooked. The concentrations of vitamin C in food decrease over time depending on the temperatures of where the foods have been stored. Therefore, cooking can adversely reduce vitamin contents in food by close to 60%. This is partly as a result of the destruction of enzymatic activities. If you cook your foods for extended periods, this might also affect the amount of this vitamin which you will get in the end.
Leaching is another major cause for the loss of Vitamin C in natural food products. This is occurs where you sieve nutrients from raw foods and then throw away the water rather than drink it. Leaching is much similar to prolonged cooking since it negatively affects the amount of vitamins which the final food served at the table will contain. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the benefits of Vitamin C at its best, consuming raw foods, and especially veggies and fruits would be the best option.
James Ndetto is an established web content creator, blogger and internet marketer.

How to Be Your Own Personal Fitness Trainer

Losing weight is one area of people's lives that they struggle with. It takes discipline and months of hard work, it would be easier if we could all afford a personal trainer that would be with us every day, but we don't, so we have to become our own personal trainer. The concept of losing weight is simple, you need to lose the extra weight there are many ways to do it, one is to watch your calorie intake and then to exercise. Both of these things together are the way to lose weight. There are different exercises you can do, each one will benefit you, but if you don't like doing that particular type of exercise and don't do it, it's not going to help you at all. What you need to do is find an exercise that you enjoy doing and will continue to do. If you have a home gym then you will also need to be your own personal trainer.
To be your own personal trainer you will need to know what your goals are and then you can come up with a plan on how to achieve your goals. Once you decide where you want to be weight wise, then you can go ahead and make the plan on how you will get to that weight.
The thing we find most useful is a big chart in our exercise room that we have to mark off every day that we exercise, while it's simple, it will help keep us motivated as we see our progress every day on how well we are doing. To us this is like our own personal trainer that will keep up with our progress.
There are videos online that will give you complete workouts that you can do right there in front of your computer. They will walk you through every step of the workout and this will help you reduce boredom from working out on your own every day, and also motivate you some to continue to work out. No matter what type of exercise equipment you have in your home gym, you will probably find a video online of an exercise routine to do.
You can do this on your own and make a success out of your weight loss journey and achieve your goals quicker than if you didn't have a plan to get fit and get back into shape.
If being in shape and being fit is a priority in your life then you may have considered getting some home exercise equipment to start a home gym at your house. There are many different types of equipment and deciding which equipment to purchase can be daunting. You can now see your options and find the top exercise equipment reviews reviews on the items before you purchase them. This will help you choose which pieces you need for your home gym and assist with choosing the right equipment for your needs.

Top Foods to Battle Depression

There is no denying that food and mood are interconnected. If you are struggling with feeling down or are more irritable than you would like, then this is the time to think on what you are putting into your body - in terms of food and drinks. Several people in the world are suffering from depression on a regular basis. Although there are a lot of medications available in the market, sometimes, it is simply a matter of eating the right foods. Experts in nutrition say that eating can have a positive or negative effect on your mood over both the short and long term. The right diet will boost your brain, make you feel good and fight depression in a quickest possible time. In short, it will help you to start feeling happier and more energised. This article comprises of such absolute best goods that will treat depression without any hassles.
Depression Fighting Food #1 - Bananas
Since bananas contain high levels of the amino acid - tryptophan, which once in the body, turns into serotonin, a monoamine neurotransmitter. If you are suffering from depression than having at least one banana a day is a must. It will release serotonin into your brain cells and will help you make feel a little bit happier and more energised. Apart from this, bananas also have other positive effects such as it will protect against muscle cramps, counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones. So do not forget to include banana in your diet. It is not magic, it is science!
Depression Fighting Food #2 - Omega-3 fatty acids
Your brain requires essential fatty acids, especially DHA, to function properly. In fact the brain is 60 percent fat. Studies have proved that the lack of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, is linked to depression. Thus, it is always essential to include cold water fish such as salmon, trout and tuna in your regular diet.
Depression Fighting Food #3 - Chocolate (Cocoa)
Chocolate is one of the most common and yummiest of food when it comes to treat your annoying depression. Apart from chocolate tasting delicious, there is also a scientific explanation on why this food is so useful in depression. When we eat chocolate, endorphins are released into our brain. Endorphins are basically the feel good hormones. They play a vital role in reducing the sensation of pain and affect our emotions in a good way! However, it is a warning to not go overboard as they can also make you feel sick. Just a few squares will suffice to help give your mood a boost. Next time, do not feel guilty while eating few pieces of chocolate.
Depression Fighting Food #4 - Brazil Nuts
As its name implies, Brazil nuts originate from the South American country of Brazil, although they are also harvested in Columbia, Venezuela and Peru. Unlike the other nuts, these Brazilian nuts boast impeccable nutritional credentials. They contain large amounts of dietary fiber, magnesium and phosphorous. Moreover, they are a rich source of selenium, a mineral that can keep the feelings of depression at bay.
Experts believe that nutrients in all the above foods can influence the level of hormones, which will certainly make you feel happy and healthy.
In order to treat depression without any hassles, you should consult any clinic offering remedies to tackle depression in Perth. To get more details on battling depression visit this site today.

Clean Water Can Save Your Life!

Like any food product, fresh clean water has a shelf life. Bottled water in a 5 gallon jug sealed at the factory will last about 2 years. Like food, you should keep stored water air tight and in a dark, cool place to maximize shelf life... no air, no light, no heat.
If you have water that is old or of an unknown condition, you have the following options that will purify it.
1. Boiling - heat water to a full boil for at least 1 minute to sterilize. (This method does not address any chemical pollutants or particulate matter.)
2. Add bleach. Known chemically as sodium hypochlorite, add 4 drops of regular chlorine bleach (unscented) per quart of water. Double that if dirty water. (Try to filter dirty water with a coffee filter first to remove particles.) Shake or stir well and wait 30 minutes. A very slight bleach smell is OK. ( Or you can buy chlorine dioxide tablets made by Katadyne under the name Micropur MP1.
3. Filter it in a Berkey filter or similar quality filtering system. A filter that is labeled as a "purifier" must be certified to remove protozoa, viruses, and bacteria. But not all purifiers are equal in quality and effectiveness.
4. Iodine tablets. You can buy these under the tradenames of Globaline, Portable-Agua, or Coghland's Iodine tablets.
5. UV sterilization using the "SteriPEN." This device requires batteries.
A note on bleach:
Bleach also has a shelf life. After 6 months to a year stored bleach will have lost its original effectiveness. If your bleach is 2 or 3 years old, you can't depend on it to purify your water as in the directions above. To always have fresh bleach, make your own!
How to make your own bleach any time using plain water and calcium hypochlorite powder. Buy it at a pool store, sports store, or pharmacy. It is sold as "Pool Shock 68%" for maintaining swimming pools. Professional pool cleaners use this. (Most retail stores will carry the 48% strength only so you may need to search several stores.)
Caution: this chemical is dangerous. You must do some additional research first! (search online, e.g., YouTube for how- to videos) If uncertain, do not attempt to mix this compound.
Directions: one part calcium hypochlorite to 100 parts water will make the bleach you need. This is one-half heaping teaspoon into one gallon of water. Screw down tight and shake, wait 20 minutes. You now have fresh bleach.
Learn more about how-to topics and download free e-books at http://www.JohnEriksen.net

Apples, the Wonder Fruit

Consuming apples can bring marvelous wellness advantages that few other fruits can match. Apples were ranked 12th (red delicious) and 13th (Granny Smith) respectively for their high antioxidant concentrations per serving size by USDA scientists in 2004. The antioxidants aid to combat diseases by helping and fixing oxidation damages to cells.
Below are a few other marvelous benefits from eating apples.
1. Protection Against Parkinson's.
The high fiber in apples provides a particular length of defense against Parkinson's, a disease that damages the brain's dopamine-producing nerve cells. The antioxidants have free-radical fighting powers that assists the nerve cells.
2. Lessens the Chances of Certain Cancer cells.
Based on the American Association for Cancer Research, the risk of getting pancreatic cancer is decreased by 23 percent when flavonol-rich apples are eaten.
3. Diabetes
The risk of getting type2 diabetes by females who eat at the very least one apple a day are decreased by 28 percent, compared with those that do not eat apples. Apples have soluble fiber, which assists to avoid sugar swings.
4. Reduce Cholesterol.
The soluble fiber binds with fats in the intestine, which causes decreasing cholesterol levels. This fiber likewise slows down the accumulation of cholesterol levels rich oral plaque buildup in the arteries, helping to avoid coronary canal illness.
5. Prevent Gallstones.
By decreasing cholesterol levels, you likewise reduce your chances of creating gallstones. Gallstones are formed when there is way too much cholesterol in the bile, restricting its potential to remain fluid, so it solidifies.
6. Reduce Weight
The fiber in apples assists to make an individual feel full, therefore permitting some people to eat less and slim down.
7. Immune System Boost.
Feeling a cold starting, have an apple. Apples have an antioxidant called quercetin, which can aid to improve the immune system.
8. Prevent Cataracts.
Those who eat apples rich in antioxidants are 10 to 15 percent less likely to develop cataracts.
There are numerous healthy advantages to eating apples each day. One fast and easy means to prepare apples each day is to utilize an apple corer slicer. Considering that apple peels have much of the fiber that is so advantageous, what I do is leave the skin on. To do that, the apple corer slicer has a locking arm that allows the unit to just core and cut the apples while leaving the skin unblemished. The final product is a very finely sliced up spiral formed apple, without any core. The peels are actually much easier to eat when they are this very finely sliced. When they are this very finely sliced, the peels are actually much easier to eat. This is ideal for me given that my teeth are quite sensitive. It is also wonderful for those who wear dentures.
If you appreciated reading this write-up kindly share it with your friends or family on Facebook or Twitter.
Kathleen writes for several online blogs on various subjects such as health and cooking products. She has a YouTube channel where she reviews and demonstrates the latest in kitchen tools, such as the apple peeler.

Eating To Enhance Performance

With the flood of low-carb diets out there, carbohydrates seem to have taken a back seat in nutritional importance to protein. This is actually a huge mistake for those looking to build muscle. Carbohydrates are the main fuel source for muscles during a strenuous workout. Carbohydrates are stored in the muscle's cells, and are depleted as the muscle-building workout progresses. Starting a workout without fueling your muscles with the proper amount and type of carbohydrates will cause you to tire quickly.
Although carbohydrates are an important part of a pre-workout meal, all of them are not created equal. Simple carbohydrates are known as 'simple sugars' and are found in candy and many other processed foods. They provide your body with a quick burst of energy which depletes quickly. After they are depleted, feelings of fatigue and possible stomach cramps are experienced.
For an effective workout, your muscles need a steady stream of fuel, such as which comes from complex carbohydrates. These have little or no alteration and are found in whole grains, vegetables and other non-processed foods. Your body must exert more effort to break down these types of carbs, and absorbs them more slowly than simple carbs. This provides your body with a more sustained level of energy.
The most ideal complex carbohydrate foods to consume before a workout are:
• Sweet Potato: Sweet potatoes contain 27 grams of complex carbs per cup. They also contain more potassium than bananas which is necessary for muscle contraction.
• Brown Rice: This is one of the richest sources of carbohydrates available. 1 cup provides 45 grams.
• Bananas: 1 large banana contains 31 grams of carbs. They are also packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining muscle function.
• Instant Oatmeal: 1 cup contains 30 grams of carbohydrates and high levels of B vitamins which help carbohydrates convert into glucose for energy.
Why is Protein Important Before a Workout?
Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. Most people consume it after their workout to aid in muscle recovery. However, eating a small amount of protein before your workout can help reduce the risk of muscle soreness afterwards.
The most ideal sources of protein for a pre-workout meal are:
• Eggs: Eggs are an ideal source of protein because they contain high levels of protein in a small portion and are easy to digest. They contain roughly 5 to 6 grams of protein each, depending on the size.
• Fish: This is a great source of protein and essential fatty acids. Fatty acids fight fatigue and help to improve poor circulation. Since fish is very low in calories, you can get ample amounts of protein without cutting into your daily calorie allowance.
• Whey Protein Shakes: Whey is the fastest-absorbing protein available. Because of this, it is the most popular source of protein in the fitness world. Although whey is the most popular form of protein today, it lacks essential vitamins and nutrients. Be sure to incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet to make up for this.
Remember, just like your car, your body needs the proper fuel in order to take it where it needs to go. By following the above guidelines and snack meal ideas, your body will always be properly fueled for any exercise routine you adapt.
Here you will find free advice and tips on Health, Fitness and Nutrition that will help you have a healthier life and have you looking good in no time.
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