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Weight Loss Tips

We live in a nation of growing obesity. Statistics indicate that obesity has doubled since 1980. A 2008 report showed that 1.5 billion adults were clinically obese and over 45 million children were obese. There are complications connected to being obese. Approximately 3 million people die yearly from disease brought on or made worse from obesity. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Practice Prevention: There are many things you can do to control your weight and prevent obesity. It is fundamentally a shift in how you think. You must realize that you have a great deal of power over your own health. Consider the fact that you in part, can control how you age and how you can maintain good health throughout your lifetime. Of course disease can occur to any of us. However you can greatly reduce your risks with a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Activity: Exercise is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle. Exercise will strengthen your body and you will begin to build muscle. Your metabolism will increase because muscle has a higher metabolic rate than fat. So add some strength training routines to your exercise program. You can incorporate 2-3 strength training routines weekly. Only 15-20 sessions can have a huge impact on your physical strength and health. You will begin burning fat and therefore lose weight.
Good Fats versus Bad Fats: There are healthy fats to add to your diet. These include omega fatty acids such as those found in fresh fish. Salmon is has one of the highest levels of good omega fatty acids. 2-3 servings weekly could be very healthy and helpful to your weight loss. Research has shown that monounsatured fats are very effective for weight loss. A good food to add to your diet is avocados. Although not the lowest in calories, avocadoes are extremely nutritious and high in monosaturated fats. Try adding some avocado to a salad or make a guacamole dip to eat with veggie sticks such as celery and carrots. Other healthy food choices for good fats include grass fed beef and extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil has numerous health benefits. It has been shown to increase the fat burning response in the body as well as lower inflammation levels.
Sugar: Sugar is something you definitely want to eliminate from your diet, particularly if you are trying to lose weight. When you consume too much sugar, this signals your body to use insulin to begin burning it off. As a result, your insulin will spike. Whatever isn't used will be converted by your body into fat. Try to limit your sugar intake to no more than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake. So for example if you consume 1500 calories daily, sugar should comprise only 150 of those calories. Always be on the lookout for hidden sources of sugar such as those found in soda and juices.
A Healthy Breakfast: When you are sleeping your metabolism goes into more of a resting state. This is referred to as "catabolism". In order to turn it on as efficiently as possible, you need to eat a good breakfast. Having a protein with breakfast is helpful along with whole grains. A good breakfast choice might be a veggie omelet with whole wheat bread. Or some oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and a protein bar. And remember to start the day with drinking some fresh pure water to hydrate your body.
Eating Styles: Eating smaller "mini meals" is a very effective way to help you lose weight. Eating your meals at consistent times is helpful. Eating every three hours during the day is a good way to keep your body consistently fueled with energy. This will also keep you from overeating. Many people overeat because they starve themselves all day and then they binge on a huge dinner. The whole key to keeping weight off is to keep your metabolic rate as high as you can. Skipping meals actually lowers your metabolism.
Reward System: Everyone once in a while you really need to just reward yourself. If you are too regimented in your eating habits and never allow yourself a little indulgence now and then, one of two things will happen. Either you will end up binging or you will quit and begin to go back to your old habits. It is well known that when you are too restrictive in your diet you will usually binge within a month and potentially gain even more weight.
Supportive Relationships: Being with like minded people who take care of themselves will really help you. If you are with peers who are overweight and have no motivation to get in shape you will probably do the same. We tend to mirror those we associate with. So if this is your situation, why not look to broaden your horizons and meet new and interesting people. You could join a gym, or a local meet up group that does walking, hiking, swimming, dance, etc. This will change your outlook on yourself. Before you know it, you will incorporate new and healthy habits into your own life and be on your way to successful weight loss.
Eliminate Junk Foods: Go through your kitchen and eliminate all of the unhealthy junk foods and processed foods you have around. You will benefit yourself and your family by doing so. If you have easy access to junk foods, the odds are you will eat it. Anytime you feel rushed or upset about something you will reach out to these types of foods. Focus instead on filling your pantry with healthy, wholesome foods. Keep snacks such as fresh fruit and no sugar yogurts in your home.
Water: Water is very important to your good health. You need to stay hydrated. If it is hard for you to drink water, add fresh lemon or lime. Try drinking 4 to 6 glasses per day of water. Drinking water is helpful to weight loss because it keeps you feeling full. An easy way to get your water intake is to bring a few bottles with you to work to have readily available to you. This will lessen the temptation to consume soda or fruit juices that are high in calories and filled with sugar. Remember, whenever beginning any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffer from any disease or ailment.
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By Tina C. Loren

Weight Loss Tips - Eat Natural Foods

Over the years our eating habits have been changing, and this in part is down to the way we now live. People are working longer hours than ever before and the number of families which contain two parents who work has increased. These changes in society trends and our lifestyles have paved the way for the emergence (and an over reliance) on junk food, fast food and convenience (packaged and processed) foods.
These changes to our buying and eating habits, have not been good news for our diet. These junk and convenience foods normally have a high calorie, fat and salt content and very little nutritional value. This is why you tend to get hungry again quite soon after eating, leaving you prone to snacking and binge eating. With obesity rates and deaths relating to heart disease on the rise, there has never been a better time to consider a return to more wholesome and natural foods.
How often do you really think about the food you are eating on a regular basis? Where does it come from (how is it sourced) and how is it produced and packaged? Most convenience foods are packed with additives and preservatives to give them a long date. Before you next put an item in your shopping trolley, read the box carefully. Take notice of the calorie content, fat and saturated fat content, how much salt or sugar it contains and how much natural ingredients it contains. If there is no real nutritional content to the product or very little natural ingredients, but plenty of artificial flavourings and additives then put it back on the shelf.
It is worth taking a little time to shop more often, allowing you to buy more fresh foods. Aim for a diet filled with whole foods rather than foods that come out of a box or bag. When food is processed, a lot of the nutrients are taken out of it and replaced with additives and preservatives. Whole foods (foods that are eaten whole and in their natural state) are full of nutritional value and tend to contain less calories.
Fruit and vegetables are excellent examples of whole foods and you can grow them in your garden. try adding them to each meal and eating them as nutritional snacks. There are also beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, and fish (but watch how you cook it). Try swapping your fries for a baked potato and your soda for a glass of natural fruit juice. Whole wheat bread and oatmeal are also great breakfast ideas to give you a great start to the day.
Your success starts at the grocery, start reading labels and think about what you eat. Seek out those natural whole foods and start preparing meals with fresh ingredients. If you are serious about losing weight and want to improve your diet, then you need to start changing your eating habits. Embrace nature and eat more whole foods on a regular basis.
Would you like to learn how to lose weight fast and keep it off? Maybe you are looking to lose the beer belly [http://www.bestfatlossdiets.co.uk] or lose weight after pregnancy then I can help. My online weight loss resource offers you the opportunity to sign up for free weight loss tips. Learn the secrets to rapid safe weight loss [http://www.bestfatlossdiets.co.uk] and change your relationship with food forever. Take the first steps today to losing weight and feeling great.

How Natural Weight Loss Pills Work In Losing Weight

Losing weight and having the ideal body is almost everyone's dream these days. However, if you have ever tried to lose weight, you would know how difficult it is to lose even a pound. It really takes a lot of hard work, determination, and control to achieve your desired weight. There are even times when you try several weight loss plans and workouts but your weighing scale doesn't seem to budge. That is all common.
The bitter truth is that losing weight is not magic. It does actually require you to put in a lot of effort and determination to achieve your weight loss goals. All those advertisements that run on the internet, with banners like "lose 10 pounds in 1 week without exercising and starving", are nothing but false promises. If such products existed and actually worked, no one would be overweight today.
There are no miracles involved in losing fat and there are no ancient secrets of losing weight. The clear-cut way of losing your weight is to move your body, burn more calories than you take and eat the right type of foods.
So if this is true and if there is no magic involved, do you need to take any kind of natural weight loss pills in your diet plan? Do these natural pills help you lose weight in any way? Or, are they just a waste of money?
The truth is, natural fat loss pills are actually effective in losing weight but only with the help of proper diet plan and workout.
Natural weight loss supplements contain natural ingredients, which are known to speed up metabolism. Slow metabolism is one reason why people can't easily lose their weight even after trying diet plans and workouts. Due to their slow metabolism, their body burns fat very slowly, hence the slow weight loss.
Diet supplements speed up the metabolism and help to lose weight quickly. These just act as "supplements" and not the actual way of losing weight. When taken with proper diet plan and workouts, fat loss pills can speed up your weight loss. On the other hand, taking weight loss pills without diet control or workouts is just like pulling the rope equally from both ends.
Apart from metabolism speed, diet supplements also help to reduce hunger pangs. These contain natural ingredients for example green tea, which help to reduce hunger. When you feel less hungry, it will be easy to control your diet. Hunger pangs are the most prevalent reasons of weight gain. When you are hungry, you are likely to snack on carbs and fats, which will do you no good. By using these weight loss pills, your hunger pangs are controlled and so, your diet can be kept in check easily.
These are the two basic ways how natural weight loss pills work. However, it really depends on the ingredients present in the pills you use. Make sure you carefully check the ingredients and their uses before you buy any pill.
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Why Natural Weight Loss Treatment Is Better?

Weight loss has been propagated as an essential personality factor today. It certainly counts very much for a pleasing personality, but cannot be termed as an imperative component of an attractive personality. Fat people can also look attractive, but yes, the slimmer and thinner ones can win the battle easily. It matters very much to the energy and efficiency of an individual, and affects the way she or he performs.
You might think of it being hyped as part of business gimmick, but recent researches have proved that obesity is really causing deadly diseases to the individuals. As the life is getting complicated, and time is growing short for daily stuff, many people find it difficult to burn fat through exercise. Therefore they look for alternative means to lose weight. This requirement of consumers has given way to several alternative means of losing weight, ranging from medical, surgical, herbal, physical, and even spiritual or supernatural. While the impact of all such means depend upon several different factors and varies that much from each other, all of them are not safe for sure. In order to ensure safe solutions, one must stick to natural weight loss treatment only.
Some people buy diet pills as an easier alternate without knowing of their side effects. Even if you have been assured of this point, one must learn about its ingredients and research well prior to its consumption. There are natural options available too. But, you need to be cautious here too. There are many manufacturers who claim their products to be 100% natural and safe for the humane consumption, but it may not be so always. All natural products are not always safe for all. There are some natural products which, if consumed more than prescribed dosage, might harm to a person with weaker digestive system. But, there are some products which are made from safer natural ingredients such as from green coffee bean extracts. These are said to be effective in increasing metabolism and burning fat naturally. Thus, by giving a thinner structure, it improves energy level, and adds to the stamina of an individual.
The reason why green-coffee bean extract is considered a better natural alternative of weight loss medicine is that it has three prolonged effects on human body. It provides proper nutrients, supplements as a balanced diet, and thereby improves fitness. This ingredient therefore is sought as a perfect weight loss treatment which also fulfills fitness goals of the individual.
Whatever way you go to lose weight, the natural way is the only safest medium to lose weight without making any other harm to the body. Most of these natural products, which are available in the market today, are extracts of some sorts of organic plants, herbs, berries, or fruits. The extra benefit that these natural supplements can serve is better health and improved immune system. In many cases these natural supplements are rich with anti-oxidants which add glow to our skin, and keep it live longer. So, whenever there is a reason why you should think of losing weight, think of natural weight loss treatment first.
Devjeet K Singh is expert nutritionist and is a regular contributing columnist in a wide variety of health magazines. You can check out his latest contribution on weight loss supplements  at his webstore http://revolutionlaboratories.com 

Natural Supplements For Weight Loss

Here I figured out a list of natural supplements for weight loss and for health.
Serotonin helps you stop eating after consuming the recommended amount of food every day. Low serotonin levels stimulate appetite control centers in the brain, resulting in strong cravings for carbohydrates in particular,and leading you to overeating.
In research studies, 5-hydroxytryptophan (also known as 5-HTP) is the immediate precursor to serotonin (5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine). Serotonin plays an important role in regulation of mood, appetite, body temperature, and the secretion of various hormones.
This type of natural supplementation has been shown to promote weight loss by increasing satiety, leading to fewer calories being consumed at meals,and suppressing appetite.
5-HTP is extracted from the seed of an African plant called Griffonia simplicifolia and it's a natural supplement for weight loss and for other disorders in your body.
It should only be recommended by a naturopathic doctor or other appropriately trained health practitioner.
Side effects can include mild nausea.
Medium-Chain Triglycerides
This is a saturated fat found in grapeseed oil and coconut oil.Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are natural supplements for weight loss and they increase metabolism helping burning more calories during the day. Unlike the long chain triglycerides (LCT) that are the form of fat ingested and stored by the body, MCT are quickly converted and burned as energy. Doctors recommend MCT for the treatment of obesity. They suggests integrating one to two tablespoons per day into the diet, for example, as an ingredient in homemade salad dressings. MCT should be introduced into the diet gradually to avoid stomach irritation. A diet low in LCT should be maintained for maximum benefit. People with diabetes, lung or liver disease, or other health conditions should avoid MCT.
Caffeine (Coffee, tea, cola nut, guarana)
The methylxanthines in caffeinated products have a thermogenic effect on the body, which can promote weight loss.It can be found between the natural supplements for weight loss,however, methylxanthines have a negative effect on the overall health of the body,although is natural, especially when taken in large quantities for long periods of time. They can increase blood pressure, increase heart rate, and cause insomnia or anxiety.
Natural Vitamins and Supplements for weight loss
Natural multi vitamins, Biotin, Vitamin A, B, C, D and E.They are ideal for the alternative healthy way,which also leads to healthy weight loss when following a low-calorie diet.This vitamin supplements will help you eat less and remain healthy.
Mineral & Calcium Supplement
Multi Minerals, Calcium Supplement, Cal-Mag, Potassium, Magnesium, Selenium, Chromium, Iron, Silica and Zinc.They are also good for the overall health,which also leads to healthy weight loss when following a low-calorie diet.This mineral supplements will help you eat less and stay healthy.
Antioxidants and Antioxidant Herbs
Antioxidant herbs and supplements like Alpha Lipoic Acid, CoQ10, Grape Seed Extract, Pycnogenol and Lutein.Herbal Antioxidants supplements helps your body remain healthier and younger.
Natural Green Supplements
Try nature's green foods supplements for health and weight loss.The modern diet is saturated with processed and hard-to-digest foods that create a high level of acid in your body, causing illness and disease. Natural herbal green supplements ingredients help neutralize this acid and pull the blood and tissue balance back to the ideal alkaline body while feeding the body with green food nutrients.
Essential Fatty Acids
A comprehensive range of Omega Oil Combinations, Essential Fatty Acids, Evening Primrose Oil, Organic Flax Seed Oil and Cod Liver Oil key supplements for alternative health remedies.EFA's are essential for proper health, yet most people lack this important nutrient in their diets thinking that fat is bad for weight loss.Essential fatty acids help with the formation of healthy cell membranes, the proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the production of hormone-like substances. These chemicals regulate numerous body functions including lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood viscosity, vasoconstriction, immune and inflammatory responses.
Amino Acid Supplements
The Complete Amino Acid Complex provides both essential and non-essential amino acids in a highly bioavailabile form. When combined with an adequate daily intake of protein, this supplement helps produce a balanced mixture of amino acids in the body to support healthy tissue growth.
Natural Supplements for Weight Loss
Weight loss supplements such as herbal formulas,are plant extracts to help suppress appetite and sugar cravings while increasing the bodies metabolism to burn unwanted body fat.
There are also weight loss supplements based on the health of the thyroid gland.
An under active thyroid is the result of underproduction of thyroid hormones.
This can lead to many symptoms that are so common that sadly that they are often accepted as a function of everyday life. Symptoms include weight gain, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, constipation, depression, feel cold while others are hot or a swollen goiter.
Many natural supplements for weight loss like vitamins,minerals,healthy ones,are very good for sustaining your weight loss diet plan.
Weight loss supplements such as herbal formulas,are plant extracts to help suppress appetite and sugar cravings while increasing the body's metabolism to burn fat faster.
Remember that if you aim to a long term-healthy weight loss your first target is a healthy diet.With health also comes weight loss.
Alberta McKain is nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" she decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com], containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.
Visiting the website will help you make a wise decision. www.LoseWeightFast.999answers.com [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com]

Skin Care Natural Beauty Product - What's Effective and What's Not

To have a glowing young looking skin is necessary to take care of your face every day and have some special lifestyle changes that support the health of your body. Many skin care products are available in the market for sale, but few are actually effective and healthy for your body.
Even though there are many beauty products, most of them are made with chemicals like parabens, petrolatum, alcohol, fragrances and mineral oil. Those substances are harm the skin and cause secondary effects such as irritation, inflammation, dyes and dryness.
However not all facial products are the same, natural made creams are harmless and can really provide your skin with the nutrients it needs to heal it self naturally and therefore have a beautiful facial look even as you age.
Nature has a lot of natural extracts with healing power, you may have heard about how good is to use fruits to make homemade skin care recipes, however not everyone knows how to do them and there are many natural ingredients from different parts of the world with powerful anti aging properties.
A skin care natural beauty product should not contain any chemical substances and should include ingredients from natural extracts like avocado extract, manuka honey, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, vitamin c and others that contain many healing properties.
For example vitamin c can increase your skin collagen level and also protect it from free radicals. CynergyTk is a natural compound that contain functional kertain which increases collagen and elastin proteins by stimulating your skin cells. Those ingredients are used in some of the most effective natural creams.
Some of the best natural creams are made in New Zealand,a company called Xtendlife.org manufactures creams with some of the best natural ingredients and compounds from different parts of the world. Natural extracts will heal and provide your skin with long term health.
Click Here to Discover The shocking truth on the real Natural Anti aging Skin Care Creams that dramatically reduce wrinkles, eye bags, dark circles, fine lines, hydrate your skin and make you look years younger without any side effect.
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How to Get Beautiful and Smooth Skin - 3 Natural and Healthy Tips

When you see someone that has the most beautiful skin you have ever seen, you wonder how they get it that way.
You may be surprised that skin that is this kind of lovely comes only from using natural ingredients. Your skin can look much smoother and more radiant when it is getting the right nutrients, hydration, and protection it needs to do so.
What are the three most important kinds natural ingredients your skin needs?
1. Cynergy TK is Number One
Inside the layers of your skin are present certain types of proteins. These proteins are the reason your skin holds together and produces that bounce back feel of elasticity.
Growing older means a slow down in your skin's natural process to make these proteins. Cynergy TK is the ingredient that is excellent at stimulating this process into better production. Phytessence Wakame is another natural ingredient that works well with Cynergy TK in boosting protein action.
2. The Best Treatment For Hydration
When you think about what it means to moisturize your skin, you should also keep in mind that you need an ingredient that is closest of all to the natural hydrating oils made by your skin. The ingredient that is comes in the form of Jojoba Oil. Even when you have trouble with oily skin, you will see results in the lessening of it when you use Jojoba Oil because it balances out your natural oils.
3. Protecting Your Interests in Moisture
The greatest problem with moisturizing your skin is making sure that moisture stays in. For the best in hydration and the protection of it, you should choose Babassu and Grapeseed Oil. You will get some of the best natural moisture barriers you can have. Shea butter is another ingredient that works well as a natural protector.
To have and maintain beautiful skin, you are going to need to find the right kinds of treatments. These kinds of treatments should always contain only those ingredients of pure and natural sources.
If you want to find the best beauty creams , strip years away from your age and banish wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin for good: you need to do your research! Find proven natural skin care products that do what they say and you will discover, like I did, that staying young and beautiful is not as difficult as some would have you believe!
Visit http://www.moisturizerreviews.net/  to discover the exact same secrets and lies I uncovered that big skin care companies do not want you to know!

Natural Skin Cream Preserves Your Skin's Beauty

Natural skin cream is well-within the reach of the home crafter. Although you would think that making creams and lotions at home is extremely difficult, this is not the case at all! If you can handle melting some waxes and oils together, and are sure that you can use a hand-held blender to mix these with some water and fragrance--you have all the skills that you need to make creams at home that help ward off the signs of aging.
While making natural skin cream is not a difficult thing, that does not mean that you can be careless when making it. Cleanliness is imperative when crafting creams and lotions. All equipment, including measuring cups and stirring equipment should be sanitized prior to use. The easiest way to accomplish this is by making a sanitizing solution with bleach. You only need one teaspoon of bleach per quart of hot water. Thoroughly wash all your equipment, then leave it in the sanitizer for at least five minutes before beginning the lotion process to ensure that you have killed any microbes.
The very best thing about making natural skin cream is that you can totally customize it for consistency, color and fragrance. If you would like a very thick cream, use a little less distilled water in your recipe. On the contrary, if you would like it thinner instead, simply add additional water to the mix. If you want your product to be colored, use some soap making colorant to tint it to your desired shade. For a delightful fragrance, try making some custom blends of essential oils to add to your product. You could choose to make a lovely pear ginger blend or red grapefruit and ylang ylang to make your finished product extra special.
Natural skin cream has no preservatives, so it is very important to either make your cream in a very small batch that can be used up quickly, or add a natural preservative if you want to keep it longer than just a few days. A few vitamin E capsules squeezed into your blend adds antioxidants, and helps to preserve your lotion. Another option is to add some high-proof grain alcohol(vodka) to your lotion blend to act as a preservative. Please note that this last treatment will do nothing to preserve the crafter, so don't drink your preservative faster than you can add it to your product.
Want to make natural skin cream [http://homemadebeautyproducts.net/70/make-lotions-at-home-keep-it-clean] and other great homemade skin care products? Learn how at [http://homemadebeautyproducts.net]. Get your FREE copy of our guide to making homemade lip balms when you visit today.

The Secret To Natural Skin Beauty

Homemade Beauty Tips - The Secret Of Natural Beauty And Products That Work
Ladies in the European and Asian countries have long used natural and organic skin care products or recipes to maintain beautiful skin. Thus women of all ages are slowly looking and finding more homemade beauty tips using natural or organic products and avoiding synthetics. This article discusses finding natural beauty tips and natural beauty products that work.
A lot of women now are realising that natural beauty products and skin care tips are far better than some of the well known brands from the most expensive shops. Not all women are in the position to be able to buy top of the range skin care products are now realising that it does not necessarily mean they are better.
More companies are understanding women's needs for natural and organic products but some of these still have preservatives and sometimes banned products from other countries. Usually the cheaper natural products are far better for our skin.
An alternative to buying natural beauty products is to look for natural beauty tips and beauty recipes that will allow you to create products in your own home using clean, so we can control what we put on our face and skin.
Avoiding harsh chemicals will ensure we do not ingest these into our bodies and cause other harmful rashes and disease.
Although the word natural implies that everyone can use it, we still need to be aware that some women are still allergic to certain natural products and they still have to read the ingredients.
This is why then that actually making your own products from items in the home can solve many womens problems. Once you have determined your skin type as to whether you have dry, oily sensitive, a combination or normal only then can you start using what is correct for you personally.
Some of these tips will work on everybody and some on only a few. Some testing is required.
Where you live will determine the natural products that will work best for you in the country you live in. Your skin will vary depending if you live in a hot country as opposed to a cold country. Living in Australia as compared to Norway, you will need a totally different regime.
There are many products that have the natural essential oils in them. Rosewater is brilliant for the skin for example.
Fruits like the pawpaw make a great exfoliation. This is just one example of natural skin care. These natural beauty tips are very effective and are used by myself.
A important aspect of natural beauty is using a morning and evening routine of cleansing and moisturising. Add to this a good eating routine, some exercise and most importantly stay hydrated! Water is the most important ingredient in skin care. This helps plump the skin out.
For more information on how you can have beautiful natural skin visit my website.
By Julie Edwards
For more information on secret natural skin care beauty tips go to http://secretskinbeauty.com/ 

7 Beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

Acne. Boy do I hate it. Those pimples popping up all over my face back in my teenaged years. Even now, I do get acne outbreaks when I am stressed, or use the wrong skin care product. I've been to many doctors who are able to clear my acne, until the next outbreak.
Part of the reason is oily skin. Greasy skin that traps dirt and skin debris clogging up pores make your skin pores an excellent breeding place for bacteria. The bacteria multiplies and voila. You have acne.
All is not lost. If you have oily skin that is prone to acne, here are 7 beauty tips to help keep the pimples away.
1. Keep your HANDS off your face.
You hands, after touching so many things, opening the door, picking up a bag, things we do everyday, are covered with bacteria. The last thing you want is to put that bacteria on your face. Touch your face often with your hands, or worse still, pick those pimples with your fingers, and you will see the pimples multiply.
2. Keep your HAIR off your face.
If you have oily skin, you probably have oily hair. Oily hair brushing against your face adds to the oil. Oil, sweat and skin debris are a great way to clog the pores in your skin, leading to more pimples. If you notice pimples appearing on your forehead, or your cheeks and chin, typically where your hair might brush against, your hair could be the culprit. Wear a hairband, use hair clips to keep your hair off your face, tie it into a pony tail, or get a hair cut.
3. Wash your face 3 times a day with a good acne cleanser.
I got that tip from a doctor. I washed my face when I woke up, at lunch time and at bedtime with a cleanser that is meant for skin that has acne. My skin cleared when I stuck to the routine and used only skin care products meant for skin with acne. A bar of soap meant for washing your face does the trick just as well.
4. Stick to acne skin care
Every time I stray from that point, I end up with a major acne outbreak. Always. Everytime I see my pals with exceptionally radiant skin, I want to use whatever they use. I would switch to richer, anti aging skin care as a preventive measure, worried about wrinkles appearing when I get older. That backfires every time. I end up with more pimples. Stick to good acne skin care products [http://www.everythingbeauty.info/acne.htm].
5. Relax
Did you notice how pimples tend to appear more before a stressful event. Exams. A big date. A presentation. Stress wreaks havoc on your skin. Ok, pimples can also pop up due to hormonal imbalances, like just before your period.
6. Sleep
Your skin heals itself when you sleep. Your entire body heals itself in your sleep. A night without sleep may lead to more pimples. Make it a habit to leave your worries behind and get a good night's sleep. Work out more earlier in the day. Get some exercise before evening. It helps.
7. Stay away from pressed powder compact.
Yup. You heard me right. I got this tip from a friend. Her friend used a pressed powder compact to hide her acne. Instead, the more she used it the worse it got. Just think. By mid day, your skin gets oily. You take out the powder compact, and use that powder puff to apply pressed powder on your face. Now, your face would already have dirt, bacteria and oil on it. Pat your face with that powder puff and now that puff picks up the dirt, bacteria and oil. You put it back into the compact. The bacteria happily breeds in there. Then you take out the compact again and pat more powder, mixed with oil, dirt and bacteria onto your face, picking up more gunk, putting in more gunk into your compact. The cycle goes on. A better bet would be to use blotting paper to blot off the excess oil instead. Then you can throw the paper away after use. Use the blotting paper meant for your face like the ones found at [http://www.everythingbeauty.info/blotting%20paper.htm]
About this powder puff thing, make it a point to wash your powder puff and all your make up brushes regularly, with soap and water. Then dry them completely before you keep them. Guess that would make it an 8th tip right?
Oily, acne prone skin needs a lot of care. The bright side is that oily skin is slower to show signs of aging than dry skin. Take care of your skin and you'll probably look younger than your peers as the decades go by.
You can find more information about how to deal with acne at acne remedies and skin care for teens [http://www.sisadvice.com/teenskinwoes.html]. The writer is the webmaster of http://www.sisadvice.com

Beautiful Skin The Natural Way

Learn about natural ingredients that are beneficial for your skin. There different uses that will make your skin soft and rejuvenate. The use of natural products have been proven to increase the health of your skin. To keep your skin firm and supple, smooth, and nourished.
If you follow these tips, you will ensure no matter what your skin type you will be giving it the best to ensure it stays looking it's best.
  • Almond: Almond rather it's in butter, powder or oil is rich in proteins and vitamin D, you can use this product to soften and condition dry skin. Skin care products that contain almond oil are especially effective for sensitive skin. Containing beneficial antioxidants which will cleanse and eliminate toxins. Making your skin smooth and glowing from inside out.

  • Cucumber: Cucumber is rich in vitamin, mineral and enzymes for strong cell growth and repair. Cucumber is effective when used for various other skin problems, and helps relieve swollen eyes and dark circles. Using products with cucumber can simply make you look beautiful.

  • Grape seed Oil: Grape seed oil has antioxidants, and vitamins that are effective for a variety of problems. From sunburn to wrinkles, acne and dry skin, grape seed oil contains polyphenols, which helps to slow aging, as well as anti- oxidants that help clear up acne. It has the ability to lock in moister, which leaves your skin soft and smooth.

  • Hazel nut: Hazelnuts has deep penetration and stimulating to the circular system. It tones and brightens your complexion, and is beneficial to all skin types. It is very light and easily gets absorbed into the skin.

  • Mango: Mango is extremely high in vitamin A, C and beta carotone. It helps to prevent wrinkles and drying of the skin. Mango restores cells and skin's natural flexibility. Using mango relieves peeling and irritations, healing chapped skin. Mango juice is good to treat pimples and dulling problems from the sun.

  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal when use as a skin cleanser, actually absorbs impurities while exfoliating, and leaving your skin smooth, soft, and clean. As a facial mask, oatmeal deep cleansers pores without drying out the skin. An excellent multi-purpose skin care treatment, helps to relieve dryness, restoring natural moisture balance to help heal minor irritation. Leaving a healthy glow.

  • Rice Bran Oil: Rice Bran Oil is easily absorbed and great for serve dry skin, rosaces and eczema. It great for wrinkles and tightening of the skin and it has been shown to aid in prevention of acne and other skin problems.

  • Rose hip Oil: Rose hip Oil contain vitamin A, which helps the effect of skin aging. It reduces scares and wrinkles, ad helps to regain natural color and tone. Rose hip oil, because of its high absorbing will penetrate the skin and almost instantly restore moisture to your skin. To have a healthier and smoother complexion.

  • Shea Butter: Shea butter is an extract from the pit of a fruit that resembles the plum. Being highly nourishing it has amazing healing powers. Shea Butter soothes rough, dry or chapped skin and helps soften dry skin.
These natural ingredients will help improve your skin's ability to retain its natural moisture. I'm confident that you will not only see a difference in your skin but also see an improvement in how your skin feels.
Giving and getting tips on skin care:

Fun Nutrition Games for Kids

Most kids like to wrap up a hearty play session with a snack to replenish energy - incidentally, this post-game feast is the perfect time to introduce important concepts about nutrition. This guide covers three educational games that will help your kids learn about healthy snack choices while enjoying their favorite snacks, a memorable combination.
3 Nutrition Games for Children
You can adapt these games for children of any age by changing the rules and asking harder questions.
1. Food Group Mix and Match
This is an easy game for little ones. As you're preparing a meal or snack, let the children group the ingredients into their respective food groups. If they're old enough to know about vitamins, you could let them sort the ingredients by vitamin content or try the same with calories. Every mistake is an opportunity to share a little bit of information about the foods that the kids are about to eat.
2. Playing Chef
Younger kids love to help around the house, and older kids like to learn new skills they can use to impress their friends. Cooking is a great activity for both age groups. Younger kids might have fun arranging the ingredients for a meal into a life-sized food pyramid, while older kids can enjoy flexing their creativity to come up with recipes that include one ingredient from each food group. Both of these activities let kids feel like they accomplished something that the entire family gets to enjoy - a healthy meal.
3. The Food-Source Scrapbook
Visual and hands-on learners will like this one. A food source scrapbook is a fun family project, pieced together from trips to the places where food comes from. Even magazine clippings will work great for creating a scrapbook. Your children can make a page for each of their favorite foods, along with pictures that depict where that food comes from.
Try to show the sources of all the ingredients, including salt mines or peppercorn vines. Include a map of the country of import if your family is concerned about environment in addition to health. They will learn a lot when they ask where popular snack foods come from and see the big factories / vats of byproduct standing in contrast to sprawling farms and open pastures.
Who said nutrition had to wait for health class? Schools don't have time to make sure kids know the intricacies of the food groups and how they come together to form a healthy diet. The older kids grow the more freedom they receive in terms of food choices - and like any other freedom, children need the tools to use it responsibly.
Good nutrition one of most important things in raising healthy children. I recommend you visit this highly reputable online source for pediatric health: http://kidsworldmd.com

Game Day Nutrition - What Should Kids Eat?

Game Day Nutrition - Canteen or Not To Canteen...
Game day nutrition is far more important now than it used to be. Why? Things have changed for the next generation of youth athletes. They lead busier lives than their parents did at the same age with a daily grind of a full day of school followed by practices and plenty of homework. Their weekends are stacked with several games over 2 days depending on the sport they play. Their preparation leading up to games is important to set the tone for their body. A lack of proper nutrition and rest can lead to fatigue or even illness.
Ultra-competitive youth sports can consume plenty of energy from kids so good eating habits translate onto the field of play. They have to eat properly - food fuels sports. Some of the basic factors to consider are competition level, age, and size.
With children having bodies that are still growing, the primary focus should be to make sure they are getting the proper level of carbs and proteins in their game day nutrition. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy and proteins help athletes maintain muscles that are being used in competition. Protein contains essential amino acids that help the body function properly.
Time restraints can make preparing meals ahead of time a challenge. But it's important not to go with the easy way out and eat at the canteen: candy bars, sodas and chips. Taking the time to pack a cooler with nutritious foods will benefit your child's ability to play well and will have long term lasting results.
Planning Game Day Nutrition
To start your game day nutrition, plan a meal 3 hours or more before activity with plenty of carbs and a moderate amount of protein but low in fat and fiber. Fat and fiber take longer to digest and can cause an upset stomach so it's best to avoid these foods until after the game.
If kids eat less than 3 hours before a game or practice, serve a light meal or snack with easy-to-digest carbohydrates such as fruit, fruit/vegetable juice, crackers, or bread.
The post-meal for game day nutrition would be the same as for an adult, experts recommend eating within 15 - 30 minutes after intense activity and again 2 hours later. Your child's body will be rebuilding muscle tissue and refilling energy stores and fluids for up to 24 hours after the competition. So it's important that the post-game meal be a balance of lean protein, carbs, and fat.
Meal and Snack Suggestions
A good breakfast for young athletes might include
  • low-fat yogurt with some granola and a banana
  • whole-grain cereal and low-fat milk with sliced strawberries
  • a glass of orange juice, along with single servings of oatmeal and blueberries
  • whole-grain bagels, toast, waffles or pancakes for a quick carbohydrate fix
  • sources of protein include eggs, peanut butter, nuts and milk or other dairy products.
  • include fruit in your meal -- an apple or a handful of grapes are quick to grab on the way out the door.
For lunch:
  • try bean burritos with low-fat cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes
  • a turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread and fruit
  • grilling a turkey hot dog and topping it with canned turkey chili for a high-protein, low-fat meal
  • Southwest tuna wrap: mix canned black beans, prepared salsa and cheese, and wrapping it with lettuce in a tortilla.
  • a simple tuna sandwich: dice some green onions, combine with the tuna and season it with salt, pepper, light mayonnaise
For dinner:
  • serve grilled chicken breasts with steamed rice and vegetables
  • pasta with tomato sauce and lean ground beef, along with a salad
  • grilled or baked salmon, baked sweet potatoes and steamedcabbage
Good snacks include:
  • pretzels
  • raisins
  • crackers
  • bagels
  • string cheese
  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • protein bars are a good choice for sustained energy
Some really easy game day nutrition ideas are smoothies (protein shakes), chocolate milk, or regular low fat milk which are good sources of both carbohydrates and protein. You can purchase smoothies pre-made or even packaged in bottles. This proves to be a bit more child friendly. They can have a small portion, cap it and drink more later.
Drink Up! Game Day Nutrition isn't JUST Food!
When packing your child's bag for the big day, add a water bottle or sports drink.
During games, the number 1 priority should be hydration. Young athletes don't regulate body temperature nearly as well as adults do. If you as a parent find it hot, think about how your child might feel. Thirst is not a reliable indicator of hydration status so experts recommend that kids drink water or other fluids before and every 15 to 20 minutes during physical activity. It's important to drink afterwards to restore fluid lost through sweat.
Most of the time, water is sufficient to meet the needs of hydration. However, there are instances where a sports drink can serve as a better mode of hydration. If a young athlete competes for over 60 minutes at a high intensity, sports drinks can be important. Sports drinks are designed to provide energy and replace electrolytes - such as sodium and potassium - that athletes lose in sweat. You're not going to need it if you are simply engaged in 45 minutes of moderate activity. Diluted juices are another option but avoid sugary drinks and carbonated beverages that can upset the stomach and add unnecessary calories. At the end of a game, it is critical that hydration continues and calories are consumed. Make sure they keep drinking immediately after the event.
The bottom line is that for most young athletes, water is the best choice for hydration. After the activity, carbohydrates and electrolytes can be replenished.
It's important to feed your child healthy meals and snacks consistently, even during the off-season. Game day nutrition is far easier for your child to understand if it is done all of the time. This will provide a solid foundation so you are not fighting with your child during times of competition about why the canteen is not a good choice. A healthy eating habit by your child will serve them well going into adulthood.
My name is Jacques Delorme and I run a youth nutrition blog at http://visportsnutrition.ca where you can get all sorts of information on nutrition, exercise and motivation for youth athletes. Visit my site and feel free to leave comments and questions if you need more information.

The Science of Appetite - Beating Overeating

For those who need science as soon as possible, science delivery team AsapSCIENCE is usually on the ball. This week, they teach us exactly how appetite works, and why we overeat even though we know that, logically, we shouldn’t be hungry. It’s a little more complicated than you might think. Watch the video and read on to figure out why you finished that entire party-sized bag of chips the other day.

Child Nutrition: Help Your Child Be Healthy

The food your child eats is important not only now but also for the rest of his or her life. A small child is going to need various types of foods for energy to play, grow, and to build a healthy body. Muscles and bones are forming over the first fifteen years of life, and when eating the right types of foods and including smart nutrition your child is more likely to avoid sickness and to ward off some types of disease.
Your child's nutrition
Your child's nutrition is going to start with you. You child is going to see what foods you eat, and when you are more likely to eat them, and your child is going to build their own habits from those habits he or she sees you following. If you eat breakfast on the go, all the time, your child will feel this is normal and ok, but you should be sitting down to a breakfast every morning for good nutrition basics. Even if you are eating a bowl of cereal or you are enjoying a glass of juice, taking five minutes will encourage better eating habits.
Nutrition for your child's health
Healthy beginnings start with fruits, vegetables and good portions of meats. The food pyramid is going to be important in the early stages of life so that your child will learn to eat many types of foods, and not only the foods they like the taste and looks of. Giving your child many options in life will help them pick foods that are better for them in the long run. Healthy children are not going to eat burgers and fries for every meal, but they will have a well-rounded life with nutrition builders such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and variations of these builders.
Teaching good habits for your child's nutrition awareness will start with reading labels. Learn about what preservatives and additives are in some of the foods you are eating, and then talk about these with your child as they grow. Include foods that are all natural, or that contain very little preservatives for a solid start in their understanding of nutrition.
Be patient.
Don't try to force your children to eat if they refuse to finish their meal. By creating drama in the kitchen, you set a bad tone for the future. Kids will automatically think of mealtime as a negative experience and will only become more reluctant when it comes to eating. Be persistent by offering a variety of foods along with those you know they like. As new foods become familiar, your children will be more likely to try them.
* Remember, timing is everything. In the midst of a dinnertime showdown, children don't want to hear all of the reasons why they should eat the food sitting on their plate.
For more information about parenting guide and kids recipes [http://www.ParentingGuide.info], please visit [http://www.ParentingGuide.info]

Five Simple Healthy Recipes for Kids

Those of you with children may find it difficult to offer healthy recipes for kids throughout the entire day. This may be especially troublesome these days if your children have already developed some poor eating habits or if they are among friends who are consistently eating fast food and bags of potato chips.
However don't worry, with a little bit of persuasion and vital teachings from your part, you can open your children's eyes to the wonderful world of healthy nutrition.
This is the perfect opportunity to educate your children about the importance of eating healthy, and what the long term repercussions can be if a person does not monitor what they eat. It's never too early to educate them about healthy nutrition in the hopes that from your teachings they grow up taking care of their bodies and never have to worry about health related issues of being overweight or obese.
Here are some healthy recipes for kids to get you started building your arsenal of meals that will be conducive to a nutritious and well balanced life. As you explore these options, take note of what your family enjoys eating and additional possibilities that you may think of. Often merely tweaking a few ingredients can produce an entirely new meal without needing much extra work.
1. Beef Bowl with pudding dessert.
Grilled or baked strips/chunks of meat with a layer of brown rice, beans, and any vegetables you know your family prefers. You can even add beans if you'd like, or potato wedges instead of rice. As a dessert, a small helping of pudding with a dash of whipped cream and a cherry to top it off.
2. Grilled chicken wraps with jello dessert.
These can be fantastic choices to offer your family because aside from the grilled chicken, you can include a variety of vegetables or other low calorie options that will taste great such as lettuce, beans, brown rice, tomatoes, onions, or even some shredded low fat mozzarella cheese. Use a whole wheat tortilla instead of tortillas made with refined flour.
3. Whole wheat pasta with turkey meatballs and frozen yogurt dessert.
Instead of eating the standard pasta made of refined enriched flour, opt for 100 percent whole grain pasta since it is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and high in fiber so you will eat less of it to get full. Ground turkey is also better for you than regular ground beef, or you can ever select the garden meat variety that is vegetarian to make your meatballs or meat sauce.
4. Soup and Salad.
There are a variety of soups such as vegetable, lentil, and minestrone that are all healthy and great tasting. Spice it up for kids by throwing in a few goldfish crackers and they will happily eat it all. A bowl of soup and a salad with their favorite toppings and a light salad dressing, PRESTO... you have a healthy meal on your hands.
5. Tuna pita pockets with applesauce dessert.
Whole wheat pita pockets provide the perfect "container" to place an assortment of healthy edibles within, and kids will treat it just like a taco. Tuna with lettuce, olives and some parmesan cheese can be a great starting point.
The healthy recipes for kids listed above are all far better and lower in calories than the majority of fast food or pizza delivery options available around you. Use these meals as building blocks to get you thinking of other possibilities you could prepare for your children. Depending on the age of your kids (5-10), you may want to get a little creative with the presentation of the meal. It's the simple things that matter, so think how you can present the healthy meal in a way so that they will start asking you to cook this meal again in the future. Sometimes by merely adding a decorative garnish such as a fruit cutout or curly orange/apple peel can inspire your child to want to eat the meal. If adding that little extra is all it takes to get them eating in a healthier manner, the minute or two spent on the presentation is well worth it.
If your children are older (11-18), then definitely a more serious conversation should take place. You can even gather specific articles and pictures from the Internet that will work wonders for motivation. Nothing works better than a graphic representation of a coronary bypass surgery.
Keep in mind as you build your library of healthy recipes for kids, maintain an ongoing recipe book where you continually add new healthy meals that your family enjoys. Pretty soon you will have a book full of healthy recipes for kids and if you want, you can even let your children decide which meals to cook out of the recipes you have collected. This way they will feel more connected to what is prepared and served that day.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com/why-cant-i-lose-weight.

How to Prepare Healthy Meals For Kids

Wouldn't it be great if kids grew up loving fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and everything that was healthy and nutritious for them? When parents prepare healthy meals for their kids, they are helping to develop exactly the right habits that will allow them to grow up not only eating, but enjoying all types of healthy and nutritious foods. So let's see what's involved in preparing a healthy kids meal.
In order for a child to enjoy healthy foods, the foods need to be appealing to children. Why do you think there are chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs? Breakfast cereals come in bright colors shaped like all kinds of cartoon characters? Fast food kid's meals come with toys? The food industry knows that these are all appealing to a child's imagination.
Healthy kids meals will all have the following characteristics:
· Have fun and imaginative names that your child can identify with
· Have bright colors and come in interesting shapes and/or designs
· Have familiar textures, crisp vegetables, crunchy snacks, juicy fruits, etc
· Come in kid sized portions
By introducing children to foods that are healthy and nutritious in a fun and imaginative way, it is already appealing to them and they will want to try it. Nothing is more difficult than getting a child to eat his/her Brussel Sprouts 'because I told you they are good for you'. Also, by appealing to your child's imagination, you can start to engage him/her in some of the planning and preparation.
Kids love to help mom and dad do stuff, whatever it is, so this is an excellent chance to get them involved and start developing those healthy eating habits. To get your child involved, and keep their interest, all recipes should:
· Use basic ingredients found in most home pantries
· Be simple to prepare allowing the child to help
· Be fast to prepare (~15 minutes)
Although most kids will have a favorite food that they want to eat every meal of every day, variety is also important since it allows you to introduce a wider range of healthy foods into their diet. Also, not every meal is going to be a well balanced dinner. Healthy eating habits means selecting healthful and nutritious options for all meals including:
· Drinks
· Snacks
· Packed lunches for school
· Prepared lunches at home
· Evening meals
· Desserts
The goal is to have your kids enjoying healthy foods, and eating well balanced and nutritious meals before they even realize it's good for them, and by that time they will like the foods so much, they won't care. So instead of engaging in a battle of wills over who's not leaving the table until they finish their broccoli, prepare healthy kids meals that are so much fun they'll be asking for more.
I'm Mark and I love my kids (twins) and want them to grow up healthy and strong which is why knowing how to prepare healthy meals is important to me. If you liked this article and want more information go to Prepare Healthy Meals for Kids. In addition, I've got lots of other information on ingredients, recipes, kitchen appliances, nutrition, and more on my blog at Home Chef Cooking Tips.

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