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Healthy Children Practice Healthy Habits

If you want to help your child stay healthy throughout their lifetime, start by instilling healthy habits from the beginning. Teaching the value and importance of good sleep habits is a great foundational layer and will aid in their life long health. Sleep, especially consistent good sleep is at the core of good health and longevity.
Assuming that your child gets all the rest they need or insisting that they will get the proper amount of sleep on their own is just reinforcing bad sleep habits that could become a bad lifelong habit in need of breaking. The facts are that they do need more sleep than adults, mostly because they are in a constant of growing, creating new cells and doing necessary body repairs that will help them stay healthy the rest of their lives. That is something important for all kids.
Those who practice good sleep habits and get the correct amount of rest for their body each and every night tend to experience an increase in immunity in addition to a more stable mental health. Rest is one component that is not only key to physical but also mental well-being. Sleep is something that is good for you and should be enjoyed.
Getting your children used to a healthy sleep routine is not rocket science. Even newbies can do it. Begin with structure that will change very little in their growing developing years. The sleep time must be the same and enforced every day. This will have slight variations due to events and scheduling that will conflict, but for the most part, the sleep time will be unchanging, even in the face of being challenged. This should be followed during breaks, time off, vacations and summer months without exception.
Some parents find that a bedtime routine for their children works best if it begins with a bath and getting into their pajamas. Most parents report that this helps to get their children relaxed and prepared for bed and serves as an effective transition from the daytime routine to the evening one. This may be followed up by a bedtime snack or a story. Creating this type of routine not only makes bedtime a pleasant experience for your children and teaches them to wind down after their day but it also affords you some extra bonding time with your child or children. Healthy sleep routines begin at birth and continue on through childhood. Teaching your children early on the importance of sleep can help them to become happier, healthier, more productive adults.
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