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3 Simple Steps to Establish Healthy Habits So You Can Stop Dieting

Why does time fly by when we practice unhealthy habits like eating junk food, not working out and smoking but then it drags at a snail's pace when we decided to change in an effort to be healthy? As soon as we begin a healthy regiment minutes feel like hours and hours feel like months. We dread the start of each day because we know it will bring tasty temptations and plenty of pitfalls to land us back into our old ways. Why, oh why, is it so extremely easy to be bad and so darn difficult to be good? The reason is because when you're not paying attention to the food and stimulants you are putting in your body and you are not taking responsibility for your actions and decisions time literally passes you by. Then, when you do stop to take a good, hard look at your life you realize you've been smoking for ten years, you're 20 lbs overweight and you can't reach your toes without bending your knees.
We all have genuine thoughts and good intentions to be healthier; you secretly fantasize of being able to put on those jeans, that have been tucked away in your closet for longer than you care to admit, and running into that certain person that is going to fall over with jealousy or lust when they see you looking all good and sexy. Oh what a sweet day that will be. But back to reality, how do you actually turn those thoughts and intentions into real day to day habits that will take the jeans off the hanger and onto your firm, tight thighs? Because you can't just think and day dream about being healthy and in great shape; you need to put those thoughts into action. And while most may say that starting something new is the hardest part, I have to disagree. Starting usually isn't the hard part; it's sticking to it while your crazy, busy, unpredictable life happens is the real obstacle. For example, sticking to your healthy guns when you're heading home from work at 9 p.m. on a Thursday night, you didn't' make it to the gym, because you can't possibly imagine working out before work, it's so late that your only dinner option is fast food AND you know the weekend will consist of cocktails, a buffet brunch and family Sunday supper. Now that my friends is tough, and that is also when we fall back into our old ways because at that point it seems absolutely impossible to live your life, do you and be healthy. It just can't be done. And yes, like most things we are unfamiliar with and intimidated by, it does seem impossible. But once we establish habits and take consistent action, you guessed it, it IS absolutely possible, and you can start establishing those game changing habits right now with the following 3 simple steps:
#1. Become the observer - Don't mindlessly go through your day; make a real effort to observer your decisions and actions and their effects and consequences on your life and health. Watch yourself eating that third doughnut in front of the TV, not a pretty picture right.
#2. Assume responsibility - Despite how it may seem at times, you ARE in control of your life. Stop making excuses. Yes it's difficult to make the time and put in the effort to be healthy but....Breaking News, making excuses is really a way of avoiding responsibility.
#3. Take action - Sorry but thinking, dreaming and hoping are not action steps. Action steps involve work, time and effort which yield real life results.
The secret key to unlocking a life of vibrant health, pique physical fitness and optimum wellness is establishing habits to change your mind-set from --the only way I'm going to get results is by going on a diet, enduring a 60 day workout program and eating food I will get in a box either from the freezer or my mailboxes-- to permanently shifting your lifestyles to one that provides you with long term health. The difference is that a healthy lifestyle is based on the choices you make about your daily habits in the areas of good nutrition, daily exercise and creating a positive, health promoting mentality. See the difference? Daily habits are the best and most realistic way to build a strong, solid foundation for a lifetime of health. I promise you that once a healthy lifestyle becomes habitual it becomes second nature; no more dieting, no more stressing and no more falling back into your old ways. Who wouldn't want to live like that?
Maripili Rodriguez is the founder of [http://www.NextWaveFitness.com]. Her signature Healthy Lifestyle System is a simple, step-by-step approach that shows you how to stay on track and motivated during daily life's tempting trials and disorderly disruptions so you can find balance, stop stressing, stop dieting, and start living a healthy life.
Specialties: Weight management, weight loss, creating a healthy mindset so you can maintain your progress and achievements


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