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Healthy Nutrition - Protein - How Much Do I Need?

To calculate the daily amount of PROTEIN for healthy nutrition simply multiply your body weight in kilos x 0.8 - (Or lbs x 0.365)
Kilo's = 80kg x 0.8 = 64gms of Protein required.
Lbs = 176lbs x 0.365 = 64gms of Protein required.
Pretty simple really!...just work out what protein you need from your fitness nutrition...then find a quality supply that delivers it!
Of course if you need it, anyone can. In my case I discovered that there is a high quality "unflavored" super protein available to do that. I didn't need it because I was working hard or active in sport; I needed it because my studies allowed me to understand that to overcome the plateaus in weight loss I was experiencing, I needed to increase my protein intake. That's right; I needed more protein to lose weight.
You see when I started using whey protein shakes I was 134kg (295lb) and I desperately needed to lose some weight. I started on two whey shakes per day and one healthy meal and with small snacks between meals to keep my energy and metabolic rate up high. However I did not choose a diet or weight loss product; because I had learned that in order to be healthy you must feed the body with healthy nutrition; not starve it of nutrition.
Anyone can lose weight by starving the body of nutrition, but it's not sustainable. I learned that every time I tried a new diet or weight loss program. Eventually with all those "rebounds" I reached the weight I had become. I know now that diet and weight loss programs don't address the real problem. I've also learned as an engineer that any solution that does not address the real problem is at best a temporary solution and will fail.
When I reached a "plateau" with my weight loss I started adding more protein from an unfavored "super whey protein". I used the recommended usage adding 32gm to three quarter strength shake making it a total of 50gms per meal. With two of these per day and a healthy meal I was not hungry at all and my weight loss again kicked in. Regardless of your health goals, you'll get the best results possible by adding this super protein to your daily shakes.
Can you add any whey protein and get the same results? Definitely not; it's far more about quality than quantity that gets the results.
High-quality whey protein is available and is for those serious about improving lean muscle mass and/or trying to get past stubborn weight plateaus. The whey contains an ideal amino acid profile and comes from dairy cows that are pasture-fed on small New Zealand farms, milked according to season and not treated with hormones or antibiotics. Because I had identified that "toxins" were the real cause of my weight problem I chose this high quality product free of toxins and impurities.
I only share my story because I believe it demonstrates why I needed to change and take an interest in health and nutrition. I also believe that many business people may relate to my experience. For most of my life in business my health and what I ate took a "backseat" to my daily business requirements. I was always on the run and "fitted in" around them. I now see that my priorities were definitely wrong...but that only became urgent when my health started on a downwards spiral. Sadly I've noticed that many people experience the same.
I have an engineering background and only became interested in health when I retired and my health had started to rapidly deteriorate. I had been "obese" for many years and by the time I had reached 65 I was lethargic, lacking energy and needing a knee replacement. For over 40 years I was on multiple medications. With my declining health it suddenly became very clear to me that my quality of life was a long way from where it used to be. I also came to realize that if I continued doing what I had been doing then it was not likely I could expect any different result. I needed to change.
Today I am a "different" person. I'm 70 years old, 46kg (102lb) lighter, energetic beyond imagination and feeling years younger than I am. In fact I feel far better than I was at 45. My real bonus is that my Doctor has now given me a clean bill of health and I'm on no medications at all. In fact I've only visited my Doctor twice in the last 3 ½ years for an annual blood test, just to see that I'm as good on the inside as I feel. His comment was "whatever you're doing just keep doing it because you're like a teenager on the inside".
My life change I believe is the direct result of my interest in healthy nutrition. I have concluded that anyone can do what I've done if they're willing to make some changes. It's not hard or expensive...it's just your thinking that you must change first. The question you should answer "do I want to feel well and be healthy every day of my life?" Remember...everyone I know would willingly exchange everything they own in exchange for good health...when their health fails.
In life it's just like everything else...in the end its really "quality" that matters not quantity.
Eric Smetherham is a Nutritional Cleansing expert and an Independent Isagenix Cleanse Consultant. "I'm fortunate enough to be working with a community where the scientists have won the Nobel Prize for their ground-breaking discovery which is changing people's lives, and changing the world. Have you heard about Telomeres? I'm looking after mine. I love their products & my blood tests show that on the inside I'm just like a teenager again.
Eric now spends much of his time educating and coaching others to achieve better health. Information about the benefits of the popular Isagenix Cleansing program can be found on Eric's website http://www.remove-body-toxins.com where you can Buy Isagenix online.


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